Balotelli Apology

BillyShears said:
Is this bag head still being given air time ?

Oh dear.

Billy we get it you dont like Balotelli and there are posts dating back months to prove this. Just try not to insult other posters who have a differing opinion from yours. Present your side and we will all read it. You keep calling everyone who does not agree with you names and its getting tedious.
BillyShears said:
didactic said:
If football clubs were run on emotions then he would be out the door. He is under contact he does not have to leave if he doesnt want to. The club may not want him to leave even if a new manager comes in. All this "he has embaressed the club and the fans" is made up bollocks by people still dealing with the fact we lost the title. He has become the scape goat and distraction for every terrible footballer to play the game with so ignorant fans calling in to Talksport and saying he should be deported. Again something that cannot happen as he is from an EU country.

This whole episode is being blow up to cover the obvious cheating that took place earlier in the day which noone is talking about now. United were handed a victory at home after a player cheated.

Instead of taking your frustrations out on a 21 year old who scored close to half of all our goals this season you might want to look at Tevez who is being credited for running for 20minutes on Sunday after fucking off for half a year. Something is seriously wrong here as Mario is 3 goals off the 20 Tevez scored in his best season for us? Yet one is still regarded as worthy of applause the other is being pushed out when he has a longer career ahead of himself.

If Mario leaves it will be a loss to the league as when it comes to raw talent alone besides the sarcastic remarks he is the best player in his age group. He is miles ahead of Sturridge, Welbeck, Ox Chamb and the rest of them and he is not broken beyond repair as those who keep qouting "The Biggest Ego in football management Jose M" keep trying to force us to believe.

Is this bag head still being given air time ?

Oh dear.

Live and let live, the mods are still letting you post...
pudge said:
All this 'scapegoat' bollocks does my head in!

Has anyone blamed him for the team not performing and losing? No, so how is he a 'scapegoat'?

It's his behaviour and attitude that people have a problem with.
Exactly mate!! How many times has he been sent off since he's been here?? Is it 5? He's a striker ffs!!! It's his attitude and petulance that has worn thin!! He is an egotistic spoilt brat who has shown no respect to the club for 75% of his time here!!
Too late, I don't even think he mentioned us, the fans. Mourinho wasn't wrong about him was he? We don't want players like this who bring unwanted attention to the club (Robinho, Tevez etc..) I for one am sick of it.
Blue Haze said:
What a load of shit. Do you honestly think Mario's actions are part of a coverup?

Why was Roberto so upset then? Is he involved in a conspiracy when he says the tackle should be reviewed and Mario won't play for us again? Christ this bullshit sounds like a creepy cult.

Nice twisting of words he says the FA decision may mean we dont see him again this season as there are only 6 games left. Mancini was upset because he got a second yellow and would have had him in his plans for the remaining games. Why is Mancini starting him over Tevez and Dzeko? Maybe because he feels he is more effective?
bluefromleve32 said:
whats he apologising for? Haters ?

getting sent off against liverpool? undeserved

stamping on parkers head? no he didn't

arguing/ fighting with team mates? passion

getting sent off against arsenal? shit happens

almost snapping alex songs leg against arsenal? miss timing, don't gives a fuck about song/arsenal anyway

missing potentially 10 matches this season (if FA do him for song tackle)? Tevez missed 6 month

being out 48 hours in a night club before a premier league game? he get a week- wage fined - last season Barry, Johnson & Milner iirc get NO fine for doing the same

the list goes on!!!!!
Ooh go on.....
pudge said:
All this 'scapegoat' bollocks does my head in!

Has anyone blamed him for the team not performing and losing? No, so how is he a 'scapegoat'?

It's his behaviour and attitude that people have a problem with.

Scapegoat is probably the wrong word. What can't be denied is that some people seem more hysterical about Balotelli's behaviour than us losing the title.

Just like they seemed more arsed about him arguing with Kolarov last week than us conceding 3 soft goals. While ignoring the fact he scored 2 goals and acted as peacemaker when Dzeko got involved in that spat in the first half.
didactic said:
BillyShears said:
Is this bag head still being given air time ?

Oh dear.

Billy we get it you dont like Balotelli and there are posts dating back months to prove this. Just try not to insult other posters who have a differing opinion from yours. Present your side and we will all read it. You keep calling everyone who does not agree with you names and its getting tedious.

Listen bag head/troll/wum - I AM one of Mario's biggest fans as a raw footballer. Of course you'd know that if you weren't here solely to wind people up. So forgive me if I treat you like the no mark you clearly are. If you don't like it - make a fucking complaint. Maybe someone will give a shit.
Didn't hear redknapper junior saying anything about akottos identical tackle on de santo, but hey don't let it get in the way hey boys.

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