Balotelli: being a " character" is not enough (merged)

Re: Where do you stand?

He's been gash and is as mad as a box of frogs improvement needed next term, he obviously has the talent so I can't wait for him to settle in and at least try to calm down.
He could be the best player in the prem but sat in the stands he isn't.
Re: Where do you stand?

Good player whose obviously very popular with his team mates. Thought the trip on Dzeko at the end of the Blackburn game was hilarious. I don't like the diving but that's the football culture he's grown up in. He's also a bit crap at diving which makes it worse.
For where he's at in his development as a player of 20 we'd be over the moon at his progress if he was a youth team product. It's not his fault he cost 24 million quid. I don't know what supporters of other clubs are like but I think he's at one of the worst clubs in the country for him to be at.
He's 20 years old playing in a foreign country with a big price tag. He's either been played on the left when Tevez plays or recently as a lone striker. I think he's coped very well. City fans are notoriously shit when it comes to showing patience to a young player. They seem to find it easier to boo the flaws than appreciate the talent.<br /><br />-- Mon May 02, 2011 5:57 am --<br /><br />
de niro said:
He's been gash and is as mad as a box of frogs improvement needed next term, he obviously has the talent so I can't wait for him to settle in and at least try to calm down.
He could be the best player in the prem but sat in the stands he isn't.
Typical City fan
Re: Where do you stand?

As usual City fans want instant success and wont allow a little time for things to mature and develop, Mario Balotelli WILL be one of the best players in the world, im 100% sure of this. Whether this will be at City or elsewhere, is a different question. Give the lad time and he will flourish. Balotelli is to City what Cantona was to United. If he isnt playing for your team you will instantly hate him.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

ghost305 said:
I don't understand what you guys want from him. I watched the whole game today. THere was a lot of times when he made a quick pass to a teammate and made a run expecting the ball back but he never received it. It happened a bunch of times.

But I guess Balotelli only has himself to blame because he put on this pressure on himself at the start of the season. He put the spotlight on himself.
Just a pity the pressure is coming from the fans of his own team
Re: Where do you stand?

not bothered about his off field antics, i dont like his on field indisipline, the worst thing about him is for someone with so much talent he's actually been dog shit apart from the odd glimpse now and again. his saving grace is he's only a kid and will have learned so much from this season.

i'd play dzeko at everton.
Re: Where do you stand?

No real pace... cannot hold a ball played up to him... cannot head the ball... no real dribbling skills... not a genuine team player... goes down too easily... has a shit attitude with his team mates, manager and opposition players... is not a natural goalscorer...

Yeah, apart from that potentially a world superstar. ;-))

Hasn't DJ Campbell scored as many goals?
Re: being a " character" is not enough

Hmm..let's look at this another way. We have lost 2 games in which Balotelli has started in, during his whole career here. That's 2 in 19.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

felixbg said:
watched him a lot today, it's interesting. he looks effortless yet is a complete nightmare to defend against. with a bit of luck he could have scored a hattrick today, he loses his defender with ease, makes some brilliant runs and has the potential to be one of the best strikers ever. very frustrating to watch though, god knows what he's like to play with.
I haven't read the rest of this thread, as 26 pages are a bit too much to wade through, however you've made my point for me. I watch him a lot, and his runs are brilliant, and defenders don't know how to defend against him. He is intelligent, and as soon as he clicks with Silva it will be awesome. I wish other Blues would watch him more closely instead of just looking at him walking back after the move has broken down and then shouting about what a lazy bastard he is.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

ghost305 said:
I don't understand what you guys want from him. I watched the whole game today. THere was a lot of times when he made a quick pass to a teammate and made a run expecting the ball back but he never received it. It happened a bunch of times.

But I guess Balotelli only has himself to blame because he put on this pressure on himself at the start of the season. He put the spotlight on himself.
I noticed this myself too. Silva was the main culprit there.
I can't stick up for Balotelli too much though, not unless he starts scoring more and looking more interested. I think too many Blues are influenced by the fact he is a 'legend' off the pitch because of the shit he gets up too. If he was a boring, miserable bastard who was never in the news at all, but still hadn't scored any goals in 10 matches and looked as uninterested as he does at times, I think alot more fans would be on his back. What he does off the pitch, (or the controversial stuff he does on it), shouldn't mask the judgement of the fact he simply isn't looking like a £24m 'world class' player. I've heard references to Ronaldo when talking of Balotelli. He has millions of miles of work to do before he can even be mentioned in the same breath as the tranny.

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