Balotelli [MERGED]

Balotelli was a dick last night, there is no denying that.

But there are thousands of bigger dicks calling for him to be sold or to leave this club.

I won't be suprised if a large majority of morons boo him on his next appearance and if you do, you will deserve everything that happens to this club with him being driven out.
Bongo Joe said:

A very good video that almost sums him up perfectly. Definitely worth a watch if you have a bit of spare time.

Looking at the beginning of that video and seeing all the stupid challenges - including yet another red card - tells me that he doesn't learn from his mistakes.

He's just a sending off waiting to happen. His apology today changes nothing for me.
Re: Mario apologises.

nashark said:
markbmcfc said:
and you can follow him out of it...

I notice you said on the Ticket thread that you'll be struggling for a ticket for Wembley.

I won't.

Most of the people that you're slagging off have been following City longer than you've been alive, you'd do well to remember that sometimes.
I just saw that balo has apologised to everyone. I know emotions are high after yesterday but he is a young lad and made a silly mistake. I would hate to think as fans we would force him out after everything we have put up with in the past, crucifying this lad would be a mistake and we should stick by him. I mean for the first time in his life he has apologised about something pushed or not.

Come on blues we have always been great supporters, now is the time for getting behind our boys. We need this season to finish well and im sure Balo will try his heart out
cinnamon blue said:
samharris said:
Balotelli; "I hope they forgive me and see that I
want success with Manchester City.
From my injury on I have had some
difficulties. It is not an easy period for
me but I will overcome it with the help
of everybody."

Thats good enough for me. The first step forward in getting over problems is by facing them and being open and honest..

Those without sin cast the first stone and all that.!!Now come on Mario plenty on here have stuck by you today so please justify our faith in you and get things sorted.
Spot on sam harris

Totally agreed. Balotelli is a flawed genius. You only have to look at all his stuff on youtube and some of the moves he has already done for us. Yes - he is a petulant child at time but his apology is hopefully the first real step to growing up and starting to put all of his hate and anger to one side.

Having said that, I would rather have the Balotelli with his edge and attitude than 95% of strikers in the premiership. Torres, Carroll or Baloteli? Balo every single time!
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Bongo Joe said:

A very good video that almost sums him up perfectly. Definitely worth a watch if you have a bit of spare time.

Looking at the beginning of that video and seeing all the stupid challenges - including yet another red card - tells me that he doesn't learn from his mistakes.

He's just a sending off waiting to happen. His apology today changes nothing for me.

I see the opposite. Can we afford to not have this guy. If Mario or anyone connected to him is reading this.

Come on kid, show us what you got!
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I just saw that balo has apologised to everyone. I know emotions are high after yesterday but he is a young lad and made a silly mistake. I would hate to think as fans we would force him out after everything we have put up with in the past, crucifying this lad would be a mistake and we should stick by him. I mean for the first time in his life he has apologised about something pushed or not.

Come on blues we have always been great supporters, now is the time for getting behind our boys. We need this season to finish well and im sure Balo will try his heart out
What BB Says. The way we the fans react just may make him realise that he signed for the greatest club supported by the most loyal fans in the world!
Destined to be a hero this season

Annoys me that he is the butt of so much ridicule at the moment. Maybe he was too up for last nights game after all the fuss the media made about his allergy. But he will just have to handle the attention he gets.

And I am sure he will. Lets make it easier for him
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Bongo Joe said:

A very good video that almost sums him up perfectly. Definitely worth a watch if you have a bit of spare time.

Looking at the beginning of that video and seeing all the stupid challenges - including yet another red card - tells me that he doesn't learn from his mistakes.

He's just a sending off waiting to happen. His apology today changes nothing for me.
100% agree

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