Balotelli (Merged)

Re: Is Balotelli being targeted because of racism?

gregblag said:
There's more to racism than crowd chants or verbal abuse. Mario acts the tough black guy (some of it tongue in cheek I am sure) and there are guys in the media and refs that can't seem to cope with it.

Mario has had bookings and sending offs which have been ridiculous compared with the treatment the Salford players get. Not just Rooney. Ever seen Vidic on a rant at the ref and get nothing for it?

And the MOTD pundits should be seriously ashamed of themselves. They couldn't wait to label him a trouble maker despite it being the refs being incredibly inconsistent and harsh.

Atkinson, to his credit, was determined not to book Kompany a second time and send him off for fuck all despite the crowd at Anfield today. That was using his reffing common sense. But with Mario WTF. He got booked for his 1st foul today. It was stupid by Mario for sure but Atkinson could have had a word. It wasn't a crucial foul, just stupid. The second was just an accidental collision. Skirtel didn't help with his play acting but because it was Mario it made it an easy decision for the ref. No thought of common sense from the ref, just it looks like a yellow, it's Balotelli I'm going to give it.

I think it needs to be said. If Mario was a Lenny Henry type character all sweet and non dangerous would he be getting the same treatment? Would he fuck. It's because he comes across as a tough no compromise black guy he is getting shit.

oh dear what a load of SHIT it's clearly NOT racism , its because of his reputation!!! the bad boy image etc

dont throw around the racism card its pathetic
Re: Is Balotelli being targeted because of racism?

Balotelli is a pantomine villian... Just Boo's and Hissing when he does anything remotely "wrong" a foul, a mis control etc... There isn't a torrent of hate from the stands when he comes on (as sub) just an expectation/ worry.

He's a Cantona, Barton, Doiuf and the rest.

Personally I f**kin love him!
Re: Is Balotelli being targeted because of racism?

Calcio said:
He comes across like he cant be bothered. We brits hate people who dont put effort in. he comes across like he doesnt care for anyone than himself.

Also Redknapp never said he hates him, he said he's not a fan. If you are accussing Redknapp of racism, then say it . You are saying you dont think he hates black people, but if Balotelli was white he wouldnt hate him. So essentially you are saying the difference in Redknapps views are because balotelli is black.

Also why are you assuming what Redknapp would think? That in itself is messed up

This is the point I am making the fact that he is disliked because he is not understood and he is not understood because he does not behave like the others who are mostly white. This stems from a lack of understanding about other people which is why every black player is called lazy. See Robinho, Adebayor, Richards last year, Toure I could go on. Simply stereotypes.

There are levels of racism my friend there are people who can be friends with blacks, asians, arabs but as long as they play their role. Balotelli does not play his role he is not a yes sir/no sir type personality. Rooney is not either but this is excused why not for Balotelli?. Like it or not race relations are in their infancy for me Balotelli is normal because I know 100s of Balotellis. Guys who dont smile much, always scowl and just do their thing. To others this shows "hes doesnt care, he only cares for himself." etc, etc.

I am not calling Jamie a racist I am calling him someone who is a product of his enviroment. White guys acting out is called passion, black guys doing it is called a liability.

Yesterday Rooney stood on a player TWICE where is his red card?. The pundits were defending him saying he was trying to get the ball it was unintentional. Today Balotelli was sent off fighting for a ball and it was "a disgrace, accurate" he is "a liability."

The pundits spend the whole time attacking him.
Re: Marmite

Decc66 said:
nashark said:
Probably a harsh sending off, but a moronic thing to do without doubt.

If I was his team mate, I'd have it out with him. He cannot keep letting them and this club down.

Are you for real ??

Will every fucker who is having a pop at him please watch the replay again and then come back and tell me he had any intention other than getting the ball.

Moronic thing to do, Jesus wise up man !!!

Ref my intention was to get the ball, but I fouled the guy because I was too late. But, it's my intentions that count, right ref?

Anyone who leads with their elbow is risking a yellow. It's not really rocket science.<br /><br />-- Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:45 pm --<br /><br />
Josh Blue said:
Two Scousers text me saying it was a very harsh sending off and a Chelsea fan I am friends with said no way and most importantly Mancini said it was no way a second yellow.

Well, if Mancini said it, then it is going on Wikipedia as an absolute truth.
Re: Is Balotelli being targeted because of racism?

And he misses yet another game due to suspension, will he ever learn? doubt it.
Re: Is Balotelli being targeted because of racism?

mammutly said:
gregblag said:
mammutly said:
But you are talking about the individual player, NOT his race. As I said before, Mario's reputation might influence some refs, but that's no reason to call it a racial issue.

You know the term, an uncle Tom? That's a black guy who knows his place. That's an American term admitted but the point is if there is latent racism you are not going to see it against "nice" black people.

You take a guy like Roy Keane, a tough white guy. Did he get the same kind of stick in the press with some of the antics he got up to? I don't know, I am asking the question.

What I would like to know is why has it been so easy for the media and the refs get on Mario's case so easily and so broadly. It might need black people to answer this as they are the ones with the experience.

Sorry, mate. But I think you are introducing an unnecessary racial agenda. There is just no evidence that black players are discriminated against. You might have more of a case in arguing that Mario is unfairly judged as an individual at times, but to say it's because his black makes no sense

The press coverage of Mario is mixed - some good, some bad. If anything I'd say he's developing a reputation as a bit of a gifted, daft but ultimately lovable figure.

'Super Mario' is the headline in waiting. Great things to come from Balotelli.

Judging from the responses it seems to be an issue that needs discussing.

I think there is hypocrisy surrounding this issue. For instance, remember Ron Atkinson getting sacked for calling a player a lazy ****** while still on mike? Plenty of black players came out in support of Atkinson and said he didn't have a racist bone in his body. Is Atkinson a racist? I don't know him so I can't say, but if black players that knew him came out in support then I would say not. His apparently racist language might just have been his way of being familiar.

What I am coming to is it's easy to condemn language as racist but what about behaviour? If Balotelli is getting treatment worse than that of other players how do you know it isn't racist at least in part? Does cutting out racism mean we never say "bad" words or does it mean we don't run away from examination of the issue in all quarters?

You say Mario is judged unfairly as an individual. That then doesn't count as racism because other black players are treated fairly? Suppose I called Mario a ****** but then said it's not racism because I don't call any other black person that. That would be OK then?
show me one striker who doesn't put his arms up when he jumps, both for elevation and protection, especially when up against that dirty bastard
Re: Is Balotelli being targeted because of racism?

From the floorboards up, Sun. Lge to Prem. Lge.. you grab an opponents shirt, Bookin'.. regardless of skin colour, gender, religion, whether you look like a boy from the 'Hood' or Roy Cropper you're gonna get 'carded'.. now I'm sure Bobby has a million things goin on pre-match so he just assumes all the players know the 'rules'...
Re: Is Balotelli being targeted because of racism?


What a silly thread.

He got booked because he pulled a player back - the ref gestured that Johnson was heading towards goal that's why he booked him.
Then he led with his arm at neck height - he'd have gone down like a ton of bricks had it been the other way round.

Two stupid avoidable bookings from Mario - doubt they'll be his last either - but that's him I'm afraid.

Why did the ref book Carroll for the foul on Kompany - his first foul and not a particularly nasty one just uneccessary and pretty stupid considering where he did it - is the ref Geordie-ist?
Re: Is Balotelli being targeted because of racism?

There could be an element of racism but I think it's more an unconscious racism than the overt way we all identify racism.

Rcism today is more complex than it used to be. For example darker skinned black people are treated more harshly than lighter skinned black people. I think this is the issue with Balotelli and that's why it's harder to call it racism.

I read a column in The Independent newspaper, where the author wrote about being on a bus and listening to a group of girls talking about an X Factor contestant. They were saying this girl could not win because she was too dark and because of her hair. Also in America black women who have 'good hair' (wigs, relaxed or weaves), in other words mimicking the texture of white peoples hair are treated much better than black women who have natural Afro hair. See Chris Rick's docu film 'Good Hair'.

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