Balotelli [MERGED]

I'd say this about him at the moment...

If he was playing for another team against us I'd feel quite good about him starting for them as he's not exactly setting the world on fire yet and you just know how easy it's going to be to wind him up so that he does something fucking stupid.
I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

The Pope said:
You what? We say this everytime!

Big fan of RM but he gets rid of Bellamy because hes a trouble causer and brings in mario!
We need Bellamy back if only to punch his lights out.
At least Bellamy would die for the shirt and wouldve probably been the difference tonight.
This has nothing to do with Bellamy.

How many times did we hear that Dejong was a liability, Zaba was a liability, Micah was a liability, Lescott was a liability?

Yes Mario has a lot to learn but he is considerably younger and less experienced than all the other players who have felt the wrath of Bluemoon for their imperfections. In Mario we have someone who is widely held to be one of the hottest young prospects in world football. We are more than happy to forgive M Johnson 18 months on the piss in the hope that he may one day play 2 games back to back for us again but have absolutely no patience when it comes to nurturing a child prodigy! Why is this?
Yes Mario needs to suffer the consequences of his actions but to call for us to sell a player who has scored 10 goals in his only 15 starts in a new league is just crazy.
As for the welsh wonder, he's probably poking Twitcher on facebook as I type.
Re: I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

Still one of the most gifted footballers at the club and I find it astounding that fans are on a witch hunt against him. He pulled out of that challenge tonight, still stupid and reckless but not dangerous. if De Jong did this to Nani fans would be loving it and think it was the greatest thing that ever happened. Because its mario it means he lazy and a **** (despite chasing down the ball that he lost). I think some of you lot can rival ragcafe with your hate of a city player.
Re: I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

He's a marked man from here onwards,refs will have their preconceptions and the opposition will target him.

He's created a monster..... and we're stuck with the fvcker.
Not much to add really with regards the negative things being written, i feel that too, the manner in which we got beat, the sending off, the utterly woeful performance of the ref and disgusting time wasting histronics and theatrics from kiev, i genuinely dont remember feeeling as aggreived and pissed off in any of the recent derbies, even the fergie time 4-3 at the swamp, as i do now. The performance the ten put in just didnt deserve that. Kiev were the epitome of anti fair play. Fucking horrible. The referee may as well have been on a walkie talkie taking instruction from blatter and platini to not let us win the tie. Gutted.

But its happened and we have to move on.

Anyone high up at the club that has a modicum of sense or PR nous will make sure that tommorrow he issues an apology to go some way to placating the fans. I think hell be dropped for Sunday but after that Mancini will bench him and we will see him gradually reintegrated.

As stupid a mistake it was and as petulant and spoilt he seemed when he first came i believed he had begun to turn a corner the last few games, seemed to be tracking back more and trying to get involved, learning not to retaliate as he first did everytime he lost the ball at the start.

The away leg in kiev aside where if im honest and it was any of us youd have to put petrol in our eyes to get us off i still think theres hope for this kid with us. If Mancini stays he will too.

Mancini isnt going to write him off at this point, no way, it would be the start of his own demise. Big test for both of them.

I hope its a catalyst because i think weve seen flashes of what he can become. I fear he'll be booed out of here by the summer though.

In the interim We should start playing to Dzekos strengths because it will be Tevez or the pair of them for the forseeable.

Before you start slating me, go and watch his stuff from Inter and tell me he doesnt have what it takes to make it to the very top. What he did tonight is indefensible but it could be the making of him also.
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
The biggest disgrace I've ever seen wear the shirt. We've had some shitters in the past, but at least they didn't have the attitude of this retarded prick.

At the ground, I myself thought it was probably only a yellow, but you could see the intention and it was fucking stupid. Since watching it back, I've now seen it was a clear red and there is no defending it.

He's the only player I've seen at City as well who has been sent off and not receive applause from the ground, cos there was fuck all to applaud. All you could hear was "Fuck off Balotelli", "Get rid of him Bobby" and boos and even though I didn't do this, I totally agreed with them who did.

Since he played can anyone actually say he's done anything to justify the money we paid for him or the money we pay him? He's scored a few goals, mostly tap-ins and pens but apart from that, he's done nothing but walk round like he doesn't give a shit, get stupid bookings and red cards and fuck about and acts like the world owes him something.

I don't care if he's had a bad upbringing, so's Tevez, but everyone loves him cos he plays football the right way and put every bit of effort in that he can. I and I'm sure others have known people who haven't had the best of lives, doesn't mean they automatically become a **** though.

He could be the reason Mancini loses his job, whether that's a good thing, I don't know, but it's not right.

I'd hate to think what the other players think of him too, I think we know Tevez doesn't like him with the reaction he showed in Kiev shaking his head cos Balo had hayfever or whatever the fuck he was scared of. I reckon people like Silva, Nigel, Vinnie etc won't like him either, you can tell in their body language. I know which players I'd rather have.

To think we had a player like Bellers who would put it all in and is actually a better player and we got rid of him for this joker, unbelievable.

He lost us the game today and he will do it again and again. If he's anywhere near the pitch at Wembley, I fear the worst.

If my Balohat ever arrives, I might send the bugger back. (I kinda like the hat though).

Bang on the sentiments exactly.
halpo123 said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Which City player has been a bigger disgrace, then?
ben thatcher
For ONE bad foul?

joey barton
Off field incidents aside, he actually tried, didn't stroll about and throw a hissy fit every time a decision went against him. So no, he wasn't worse than Mad Balo.

and for different reasons nigel clough(although i loved his old fella)
honourable mentions go to mcmannaman danny mills and robinho

Ha, ha! Scraping the barrell or what?

and loads of others,

Name them!
Re: balotelli number two?

chesney said:
anyone else see this guy ? spitting image , same hair job lot , was on the bus from piccadilly to the ground and everyone was singing to him, was wondering if anyone was on the same bus haha , was quality he seemed to take it as a laugh!

I saw him in the concourse near 116/117 in the food queue! Couldn't help but chuckle.
didactic said:
Bellamy better than Balotelli? Hahahahaha comeon thats why he has lit the Championship on fire and has all those medals in his closet.

How old are some you guys really?

It's probably subjective-but if you're asking who's made the bigger on pitch impact at City over the same length of time than I would say that Bellamy wins over Balotelli by a street.

And in far bigger games.

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