Balotelli [MERGED]

samharris said:
Balotelli; "I hope they forgive me and see that I
want success with Manchester City.
From my injury on I have had some
difficulties. It is not an easy period for
me but I will overcome it with the help
of everybody."

Thats good enough for me. The first step forward in getting over problems is by facing them and being open and honest..

Those without sin cast the first stone and all that.!!Now come on Mario plenty on here have stuck by you today so please justify our faith in you and get things sorted.
Spot on sam harris
Re: Mario apologises.

brian the blue said:
chedinho said:
ive never seen anything like him before.i supported him right up until that moment.he always leaves his foot can you please tell me why?

Last night i'd put it down to frustration for missing an easy chance.
there will always be something frustrating him and this worries me.i wonder how many players are seething with him jong says its already forgotten but that wont be true.
Re: Mario apologises.

samharris said:
Easy fella thats a bit harsh.. we'd all love tickets but its not about one upmanship..You got a ticket,nice one...Many wont.


A very good video that almost sums him up perfectly. Definitely worth a watch if you have a bit of spare time.
Mario at this moment in time is a fucking cock, end of.

I really hope he turns it around and proves himself, but if I'm honest I really cant see it
haven't got time to read whole thread and i'm sure i can pretty well guess what has been said, my apologies if i'm repeating anything, but, as i see it tevez is captain and as such i think he should have a not so quiet word with mr mario and give him a right good bollocking in front of other players if necessary, and explain to him what a shit upbringing he had and far more dangerous, and how playing football is a privaledge not a right and to knuckle down and win us fans back over ( as he had to early december )

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