Balotelli: being a " character" is not enough (merged)

Where do you stand?

When it mattered in the semi-final he delivered and for that performance alone he deserves more time.
Re: Where do you stand?

Soulboy said:
Why do you always personalise things? "Have I seen him play?" Haven't we already been down that path... I've seen FAR more City games than you have... okay?

How are you working out that you've seen FAR more City games (relevant ones I presume you mean, that is, ones with Balo playing) than me? I imagine that we've both seen every game he's played in a Blue shirt? And you've seen FAR more City games because you're much older than I; I'm not exactly sure how watching Mike Sheron every week is relevant to Balo.

I watched him at Blackburn, two yards lead over Phil Jones, who passed him by as they chased a ball.

Never once seen him use this pace to get past people. I've yet to see him run clear off a back four. When did he last dribble past people?

No point showing me stuff he did at Inter, I can only give my judgement based on his time at City. I'm sure I could find stuff of Samaras looking brilliant for Herenveen or Jo looking top notch for his previous club... best we just concentrate on what he's done at City, and as you just stated he has not had one good game for City so far.

No goals in ten games now isn't it?

I really want him to succeed, but I always feared that he wouldn't fit in. Just my opinion remember.

Because you are commenting on his ability. I've shown you a video of his ability.

And I didn't say that he hasn't had one good game for City. You have misrepresented what I said; which I find particularly daft on a forum. Here's a recap for what I ACTUALLY said:

Balotelli hasn't ever had a good game in a City shirt, by his own standards

He's had good games by normal standards, he just hasn't shown the whole of his true ability yet, which is what I was driving at.
Re: Where do you stand?

out of range of his dart arm.

this kid is starting to show signs of his true ability, theres a long way to go. his attitude as also changed for the better.

i just cant see it with dzeko at the moment but i wish the lad well. he took his goal against blackburn really well and made it look easy.
Re: Where do you stand?

Damocles said:
Soulboy said:
Why do you always personalise things? "Have I seen him play?" Haven't we already been down that path... I've seen FAR more City games than you have... okay?

How are you working out that you've seen FAR more City games (relevant ones I presume you mean, that is, ones with Balo playing) than me? I imagine that we've both seen every game he's played in a Blue shirt? And you've seen FAR more City games because you're much older than I; I'm not exactly sure how watching Mike Sheron every week is relevant to Balo.
I watched him at Blackburn, two yards lead over Phil Jones, who passed him by as they chased a ball.

Never once seen him use this pace to get past people. I've yet to see him run clear off a back four. When did he last dribble past people?

No point showing me stuff he did at Inter, I can only give my judgement based on his time at City. I'm sure I could find stuff of Samaras looking brilliant for Herenveen or Jo looking top notch for his previous club... best we just concentrate on what he's done at City, and as you just stated he has not had one good game for City so far.

No goals in ten games now isn't it?

I really want him to succeed, but I always feared that he wouldn't fit in. Just my opinion remember.

Because you are commenting on his ability. I've shown you a video of his ability.

And I didn't say that he hasn't had one good game for City. You have misrepresented what I said; which I find particularly daft on a forum. Here's a recap for what I ACTUALLY said:

Balotelli hasn't ever had a good game in a City shirt, by his own standards

He's had good games by normal standards, he just hasn't shown the whole of his true ability yet, which is what I was driving at.

The reason I comment on the number of games watched is that you have a habit of throwing in the "have you watched him play?" as if you are somehow the only that sees him play.

Yes, I've seen just about all of Balotelli's games with City... but what that has that to do with me giving an opinion on him?

You think he's the dog's bollocks. I don't. Not based on what I've seen so far. No point telling me how good he was at Inter. Tell me how good he is at City. The world of football is littered with young prospects whoo failed to progress.

You really don't have to personalise it. Give your views on why you think he's a world superstar by all means... but recognise the fact that not everyone agrees with you.

If Tevez was fit, the reality is that he wouldn't even get in the team. And I would agree with Mancini in doing that.
Re: Where do you stand?

Soulboy said:
The reason I comment on the number of games watched is that you have a habit of throwing in the "have you watched him play?" as if you are somehow the only that sees him play.

I think the real reason he asked if you'd seen him play were because of the 4 or 5 daft statements you made about his ability.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

Pigeonho said:
Damocles said:
The Ronaldo comparisons are about The Real Ronaldo, rather than Tranny. Either way, seem to remember people slagging him off for being disinterested in his first couple of years
I've heard it many-a-time where people have said he will one day be for us what the Tranny was to United. That may well be the case and only time will tell. My point though is that people have given him legend status for the mad-cap things he has done off the pitch, and I think it covers the cracks that the actual case is that he isn't that good where it matter - on the pitch. Imagine someone 'boring' putting in the same performances? Someone who doesn't wink at Rio, who doesn't wolf whistle at hookers who bedded Rooney, who doesn't break into womens prisons, who doesn't drive round with £25k 'because I can'.... those things instantly appeal to some fans because its what we would all like to do ourselves, and it portrays a character, a mentalist and someone who is just a loony who we all love. The fact is though that he doesn't apply himself on the pitch as much as he should do, and it should only be on the pitch where he is judged, not some hoo-har he causes in an italian restaurant in town. That 'boring' player I referred to would have been hounded ages ago.
WELL SAID and personally i think we will have a completly new forward line next season
Re: Where do you stand?

Damocles said:
Soulboy said:
No real pace... cannot hold a ball played up to him... cannot head the ball... no real dribbling skills... not a genuine team player... goes down too easily... has a shit attitude with his team mates, manager and opposition players... is not a natural goalscorer...

Yeah, apart from that potentially a world superstar. ;-))

Hasn't DJ Campbell scored as many goals?

Have you watched him play? He's the most naturally gifted goalscorer I've ever seen, he's the fastest player on our team (look it up), his dribbling skills are second to none. I don't agree that he can't head or ball or hold one up, but at least you can argue those, the others are so mad that they are in a different class. Watch this:


I concede that he looks special in those videos, but I've not seen him use his dribbling skills to great effect for City... yet?

The pace thing. There were some stats a few weeks ago for the fastest premier league players that suggested that Mario was City's quickest. I raised my eyebrows at the time, especially when I considered Micah Richards. The article also had Mario recorded at 22.37mph - i.e. exactly 10.00 sec for 100 metre. Hence, the figures seems a bit 'up the wall.' They also listed a number of other premier league players as possessing similar ability - in boots, on grass?

Like many others, would love to see him 'cut it' for us, but other than a fantastic right foot, I have not seen enough to convince me that he is 'top drawer.' Hopefully, a decent pre-season will give him a better platform for his second season with us.

Whatever, will still back him 100% if he wears a blue shirt!
Re: Where do you stand?

The more the rag press and blue moon boo boys hate him the more I like him.
Re: Where do you stand?

quiet_riot said:
Soulboy said:
The reason I comment on the number of games watched is that you have a habit of throwing in the "have you watched him play?" as if you are somehow the only that sees him play.

I think the real reason he asked if you'd seen him play were because of the 4 or 5 daft statements you made about his ability.

Yeah, that's sort of what I was getting at. I think there's a misunderstanding here. I didn't say "have you watched him play?!" because I really didn't think that he watched him play. I said it to express incredulity at the statements made as the parts of his ability that were been questioned were things that I consider to be his most stand out points.

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