Balotelli [MERGED]

Balti said:
What the same Bellamy that ripped part chelski, the rags and others apart only last he was shit cos he was offloaded to cardiff for non-footballing reasons and that shit manager redtwatt wants to sign him still.....whereas Balo has proven himself to be even better by errr, well, err

Right the same Bellamy who got us Champions League football and won the league for us. I mean he was top scorer for us that season. Yes he won us the game v the scum all alone. My bad must have missed that Bellamy.

Oh wait I was watching Mario chase team mates down with golf clubs, high fiving managers who had just won against us to get CL football and get booted from EVERY club he has played for in his 30 plus years in the game.
Posted in the other thread too....can someone - anyone - explain how Mancini publicly announcing that Balo won't be in the squad for Sunday is a good thing? Seriously - am I the only one who finds that mind boggling?
Re: I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

TheMidnightClaret said:
Still one of the most gifted footballers at the club and I find it astounding that fans are on a witch hunt against him. He pulled out of that challenge tonight, still stupid and reckless but not dangerous. if De Jong did this to Nani fans would be loving it and think it was the greatest thing that ever happened. Because its mario it means he lazy and a **** (despite chasing down the ball that he lost). I think some of you lot can rival ragcafe with your hate of a city player.

total bullshit and you know it, mario has a deep underlying problem and thinks playing football is a joke. He needs help not from mancini but from a psyche, who will probablly section him if truth be told and who would blame him, mcfc does not need this sort of shit when we are on the brink of a cup final ffs.
Might be stretching it a bit but is there a way to make the club aware of the majority of our feelings about what happened, because surely something has to be done with regard to his attitude??
BillyShears said:
Posted in the other thread too....can someone - anyone - explain how Mancini publicly announcing that Balo won't be in the squad for Sunday is a good thing? Seriously - am I the only one who finds that mind boggling?

I suspect Disdsbury Dave thinks the same as you. Just get a hunch about it.
Re: I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

According to this he hasnt, we will see if it turns out to be true

danny_pugsley Danny Pugsley
by FanzoneDanny
Mario, post game RT @krisjepson: Just got out car n confronted Kiev fans <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> RT @danny_pugsley @OliverKayTimes #MCFC
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Re: Mario Bib-otelli

inbetween said:
Didn't see the foul while i was at the game but about to watch it but christ. I think he can be a fantastic player but it seems he's always going to have this mad streak to him and i'm not sure if he'll ever change. Until he can knuckle down and fight for his place and keep his head together he just has no place at this club.

I'm all for having a character in the dressing room and a player like him can win games single handedly sometimes. I mean Zidane and others were mad as houses but still they applied themselves on the pitch and though being mad they still showed their genius where it mattered. If the lad is going to get sent off every game and contribute nothing but the odd goal he just can't be allowed to be here like it's some kids club, as Bobby Manc said we could of won it tonight with 11 men and no matter what side of the coin you see this he potentially cost us a place in the quarter final and that's just simply unacceptable for what we want to achieve.

Swap that bit round. score every other game and occasionally get sent off. No wonder he is so hated when fans use hyperboles like that.
Re: I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

TheMidnightClaret said:
Still one of the most gifted footballers at the club and I find it astounding that fans are on a witch hunt against him. He pulled out of that challenge tonight, still stupid and reckless but not dangerous. if De Jong did this to Nani fans would be loving it and think it was the greatest thing that ever happened. Because its mario it means he lazy and a **** (despite chasing down the ball that he lost). I think some of you lot can rival ragcafe with your hate of a city player.

Behave, none of what you said is true.

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