Balotelli (continued)

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Re: Balotelli

CityCTID said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
pLow said:
What this has to do with his Performance today is beyond me.


Is this thread about his performance today?
You quote from his post that was CLEARLY about his Performance today!

So fuckin what?!

Let me make it simple for you: This thread is about Mario. pLow posted that people shouldn't judge him on 5 minutes today.

I pointed out that people weren't just judging him on 5 minutes today, but on the last two years as well. pLow then posted "What this has to do with his Performance today is beyond me."

And as I replied: This thread and the comments posted isn't just about people judging his performance TODAY.

Now, jog on you muppet.
Re: Balotelli

Whether you think he had a good or bad game is irrelevant, I'm sick of him storming off down the tunnel when he's been substituted - tired of his petulance. Does anyone think RM would have taken him off so soon after half time for no good reason?

My patience has run out. Time to sell and use the money to bring in midfield cover. Give Guidetti his chance if he's fit by then.
Re: Balotelli

FantasyIreland said:
Damocles said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
How anyone can defend him is beyond me number one priority in Jan should be getting rid of this overated tosser.

Because he's very good at football which is why he plays for the English Champions and why he's being courted by two of the biggest Clubs in the world and another who can buy anyone on the planet.

Youre defence of him is admirable mate but cmon,you have to admit now,although he has talent,he really isn't a very good footballer at all.

There are plenty of other players who are so much better than him and would contribute far far more currently plying their trade in this league.

Need to smell the coffee boys.

He's a very good footballer, this isn't really in any doubt by anybody. Even Jamie Redknapp says he could be the best and I think Balotelli shagged his missus or something.

You're correct that he hasn't matured in the manner that I expected or wanted, and his time is running out, but it's not like he's just played diabolically or got sent off. He had a pretty good game but irked the manager by disappearing a bit (along with the rest of the team) when we went 1-0 down. He was played on the back of the idea that he could exhibit something special and he didn't look like doing that so was took off.

No great conspiracy, no great drama or mystery, he wasn't having the best of games so was taken off. That's it.

And when we have guys like Sergio Aguero in our team who are not performing well, I don't think you can use the "look what others could do" excuse. I
Re: Balotelli

Ive thought his performances have improved a little to be honest, although it can't be too difficult to improve on what he was offering before. The problem with him is that he's supposed to be this world class talent and even though his performances have slightly improved they're still a million miles off anything approaching world class. He's a big name player earning a big pay packet and turning in below par performances. The difference when Tevezcame on was like night and day, at last we had a player that would turn and run at the opposition, battle upfront and chase down defenders and not allow the back four (not just the centre halves) any time to relax and pick a pass.

Sorry Mario time to move on i've seen enough in two years to know when i've been conned.
Re: Balotelli

SuperMario's Fireworks. said:
24 mil for him or 24 for rvp,

i know what id choose.

It wouldn't be the **** that you're about to celebrate is my guess.
Re: Balotelli

Stockton Heath Blue said:
Whether you think he had a good or bad game is irrelevant, I'm sick of him storming off down the tunnel when he's been substituted - tired of his petulance. Does anyone think RM would have taken him off so soon after half time for no good reason?

My patience has run out. Time to sell and use the money to bring in midfield cover. Give Guidetti his chance if he's fit by then.

He does that every game whether happy or not, as do an awful lot of our players. Only Mario is highlighted for it though. It's like they already have the stories written and they're waiting for the slightest thing to print them. There was absolutely no problem at all with Balotelli today, he just had a middlin game and we needed better. However, the fans fury erupts around him again.
Re: Balotelli

Damocles said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
How anyone can defend him is beyond me number one priority in Jan should be getting rid of this overated tosser.

Because he's very good at football which is why he plays for the English Champions and why he's being courted by two of the biggest Clubs in the world and another who can buy anyone on the planet.

Because he's very good at football

you're definitely getting worse mate.
Re: Balotelli

Stoned Rose said:
Damocles said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
How anyone can defend him is beyond me number one priority in Jan should be getting rid of this overated tosser.

Because he's very good at football which is why he plays for the English Champions and why he's being courted by two of the biggest Clubs in the world and another who can buy anyone on the planet.

Because he's very good at football

you're definitely getting worse mate.

Great reply, glad I made the effort to converse with you
Re: Balotelli

I never saw Balotelli as talented player.
I see him only as Mancini's baby boy from Italy!
And im not Balotellis hater but hes not good enaught for City`s 1team!
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