Balotelli [MERGED]

Tried to tell people on here last July that Balotelli was overrated. That he is a petulant twat that would disrupt our team.

BillyShears wrote:

Eh? He isn't worth 10? Is this a professional view or a personal one...;- )

A personal one Billy. In my opinion he is vastly overrated and comes with baggage, he's a disruptive little shit if he doesnt get games, which in all honesty if we are signing 1 of Dzeko or Ibra, and you can add Tevez and Ade to the mix, he isn't gonna get many.

I dont hate to tell you this, but i told you so.
Pigeonho said:
chase of spades said:
Your a wanker too
Any need for that, really?
No not really pal but why are you calling Mario a wanker,you dont know him like i dont know you,he plays for city (wen on the pitch) so the fans should back him all the way,yeah it was a high foot but you see that every single game every single week and the player dont get sent off,but because its Mario...

sorry for calling you a wanker by the way,my bad!
stonerblue said:
Berkovic_blue said:
100 pages. This thread is an embarassment and every other club and journo will be laughing at City once again.

Do you think United fans would have a 100 page thread slagging off one of their own players? Would they fuck. Until our fans develop more of a siege mentality and actually back the players and manager we'll always be a joke and never win fuck all

This thread makes me ashamed to be a City fan

What's embarassing is you telling us to be more like utd fans when you've only been here for five fuckin minutes.

Nice reply ;)
Re: City's job to sort Balo out as well as his own

I would like to see veira work his magic on him, take him under his wing. hes certainly a talent we need to chanel it. when we do we will have a hell of a player, mind you, its more if we do rather than when we do....
Mancini and Balotelli

No matter what we the fans think of Balotelli's actions last night... no matter what the manager thinks of Balotelli's actions last night.. the manager should NEVER publicly criticise his players in such a manner as he has done.

Whether Mancini was using Balotelli as an excuse for our defeat or not is largely irrelevant... a manager should never throw one of his players to the baying mob.

Ferguson actually pursued Cantona when it was needed, never once berated him publicly. Has always drawn in the waggons when the club or player is under threat.

Poor man-management skills by Mancini in my opinion, and another example of the pressure he is under... and is wilting due to it.

All I can hope is that Mancini has sacrificed Balotelli for the greater good, as maybe the other players have also had enough of him. In that case, he could still have done it all in private...
Skashion said:
No need to put blue goggles on here, or develop a rag-like 'siege mentality', he tried to win the ball back, missed, pulled out and studs powerlessly connected with Popov's thigh. No intent whatsoever, wasn't even looking at him. Popov went down like he'd been shot like Kyiv's players did all night. Ref gave a harsh red, again, as he gave harsh bookings all night to our players. There was a similar foot up high from one of their players during the second half and the East Stand went mad; no booking at all.

Ok, even say Balotelli deserved a red card, and I agree by the letter of the law he could be given one for that, I don't see why this reaction is merited. People are acting like he kung-fu'd out with intent, in anger. At worst he made a clumsy challenge and got a red merited by the letter of the law. At best he made a clumsy challenge and was sent off by a ref who applied completely different standards to them than he did to us. I think only on Bluemoon would there be more discussion about Balotelli's moment of madness No. 7016 - which clearly wasn't, that the travesty of a reffing performance - that it clearly was.
Some sense at last!
chase of spades said:
Pigeonho said:
Any need for that, really?
No not really pal but why are you calling Mario a wanker,you dont know him like i dont know you,he plays for city (wen on the pitch) so the fans should back him all the way,yeah it was a high foot but you see that every single game every single week and the player dont get sent off,but because its Mario...

sorry for calling you a wanker by the way,my bad!
Fair do's.
He's a wanker though in the footballing sense of the term, i.e. the way he behaves. I'm sure off the pitch he is a decent bloke. Anyone who sets fireworks off from a roof top apartment, plays birds off against each other and breaks into womens prisons to 'see what it looked like', is a fucking star in my book! (I mean that too!). As footballers go though, my opinion of him in general is that he's a wanker.
chase of spades said:
Pigeonho said:
Any need for that, really?
No not really pal but why are you calling Mario a wanker,you dont know him like i dont know you,he plays for city (wen on the pitch) so the fans should back him all the way,yeah it was a high foot but you see that every single game every single week and the player dont get sent off,but because its Mario...

sorry for calling you a wanker by the way,my bad!

It was more than a high foot...he raked the lad. It was deliberate and malicious.
Balo is apsolutly idiot. All team, all players, all club... seven days tactics, traininngs, combinations, energy, time .... but We have Balotelli, idiots, crazy boy. Go from City, forever. Sorry for my english, but mesagge is clearly. Balo go from City,
Re: City's job to sort Balo out as well as his own

danburge82 said:
kippax boy said:
He may well have a special talent but at the moment I have only seen it brief flashes,if he wants the club and fans support he should come out and apoligise(offer to pay for my Dublin flights) and get his head down and start scoring.He is young and could be frightening in a few years it would be a shame if he was doing it elsewhere. if he doesnt sort it out soon ,he will be gone and so will Mancin
Don't start making this another slag-fest like the other thread. Mancini won't be gone at the end of the season, I am certain he will see out his contract whatever happens this season butthats besides the point.

This thread isn't for people posting idiotic things, it's not about last nights actions or game. It's about ongoing and what City should be doing, that they may not already be. Making sure his favourite restaurant bring him his food every night or someone putting their arm around him in training and merely saying "come on Mario", this isn't what I mean. I'm talking about Vinny and de Jong going round his flat and having a sit down and a good chat for a few hours with him and stating exactly what needs stating and where they will all go from there.

As I said in my OP about Gerrard, his actions let down the club and arguably cost them a CL place in 2003. What changed? because from 2000-2003 he was a dirty **** who was ent of numerous times.

Let's not slip into the Star, Sun and News of the World style obvious posts in this thread!

Vieria was a dirty git at Arsenal too..1-2 reds a season

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