Balotelli (continued)

Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)

BluePurgatory said:
I dont believe it so am i calling billy a liar????
Is that a question or a statement?

And saying you don't believe it to be true (Mario hating Mancini) is different to saying that Billy is full of shit because he has said he is friends with Stephen Ireland. Do you not see the distinction?
Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)

mekonmcfc said:
Makes me laugh this place now, unless you post regularly and are seen as one of the clique then your comments and views are not valid, some people need to take their heads out of their and others arses !!

Lots of shit spoken here, and we know very little about anyone here

Well said.
Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)

SWP's back said:
mekonmcfc said:
Makes me laugh this place now, unless you post regularly and are seen as one of the clique then your comments and views are not valid, some people need to take their heads out of their and others arses !!

Lots of shit spoken here, and we know very little about anyone here
Not at all, not even close.

But when you call someone out as being "full of shit" for knowing Stephen Ireland, then it would help if you have a fucking clue what you are on about. Me and Billy don't always get on but he is a genuine blue and is not prone to making shit up. Especially about who he knows.

And no one could accuse me of being in the same clique as Billy.

It was a general observation not particularly aimed at you, I would suspect 95% of posters are genuine blues . So what makes you, billy or anyone else more than another ? Just because you post more and are more vociferous ?
Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)

I've only just got up, can someone fill me in? Did the press run with the tussle between Citizen 52 and his dog? Quotes from famous owners on how this sort of thing does happen in living rooms up and down the country (but Citizen only had himself to blame for indulging him in the past), and countless hacks telling us the dog is just a wrong 'un and his time is up?
Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)


Please can I join a clique, please may I be a clique, please ............. what is a clique............. who is a clique..............????

Oh look I've found an explanation:

In the social sciences, the word "clique" is used to describe a group of 2 to 12 (averaging 5 or 6) "persons who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting".[1] Interacting with cliques is part of normative social development regardless of gender, ethnicity, or popularity. Although cliques are most commonly studied during adolescence and middle childhood, they exist in all age groups.

So I can't be a clique on my own...... anyone let me in????? ;-)
Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)

SWP's back said:
BluePurgatory said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Do you know billy? Because several of us do, including moderators. So who the fuck are you, someone no one has ever heard of or noticed, to suggest he's a liar?

I think if you're going to call a well known poster a liar then you should tell us who you are and what gives you the right to say that. Or if you aren't prepared to give us your credentials then you should apologise and admit you don't know who billy knows and you made a baseless, snidey accusation.

You need to chill DD, all this hating is getting to you. Its a forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion regardless if they are a "well known poster" Posters have been called far worse things than a liar. And you have to admit that some posts on here are very economic with the truth!
They aren't entitled to that opinion when it is baseless and known to be false by at least about 30 odd people that know who Billy is, including the site owner.

If I decided to label you a fiddler of horses, would I be entitled to that opinion?

So 30 on here know who billy is ?? what about the 52 odd thousand that dont..??

people are well within their rights to call someone a liar when a statement is not backed up with viable proof.. (it happens in courts around the world on a daily basis).

Have any of these 30 given any proof as to whether Billy is telling the truth or do we take it on face value..??

Face value doesnt exist on here...the transfer thread is testament to that.

(And Im not talking about Stevie ireland,, more the training ground phone call minutes after said event..)
Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)

Summerbuzz said:
I've only just got up, can someone fill me in? Did the press run with the tussle between Citizen 52 and his dog? Quotes from famous owners on how this sort of thing does happen in living rooms up and down the country (but Citizen only had himself to blame for indulging him in the past), and countless hacks telling us the dog is just a wrong 'un and his time is up?

Apparently Mario is definitely bound for Milan because he misses his girlfriend (even though they have been broken up for months and Milan said they cannot afford him.)

Also apparently he hates Mancini.

Also anyone who does not agree that Welbeck is better than Mario is a troll and a wumm.
Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)

mekonmcfc said:
So what makes you, billy or anyone else more than another ? Just because you post more and are more vociferous ?
That is a strawman as it is a proposition that I have never argued.

All I have said is that calling people out as being "full of shit" for something that lots of people actually know is the truth is a fools errand.
Re: Balotelli (continued - bust up with Mancini pg 18)

Eccles Blue said:

Please can I join a clique, please may I be a clique, please ............. what is a clique............. who is a clique..............????

Oh look I've found an explanation:

In the social sciences, the word "clique" is used to describe a group of 2 to 12 (averaging 5 or 6) "persons who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting".[1] Interacting with cliques is part of normative social development regardless of gender, ethnicity, or popularity. Although cliques are most commonly studied during adolescence and middle childhood, they exist in all age groups.

So I can't be a clique on my own...... anyone let me in????? ;-)

Well done you can use Wikipedia, now use a dictionary

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