Balotelli subject to racist abuse in Italy Romania game

ono said:
He can't be Italian because he's Black. Basically that's what it's all about. Set of fannies.
Reminds me of that scene in True Romance where Dennis Hopper gives the white mafia guys a history lesson on Italian origins! They didn´t like it and apparently still don´t
sam the drummer said:
By which fans? Surely not the Italy fans?! :S


Italians are the biggest racist in the world

they hate Balotelli and they hate black people

they are crap
It must be a nightmare to be him. Growing up and only knowing only one country and then being treated like that by them isn't something I'd wish on my worst enemy.
This is true..I have known an Italian guy for 30 years and he's a great guy. But he came out with the same statement..That he will never be Italian because he's black..this took me by surprise because I'd never had him down has being racist before, but it seems to be ingrained into them
Gaz in Belgium said:
This is true..I have known an Italian guy for 30 years and he's a great guy. But he came out with the same statement..That he will never be Italian because he's black..this took me by surprise because I'd never had him down has being racist before, but it seems to be ingrained into them

It's only 25 years or so since black players in an England shirt got similar abuse, "no black in the Union Jack" etc. It'll take time to change the mindset just as it did here.
The funniest part is that Italian fans will tell you it has nothing to do with him being black, it's because of his poor attitude. That's why it's ok to racially abuse him, because he has a poor attitude and he invites on himself. Unbelievable really.
Italian fans had a banner confiscated which read - "No to multi-ethnic national team"
I'm of Italian descent. and most italians have black hair and olive skin for a reason.

The Moors !

they should read upon their history, or watch True Romance ! 8-)

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