Balotelli (continued)

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I hope he never pulls a city top on again.... Childish kid who will never be the player he thinks he is. Shame Mancini can't see this as it might cost him his job
Shaelumstash said:
I was at the game but have watched it back and Redknapp and Souness absolutely slaughter him. Nothing to do with Mancini bringing him off, so my point is far from moot. Unfortunately people, seemingly including yourself, have bought in to Balotelli the myth and don't judge him on his actions on the pitch anymore. Shame really.

They slaughtered his performance, which you've taken exception to, yet Mancini also slaughtered his performance, therefore your point is moot.
Jnr Kisby said:
Shaelumstash said:
BillyShears said:
Your question is moot when it's our own manager who's leading the criticism, and it's our manager who subbed him some five minutes into the second half.

I was at the game but have watched it back and Redknapp and Souness absolutely slaughter him. Nothing to do with Mancini bringing him off, so my point is far from moot. Unfortunately people, seemingly including yourself, have bought in to Balotelli the myth and don't judge him on his actions on the pitch anymore. Shame really.

If you got an independent person who knew nothing about Balotelli's personality to watch the game yesterday they would say he played well. Unfortunately, because he's got a camoflage Bentley people don't bother to look at how he actually plays.

I don't read too much in what Manicini says to the press. If Balotelli scored 6 Mancini would come out and say "He must improve, he can do better." It's just the way he motivates players in the press. Tevez came on and changed the game, he was brilliant, so it's fair to say Mancini was justified in making the change. But people crucifying Balotelli for his performance is just ridiculous tabloid culture going too far. Watch the game.

Good to see there are at least some on here that talk sense. Sick of all the shit being directed at Balotelli by our 'fans'. Yet again you've got another boo boy to pick on. Pathetic.

Neutrals I know didn't say that he played well! I have got "played better than usual" "looked more interested than I have seen him for a while" "never looked like he would do anything significant"

I thought he was ok for a while but that last pass or shot just wasn't up to scratch and his movement doesn't seem to fit in with the way we play. By we I mean Silva,Nasri,yaya and Barry plus Aguero
Jnr Kisby said:
Good to see there are at least some on here that talk sense. Sick of all the shit being directed at Balotelli by our 'fans'. Yet again you've got another boo boy to pick on. Pathetic.

He's not another 'boo boy' at all....he's shite. That's all there is to it. Penalties are about the only decent aspect of his game.
Makes me cringe every time he goes down the tunnel when he is subbed. Who the fcuk does he think he is, hasn't anyone at the club the balls to tell him he is a selfish twat.
Shirley said:
Makes me cringe every time he goes down the tunnel when he is subbed. Who the fcuk does he think he is, hasn't anyone at the club the balls to tell him he is a selfish twat.

Thats the problem. You could see him playing for Italy in the summer. He wouldnt dare to not play at his best at every game cause he knew he would be slaughtered by the Italians if he diddnt.

He is a arrogant clown at our club and nobody dare to set him straight.
Shirley said:
Makes me cringe every time he goes down the tunnel when he is subbed. Who the fcuk does he think he is, hasn't anyone at the club the balls to tell him he is a selfish twat.

At the EC final after they lost to Spain he wanted to go down too some coaches brought him back as Italy players were of course so sad like Balo too but they were standing together on the pitch.

He is probably told "dont do that". Does he care? He met surely someone in the tunnel that said him to get the fucking back to the bench. Tom Cruise probably.

We need to get rid of him as soon as possible and buy Falcao if we want to improve.

It is obvious that he has a mental issue.
BillyShears said:
Shaelumstash said:
I was at the game but have watched it back and Redknapp and Souness absolutely slaughter him. Nothing to do with Mancini bringing him off, so my point is far from moot. Unfortunately people, seemingly including yourself, have bought in to Balotelli the myth and don't judge him on his actions on the pitch anymore. Shame really.

They slaughtered his performance, which you've taken exception to, yet Mancini also slaughtered his performance, therefore your point is moot.

No it's not a moot point. He's right. Regardless of who is doing the slating they are wrong and looking for a scapegoat which Balotelli has been for a long time now. I said after West Ham Mancini was wrong to sub him before one or two others and he was wrong again. Mancini made an emotional decision at a bad time and whilst you could argue it was a good decision because of the effect Tevez had on the game, it has left Balotelli wide open to be slated. Maybe it was Mancini's way of having some of the pressure lifted off him, he has done that kind of thing before. It's just a shame that people are now blaming Balotelli when he didn't actually do anything wrong and was involved in everything we did well in the first half.
When he got taken off we improved beyond all recognition, FACT, that should tell you all you need to know.
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