Balotelli (continued)

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That 'Why Always Me?' business shows Ballo up for what he is, a self-centred egomaniac who has no time for anybody but himself. He'll always be a one-man-band and never a team player.
mekonmcfc said:
Shaelumstash said:
BillyShears said:
Your question is moot when it's our own manager who's leading the criticism, and it's our manager who subbed him some five minutes into the second half.

I was at the game but have watched it back and Redknapp and Souness absolutely slaughter him. Nothing to do with Mancini bringing him off, so my point is far from moot. Unfortunately people, seemingly including yourself, have bought in to Balotelli the myth and don't judge him on his actions on the pitch anymore. Shame really.

If you got an independent person who knew nothing about Balotelli's personality to watch the game yesterday they would say he played well. Unfortunately, because he's got a camoflage Bentley people don't bother to look at how he actually plays.

I don't read too much in what Manicini says to the press. If Balotelli scored 6 Mancini would come out and say "He must improve, he can do better." It's just the way he motivates players in the press. Tevez came on and changed the game, he was brilliant, so it's fair to say Mancini was justified in making the change. But people crucifying Balotelli for his performance is just ridiculous tabloid culture going too far. Watch the game.

Utter tripe, I do not give a shit about his off fields antics, although he has many positive reports.

All I'm bothered about is his on field performance which is absolutely nothing. If you think he played well yesterday then I think you know nothing about football.

no he wasn't good, but he wasn't bad either. Nasri, Silva,Agüero and YAYA were inexistent in First Half.
Re: Balotelli

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Mancini making Mario a scapegoat again, just like West Ham away.

By no means his biggest fan, but he was excellent in first half, strong, looked for the quick one-two.

For the second home game in succession Mancini fucks up the substitution, which was again Tevez for that waste of space Nasri.

Fly Mario, fly free, because it seems Mancini is prepared to pass the buck to his prodigy just to save his own skin.

agreed...tevez should have been on for nasri

the attacks on mario by the media and now by fans on forums like this are nothing short of ridiculous.

his first half performance was good.....linked well with other players, ran the channels, held the ball up well got into scoring positions and missed one half chance...also set up one which Kun failed to control.

then int he half time "analysis" that dog souness criticises his performance...(From a man who spent his "career" just kicking people i find this at best ironic).....but i find it more astonishing that people actually believe or listen to the likes of souness.

the performance of balo yesterday had absolutely nothing to do with why we lost...NOTHING!

the treatment by the media of this lad is nothing short of disgusting

if you want a case of how bad the media are look at the recent incident of the nurse and the prank call to the hospital where Kate Middleton was.....resulting int he nurses suicide ( it was the australian press)....this is a tragic example of how low sections of the media will go for "entertainment"....and mario is the villan for them...he was before he had even set foot in the UK and I find it saddening that some city supporters cannt see this and are actually influenced by scum reporters and pundits like souness (who is just a bitter old man!)
The only thing i can say on the Balotelli situation is that having the four strikers we have is actually hindering us as a team, we need to sell one in January

The only thing i'm sure about is that Aguero isn't the one to go
The die is cast, though, Simon. They will run and run with it. For that alone, he is Roberto's Achilles Heel. Time to get rid of Balo. I love you Bobby, so please.
Pam said:
The die is cast, though, Simon. They will run and run with it. For that alone, he is Roberto's Achilles Heel. Time to get rid of Balo. I love you Bobby, so please.

sorry but no

why give into the fuckers and let them undermine what we are trying to build....

At the very least why give them the story they are trying to create.

the thing about him being young is that we can afford to eb as patient as we need to be with him

he didnt lose us that game yesterday...we lost as a team and RM for once was beaten tactically (though as i said somewhere else, i dont think he has much choce with the injury of milner and the very poor purchase of garcia...we lacked that midfield base from which to attack and still have cover which was our undoing in the end)

balotelli has it in him to be a top class player....and yesterday his performnace was good int he first half yet you get pricks like souness and redknapp attacking him with what in the end is absolute lies and bullshit just to feed the media agenda against him which had been set in motion before he even arrived at the club.

ive said it before but him (and the other players) need our support....people need to open their eyes, stop listenting to the views of supposed pundits...watcht he game 2-3 times if you need to (i just have watched the highlights again and int he first half balotellis link up play was great)
We need to get rid of balo ASAP he ain't interested in playing for us he's a marked man off referees and I don,t think the players like him he's a individual not a team player and that's what we need get rid ov him and nasri .
simon23 said:
Pam said:
The die is cast, though, Simon. They will run and run with it. For that alone, he is Roberto's Achilles Heel. Time to get rid of Balo. I love you Bobby, so please.

sorry but no

why give into the fuckers and let them undermine what we are trying to build....

At the very least why give them the story they are trying to create.

the thing about him being young is that we can afford to eb as patient as we need to be with him

he didnt lose us that game yesterday...we lost as a team and RM for once was beaten tactically (though as i said somewhere else, i dont think he has much choce with the injury of milner and the very poor purchase of garcia...we lacked that midfield base from which to attack and still have cover which was our undoing in the end)

balotelli has it in him to be a top class player....and yesterday his performnace was good int he first half yet you get pricks like souness and redknapp attacking him with what in the end is absolute lies and bullshit just to feed the media agenda against him which had been set in motion before he even arrived at the club.

ive said it before but him (and the other players) need our support....people need to open their eyes, stop listenting to the views of supposed pundits...watcht he game 2-3 times if you need to (i just have watched the highlights again and int he first half balotellis link up play was great)

The problem I have with Balo is that in the summer, he had a brilliant Euro campaign for Italy and I was expecting him to come back and have a monster of a season for us this year. But it is embarrassing, how little he has contributed. I don't go in for all the scape-goating but he had been a waste of space for us this year and we deserve better from him, as does Roberto.
uwe rosler 28 said:
We need to get rid of balo ASAP he ain't interested in playing for us he's a marked man off referees and I don,t think the players like him he's a individual not a team player and that's what we need get rid ov him and nasri .

see again this bit about him not being interested.....please tell me how you know this for a fact?

its just bullshit made up by the media that people are regurgitating

if he didnt care...then why does he "supposedly throw strops" when he is brought off.......not that he does that either

the players do lile him and there are numerous directly quoted on it

NDJ has recently said he would welcome him to where he is playing now as did another player last week (cannt remember who) again this is another bullshit statement that is just thrown around without any proof whatsoever

not a team player...again bullshit...go back and watch the game...numerous times throughoutt he first half he is moving off the ball, runnign the channels, linking up with others, setting up aguero ....again total bullshit statement
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