Balotelli (continued)

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I coulden´t believe he had the nerve to walk down the tunnel when he was subbed, I know he came back after a while but still, diden´t show the fans players, manager or club any respect in the biggest game of our season. And people still likes to defend him because he´s a "lad" how about his performances on the pitch? And Mancini doesen´t learn does he? He gives Mario chance after chance and Mario doesen´t do much to repay him back, unfourtantly for him it could end up costing him his job.
stonerblue said:
TGR said:
Happy Feet said:
When he got taken off we improved beyond all recognition, FACT, that should tell you all you need to know.

And the EXACT same thing happend against Sunderland. The minute he was replaced we also improved beyond all recognition. Augero scored within 5 minutes of replacing him and we scored another 2 within 25 minutes. The difference without him is genuinely amazing. It as so the team are just glad to see the back of him - it really is.

The only reason we won the league last year was due to the fact that he got sent off against Arsenal and couldn't play. Guess what... we won 6 on the bounce without him and won the Premiership.

if you read some of my previous postings on here you will see that my view of Balotelli has not changed: he is a negative drain on the Manager, the team and the club. He will end up costing Mancini his job and Mancini can only have himself to blame. If he sticks with Balotelli after yesterday then no one can have any sympathy for him whatsoever.

You can't fool the match going fans all of the time and Balotelli has had it - its over. He has been found out and is now being seen for what he is: A lazy, selfish, egotistical, over paid footballer who does not deserve the talent he was born with. The sooner he's gone the better for all concerned.

I was stunned at the transformation when Tevez came on yesterday. The whole place and team got an instant lift.
Now that isn't to say that Mario's going off was the reason, Tevez always seems to have this effect. But the fact remains that the team played much better, seemed more up for it and generally upped their game. They knew that if the ball went to Tevez he was very likely to get it under control and make something happen, giving his team mates the confidence to make runs in 'anticipation'.
This left me with one question; why start Mario over Tevez?
I think Bobby may have been offering Mario the chance to redeem himself, to make a name (a good one) for himself, to pull his finger out. It was the perfect time and place for Mario and he blew it.
I didn't see Mario do anything stupid yesterday, but then again i was in the front row and didn't have the benefit of Sky's take on things. He seemed to do alright without really lighting up the game and maybe that's one of the problems. We expect something special from him all the time.
I think it's time for Mancini to pick a front pair and stick with them if they're working. The other strikers can sit on the bench until the form or fitness of the preferred pairing drops. Then the subs get a chance. They should be hungry and determined to take that chance and do everything not to be dropped for the next game. I know that idea is old fashioned in todays game but it worked very well for donkeys years before anyone in football could even spell 'rotation'.

You must be kidding. No one I know EVER expects something special from Mario. We all know exactly what we are going to get. No effort, no threat, NOTHING.
i actually am starting to really think is he good enough to play in the league let alone the city team.he's just doesnt seem to have a good game in him....yesterday was made for him and his big ego to shine but again he didnt much as i want to support him,he's had his chance and should be sold.
nehe11 said:
I coulden´t believe he had the nerve to walk down the tunnel when he was subbed, I know he came back after a while but still, diden´t show the fans players, manager or club any respect in the biggest game of our season. And people still likes to defend him because he´s a "lad" how about his performances on the pitch? And Mancini doesen´t learn does he? He gives Mario chance after chance and Mario doesen´t do much to repay him back, unfourtantly for him it could end up costing him his job.

These two deserve each other tbh.

He'll give him a chance again and then will make some dramatic gestures on the pitch line and sub him for something no other player would be punished.

I'm sick of it. I don't rate Balo too much, certainly not a half some people rate(d) him here but I'd headbutt Mancini yesterday if I was him. He never subs him on some normal way, always make him look like (bigger) idiot (than he is).

They are like some odd couple where man beats a woman daily but loves her, and she hates him and loves him in same time. They're joke, both of them.
bilko05 said:
i actually am starting to really think is he good enough to play in the league let alone the city team.he's just doesnt seem to have a good game in him....yesterday was made for him and his big ego to shine but again he didnt much as i want to support him,he's had his chance and should be sold.

My thoughts exactly
Shaelumstash said:
BillyShears said:
Shaelumstash said:
Doesn't really answer my question does it? What did he actually do yesterday that was so horrendous?

Your question is moot when it's our own manager who's leading the criticism, and it's our manager who subbed him some five minutes into the second half.

I was at the game but have watched it back and Redknapp and Souness absolutely slaughter him. Nothing to do with Mancini bringing him off, so my point is far from moot. Unfortunately people, seemingly including yourself, have bought in to Balotelli the myth and don't judge him on his actions on the pitch anymore. Shame really.

If you got an independent person who knew nothing about Balotelli's personality to watch the game yesterday they would say he played well. Unfortunately, because he's got a camoflage Bentley people don't bother to look at how he actually plays.

I don't read too much in what Manicini says to the press. If Balotelli scored 6 Mancini would come out and say "He must improve, he can do better." It's just the way he motivates players in the press. Tevez came on and changed the game, he was brilliant, so it's fair to say Mancini was justified in making the change. But people crucifying Balotelli for his performance is just ridiculous tabloid culture going too far. Watch the game.

Utter tripe, I do not give a shit about his off fields antics, although he has many positive reports.

All I'm bothered about is his on field performance which is absolutely nothing. If you think he played well yesterday then I think you know nothing about football.
Mancini pisses me off though with mario,

he constantly belittles him and yet plays him and then complains at him. Yesterday was a gamble that back fired, but it annoys me how Mancini handles the situations at times.
I have never wished this on any of our players but I look forward to Balotelli getting injured or suspended as it means he has nothing to do with the match day squad.

It's got beyond a joke now. Yeah it was funny when he was setting off fireworks, or when he left his car all the time to be impounded, or the "Why Always Me" t-shirt.

I tell you why it's always you Mario, it's because you're a fucking liability son
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