Balotelli & City agree settlement!

mick10 said:
The cookie monster said:
Danielmanc said:
It's just the same old really...we've been seeing this for months.

Can this thread not be merged with the other Balo thread - then we only have one thread to celebrate some fans throwing insults at a City player ?
You do know this player has wanted to take our club to a tribunal
And as only backed out at the last min so he doesnt look a ****..

Sorry cookie but if he feels hard done by and has the right of appeal it really is up to him,or, in fact anyone to take that route if they feel the need to. The club nor anyone else should feel infallible and all their judgements are devine, and shouldn't be challenged. Back in the days when you appeared on a military charge, (252) when the O.C./ C.O dished out their punishment you were asked, do you have any redress of grievance or do you accept my punishment? Yea right! at your peril Everytime, I accept your punishment sir. Nobody should have that power. Not even MCFC.
The guy gets no let up from anybody. Refs, other players, fans (way to many of our own as well), pundits, journalists, endless. Gotta do his fuckin head in.
Frustrating? Yes. But he plays for the team I adore so I support him as long as he's a City player.

mick im sorry to say you sound senial, the guy brings everything on himself. but his off field antics mean nothing to me, if he performs on the pitch and gives 100% effort that is all that matters, which he doesnt. Tevez can have a poor game but still gives 100 % effort and chases down defenders, makes runs, tackles, brings other players in to play, doesnt sulk and strop.
There is no doubt Mario is a quality footballer and IMO he will become one of the best in Europe sadly I think that will not happen while he plays for us or under Mancini. I think there is too much of a relationship between the two for it to work. On one hand mario could have got bobby the sack on numerous occasions and on the other bobby is incredibly tough on balo.

People will see just how good a footballer balo is when they see him live, the runs he makes are second to none but sadly we do not play the style of football that will bring out the best in him. He is a totally different player when playing for Italy and that's because they play to his strengths.

Also I don't by all this shit about Mario not putting an effort in because numerous times this season he has been making tackles in his own half. But the the thing is any slight contact from him on a opponent and he gets a yellow card so this doesn't help him one bit.

Personally I think it would be best for both parties if we could sell balo to PSG or get a good fee from a club in Italy. That way Dzeko could get more game time and guidetti could get a chance and it gives us funds for Disco or someone else. It also puts him in a different league son we don't have to worry about facing him.
mick10 said:
Dave S said:
mick10 said:
Sorry cookie but if he feels hard done by and has the right of appeal it really is up to him,or, in fact anyone to take that route if they feel the need to. The club nor anyone else should feel infallible and all their judgements are devine, and shouldn't be challenged. Back in the days when you appeared on a military charge, (252) when the O.C./ C.O dished out their punishment you were asked, do you have any redress of grievance or do you accept my punishment? Yea right! at your peril Everytime, I accept your punishment sir. Nobody should have that power. Not even MCFC.
The guy gets no let up from anybody. Refs, other players, fans (way to many of our own as well), pundits, journalists, endless. Gotta do his fuckin head in.
Frustrating? Yes. But he plays for the team I adore so I support him as long as he's a City player.
Posts like this make me despair.

Because defending someone taking the club to a tribunal after he missed 11 games due to suspension and his own stupid behaviour is a tad wrong.

Especially as he, the multi millionaire, was fined just 2 weeks wages.
TCIB said:
BluePurgatory said:
TCIB said:
What is to explain, i have quoted you in my previous post highlighting exactly what i mean.

You do nothing but laugh and gloat at the poster you quote.
You offer nothing more than that.

I still havnt got a fart what you are on about. Perhaps you should read the whole thread before you start throwing accuations about on one retort!

Accusations ? i quoted you doing it lol.

I don't need to read the rest because my evidence is their in the quote.

tl;dr grow up
You do realise that you are coming across as a Pleb! If You are on about my retort to the poster who has been banned by the mods for using homophobic and childish comments towards other users then YES i am guilty as charged for laughing at him!
TCIB said:
BluePurgatory said:
sergiokun said:
Give over

What has he offered us this season?? Wigan away he scored fuck me lads this guy is world class let’s play him every week.. i think Txiki Begiristain and Ferran Soriano have joined the haters like you say.. it's time you balo bum boys forget because the fool is getting sold

Haha, you should have started that sentence with "Once upon a time". Another hater who is going to be mighty disappointed!

It is increasingly obvious your just getting your jolly's from seeing Man City fans pissed of because this spanner is messing up what is otherwise a well oiled machine.

You should be concerned with how all this relates to City not getting of on another users fustration.
He is doing more harm than good as it is and some people on here just want to wind up other blues about it.

It's just poor form tbh.
I like you mate but that is just bollocks.
moomba said:
Third highest scorer in a title winning season. Yeah, must be shit, let's not give him any credit toward the title at all.

have you had your daily wank over him yet ?? i honestly think you are deluded and really dont know that much about football. how you can continually support this "prodigious" talent !!!

are you related to him ?
Re: Balotelli & City agree settlement!

mekonmcfc said:
moomba said:
Third highest scorer in a title winning season. Yeah, must be shit, let's not give him any credit toward the title at all.

have you had your daily wank over him yet ?? i honestly think you are deluded and really dont know that much about football. how you can continually support this "prodigious" talent !!!

are you related to him ?

Daily wank? Are you 12?
mekonmcfc said:
moomba said:
Third highest scorer in a title winning season. Yeah, must be shit, let's not give him any credit toward the title at all.

have you had your daily wank over him yet ?? i honestly think you are deluded and really dont know that much about football. how you can continually support this "prodigious" talent !!!

are you related to him ?
With no word of a lie when I read Moomba's comment above I thought to myself in a humorous way, 'is he Balotelli?!'
sergiokun said:
Our blue city said:
This **** needs selling asap.

He isn't that good, His "wacky" behaviour is a smoke screen for it.

We do not need him or his press at this club.

Balo bum boys won’t agree with you because for some reason they still think he will be class.. sorry but I have seen nothing to back that up!! Most overrated player IMO
The problem is the criticism borders on juvenile rather than constructive. If people just said rational things about rather than he is a twat it would be at least half way acceptable

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