Balotelli [MERGED]

Benarbia said:
Yeah I mean Dzeko has really been banging them in for us
Yeah and he has only been here 3 months, in a new country, new team mates, new league, new system of play, but hey he should be scoring at least 2 a game, he did cost £25million don't you know, I give up, some real clueless berks on here
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Mario is a big game player, playing at home to 27,000 against Kiev isn't going to excite the boy - now wembley? Then you'll see what all the fuss has been about, a shoe in to be motm.

So if we take your argument to be correct, then why did Mancini pick him in this smaller 'at home to 27,000 against Kiev' last night? Did you go? Was it a big game for you?
Re: Mancini and Balotelli

If AC still want him, Balotelli + €10M for Pato please.

Mancini has does the right thing now as the ball is in Mario's court on whether to improve and fight for the team, or accept that he is not good enough to contribute to our team overall.

What Mancini has got wrong, and to some extent it is always a gamble, is spending the money in he first place on a player he thought he could control and develop, especially when we had Craig Bellamy sat there who would have contributed as much, if not more, and be content with a rotation policy. Then the £24M could have been spent on chasing someone else.

Given that City claim targets are scouted for all aspects - ability, attitude, willingness to move etc etc - Mancini must have over-ruled the consensus with this one based on his time at Inter. He has to shoulder the responsibility. That said, looking back gets us nowhere - 3pts on Sunday and all is forgiven Roberto in my eyes.
Skashion said:
No need to put blue goggles on here, or develop a rag-like 'siege mentality', he tried to win the ball back, missed, pulled out and studs powerlessly connected with Popov's thigh. No intent whatsoever, wasn't even looking at him. Popov went down like he'd been shot like Kyiv's players did all night. Ref gave a harsh red, again, as he gave harsh bookings all night to our players. There was a similar foot up high from one of their players during the second half and the East Stand went mad; no booking at all.

Ok, even say Balotelli deserved a red card, and I agree by the letter of the law he could be given one for that, I don't see why this reaction is merited. People are acting like he kung-fu'd out with intent, in anger. At worst he made a clumsy challenge and got a red merited by the letter of the law. At best he made a clumsy challenge and was sent off by a ref who applied completely different standards to them than he did to us. I think only on Bluemoon would there be more discussion about Balotelli's moment of madness No. 7016 - which clearly wasn't, that the travesty of a reffing performance - that it clearly was.

Total nonsense. Your attempt to defend the indefensible is nothing short of laughable.
Need to get this clown out of the club sharpish! I am not just saying this because of what happened last night, the guy is a disaster waiting to happen! Those saying last night wasnt intentional clearly dont have eyes, he should have gone for the elbow the other week and he certainly deserved to see red last night!

So we know he has an awful attitude, what about his ability? Ive yet to see any!!! This is a guy who rates himself as the 2nd best player in the World, only just behind Messi, let me tell you now......he is absolutely deluded. This guy belongs in Middle Earth or at Hogwarts because he has a head full of magic, if he made such outlandish, ridiculous statements in other walks of life they would cart him off to the funny farm!

£25 million down the drain, when Mourinho said what he said about him that should have been enough for the club to tell Mancini that we would not be pursuing Balotellis signature.

Balo is nothing short of a idiot and I really do worry about the intelligence levels of some City fans when they are on here defending him. What is more worrying is the City fans on here who actually believe the hype that Balotelli is any good! 2nd best player in the World yet cant control a football and cant pass to another City player. Ive seen nothing from him which suggests he is any better than Vassell, then again people were also on here defending Vassell as a good player so I guess I shouldnt be surprised!
Re: Mancini and Balotelli

Gray said:
It was obvious in Kiev that Mancini didn't have a clue where Mario was when the second half kicked off - very poor management.

So what does he do he plays him in the second leg - even poorer management.

I am not one who subscribes to constant managerial changes, put frankly I am losing patience with Roberto and his style of management.

To say both were poor management is laughable. How is not knowing Balo was in the loo watering his face poor management. He is a manager, not a teacher counting heads on a school trip and he had left the dressing room to go to the pitch.

Secondly, Mancini believed Balo to be part of the best 11, so he played him last night. How the fuck was that poor management. Seriously? How? Don't say he got sent off, Mancini was not to know that before was he?

Honestly this forum just confirms that City fans are no experts.
Re: The Mario Balotelli Appreciation Thread.

I know the fans are a bit upset with him, but I understand from someone inside the club that some of the players are getting pis**d off with him as well.

he will be on his way soon.
OrigamiNinja said:
Need to get this clown out of the club sharpish! I am not just saying this because of what happened last night, the guy is a disaster waiting to happen! Those saying last night wasnt intentional clearly dont have eyes, he should have gone for the elbow the other week and he certainly deserved to see red last night!

So we know he has an awful attitude, what about his ability? Ive yet to see any!!! This is a guy who rates himself as the 2nd best player in the World, only just behind Messi, let me tell you now......he is absolutely deluded. This guy belongs in Middle Earth or at Hogwarts because he has a head full of magic, if he made such outlandish, ridiculous statements in other walks of life they would cart him off to the funny farm!

£25 million down the drain, when Mourinho said what he said about him that should have been enough for the club to tell Mancini that we would not be pursuing Balotellis signature.

Balo is nothing short of a idiot and I really do worry about the intelligence levels of some City fans when they are on here defending him. What is more worrying is the City fans on here who actually believe the hype that Balotelli is any good! 2nd best player in the World yet cant control a football and cant pass to another City player. Ive seen nothing from him which suggests he is any better than Vassell, then again people were also on here defending Vassell as a good player so I guess I shouldnt be surprised!

That post just plain made me laugh, cheers poster!
Re: Mancini and Balotelli

Better to keep comments about team selection out of the press especially just after a match and in these circumstances.

If he is injured or for tactical reasons you can say so in the pre match build up but not immediately after a game and especially when you haven't seen the incident as Mancini claimed as such.

Stupid thing for Mancini to say unless he already had decided and told Balotelli before the game that he would be rested for Sunday which I doubt was the case.

This ref could easily have sent Tevez off as well in the second half for "high contact" in fact I would not have surprised if he did although again replay's show he did little wrong in the lead up to the collision.

Balotelli was clumsy that is all , no malice was intended.

If it was a premier league match unless the ref had it in for him it would have been yellow at worst and the commentary I was watching reflected this.

I guarentee you will see plenty of identical incidents this weekend and none of them will result in a red card.

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