Balotelli or Hernandez?

Mancio said:
seems the rags are prevailing . BM seems to becoming a sad cafe dependance more and more.

your deluded if you think balo wins over Hernandez.

putting aside what club either come from there is no contest at the moment!
johnmc said:
Mancio said:
seems the rags are prevailing . BM seems to becoming a sad cafe dependance more and more.

Why? For being realists?

If a thread asks who is better Jo or Berbatov do I have to say Jo because he plays for us?

mate , being realistic in football means accept that we all have the right to have an our own O P I N I O N , YES , but at the end of the day we must accept that we are only fans , we are not professional , ad exemple we are not really qualified for decide what a player worth.

but there is a site that all the professional utilize for this , and that site speak clear and without any suspect of biasing

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 50935.html</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 45146.html</a>

this are the F A C T. all the rest are opinions.
Pigeonho said:
Breadsnapper said:
Firstly for the record I'm a 1 and make no apologies for it. However, and I might have got this wrong I find you extremely arrogant and self opinionated and don't seem to derive an pleasure from what is set before you. Just because I won't slag the club doesn't make me a sheep it makes me an individual who has made up his own mind as to how I support my club.
Maybe I can't see things with absolute clarity when it comes to the scum but I would never choose a rag over a blue, never. I can accept my short sightedness but it will never change.
I believe you when you say you like to be different, I just think it comes across as you being different just for the sake of it.
With regards to your disection/ character assassination of Balotelli you seem to forget he is only 20 years old, already earning more money than most of us will ever see. I know at 20 I had a head full of broken biscuits but I eventually grew up. Hopefully it will happen to him.
That said I'd choose you over a rag everyday of the week or any other fan and if I ever bumped into you I'd buy you a pint.
Nah mate, I definitely do not act differently for the sake of it. I have had many-a-clash on here with Blues because I refuse to follow suit, that's just me though see.
Hernandez is only a year or 2 older than Balotelli, and he seems to have settled down ok don't you think? I happen to think what Balotelli gets up to is funny, I am afterall only 33 myself and like a character. There has to be a balance though, and there is anything but that as it stands. If he had Hernandez's goals record on the pitch, I would not care if he abseiled down the Beetham Tower naked, if thats what he wanted to do. He is shit on the pitch though, terrible at times in fact and therefore what he gets up to off the pitch just comes across as ridiculous because the same enthusiasm for the City he is playing in isn't happening in his game play.
That pint would go down a treat, by the way. ;-)
Fair do's, but people do mature differently and that I think is his problem. No he hasn't ripped up trees but that doesn't make him shit. He's lost whatever form he had that warranted 24 million being pent on him. The red is playing in a far more estblished and settled team which I believe contributes to his current success. How many times has an unknown come into the league, had a blinding first season then been found out?
The op asks which one, mine would be balotelli, He has the capcity to do the unpredictable, the sublime the ridiculous. Once he settles and the team around him settles, maybe with an FA Cup medal I think we will see the true player. One other thing and I seem to remember this with Kinky is that often he expects his players to make the runs he would choose and therefore when it doesn't happen it looks shit.
BTW if i'm buying it will have to be a nuts and bolts house coz I aint paying coms prices.
Breadsnapper said:
Pigeonho said:
Nah mate, I definitely do not act differently for the sake of it. I have had many-a-clash on here with Blues because I refuse to follow suit, that's just me though see.
Hernandez is only a year or 2 older than Balotelli, and he seems to have settled down ok don't you think? I happen to think what Balotelli gets up to is funny, I am afterall only 33 myself and like a character. There has to be a balance though, and there is anything but that as it stands. If he had Hernandez's goals record on the pitch, I would not care if he abseiled down the Beetham Tower naked, if thats what he wanted to do. He is shit on the pitch though, terrible at times in fact and therefore what he gets up to off the pitch just comes across as ridiculous because the same enthusiasm for the City he is playing in isn't happening in his game play.
That pint would go down a treat, by the way. ;-)
Fair do's, but people do mature differently and that I think is his problem. No he hasn't ripped up trees but that doesn't make him shit. He's lost whatever form he had that warranted 24 million being pent on him. The red is playing in a far more estblished and settled team which I believe contributes to his current success. How many times has an unknown come into the league, had a blinding first season then been found out?
The op asks which one, mine would be balotelli, He has the capcity to do the unpredictable, the sublime the ridiculous. Once he settles and the team around him settles, maybe with an FA Cup medal I think we will see the true player. One other thing and I seem to remember this with Kinky is that often he expects his players to make the runs he would choose and therefore when it doesn't happen it looks shit.
BTW if i'm buying it will have to be a nuts and bolts house coz I aint paying coms prices.
Next season will be telling for them both and I really hope Balotelli has a settled summer, sees our purchases and thinks 'i'll have some of that'. It's possible Hernandez will get found out too and fail, but something tells me he will be a big fat pain in the arse for years to come. Lets just hope Balo becomes the same for other clubs.
Put it into a sentance:

Balo, i love him for what he is, a character, real potential and will be a world beater, BUT AT THIS MOMENT I would say Chickentika because AT THIS MOMENT he's scoring and playing pretty well.

No I am not a Rag, nor do I like Chickentika more than Balo, I just think at this moment in time, i would rather have Chickentika playing for City
Pigeonho said:
Breadsnapper said:
Fair do's, but people do mature differently and that I think is his problem. No he hasn't ripped up trees but that doesn't make him shit. He's lost whatever form he had that warranted 24 million being pent on him. The red is playing in a far more estblished and settled team which I believe contributes to his current success. How many times has an unknown come into the league, had a blinding first season then been found out?
The op asks which one, mine would be balotelli, He has the capcity to do the unpredictable, the sublime the ridiculous. Once he settles and the team around him settles, maybe with an FA Cup medal I think we will see the true player. One other thing and I seem to remember this with Kinky is that often he expects his players to make the runs he would choose and therefore when it doesn't happen it looks shit.
BTW if i'm buying it will have to be a nuts and bolts house coz I aint paying coms prices.
Next season will be telling for them both and I really hope Balotelli has a settled summer, sees our purchases and thinks 'i'll have some of that'. It's possible Hernandez will get found out too and fail, but something tells me he will be a big fat pain in the arse for years to come. Lets just hope Balo becomes the same for other clubs.
OOh you big softie, you're coming round to being a number 1 now aren't you? :-)
Hernandez missed 3 sitters yesterday...

balotelli for me... and thats not being biased.
levets said:
Hernandez missed 3 sitters yesterday...

balotelli for me... and thats not being biased.

Not picking either one (I don't like these kind of threads) - but I am bit surprised people are not pointing out more to those Hernandez misses from yesterday.

Some of them were like "Wow, how the fuck do you miss that"??

So my jury on that lad is still much of his scoring is his own ability vs. system he was put in (see also: Berbatov).
Obviously if you were to choose who's goal tally you'd like added onto your team total this year it would be Hernandez. But I've no doubt in my mind Balotelli will become the better player. I know some around here get irked when people mention how he could be a world beater to justify his behaviour, but they need to get over it, because he could. You don't need to be wearing blue tinted specs to see it.
You can only judge someone on what you've seen and what they've produced so far. On that evidence, anyone who picks Balotelli is deluded.

It'd be like saying Ronaldo or SWP's and picking SWP

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