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*singingtheblues* said:
The quoted £180,000 per week demands may be inaccurate, but regardless of what you all might like to think there's clearly some very serious haggling going on.

And this is what you have to expect when you make the likes of Wayne Bridge one of the highest paid fullbacks in Europe on £100,000 a week. Giving players like Lescott, RSC, and Adebayor £100,000 , £80,000, and £150,000 a week respectively is counterproductive.

Thanks to the greatest Welsh football manager in the history of the sport our wage structure has become a complete and utter shambles, and will remain that way for the foreseeable future after the precedent we've set over the past 2 years.

We don't have a leg to stand on when negotiating wage demands, footballers are only human and will take note of other players' earnings. Potential recruits will see lesser players on ridiculous wages and at the very least seek parity.Without a wage structure we'll create a breeding ground for greed, and unrest within the squad will follow. It needs to be ad

-- Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:14 pm --

Not sure if yourwages are accurate - I have no idea at all what we pay - but I am sceptical about anything in the media. But I know Hughes would not be responsible for negotiating wage demands.

You can't blame him for everything
Confirmed: Balotelli in it for the money

I found this article on ESPN Soccernet. If true, this shows the attitude the player will be coming in with - "Pay me or f-off". I have supported this guy on this forum and to others, but I sincerely hope we cut off talks with this player and let him bend someone else over a barrel. It is true that only "sources" are quoted, so this may just be a wind-up, but it has made me stop and think.

Balotelli wage demands could scupper City deal

By Harry Harris, Football Correspondent

August 4, 2010

Mario Balotelli is demanding an astonishing £180,000-a-week plus image rights to sign for Manchester City from Inter Milan, according to a well placed Soccernet source.

The striker, who turns 20 in a few days time, values himself highly and is clearly keen to take advantage of City's renowned wealth and ability to pay out higher salaries than most clubs.

But the club are baulking at Balotelli's demands, according to a Soccernet source close to the deal, who said: "I have heard the figure of £180,000-a-week, and when he was asked whether that would include his image rights, his representatives said no.

"We all know City are paying well over the odds in transfer fees and salaries, but this is an enormous salary for the player.

"If the sum being demanded is accurate, then it is stupid money, and you can see why City are not paying it, because there are some really big established international stars in their team who would be raising an eyebrow and asking for more money for themselves.

"In my view this is the reason for the hold up in the talks, because Inter also want a massive fee, so the total investment is just huge."

With the Inland Revenue also looking very closely at image rights any club must be very careful about signing any player which such add-ons to their contracts - another reason why City may be wary about accepting such demands.
Re: Confirmed: Balotelli in it for the money

This is already on the transfer forum, and the general feeling is that this is a load of bollocks.

I think this line gives it away...

"according to a Soccernet source close to the deal"
Re: Confirmed: Balotelli in it for the money


ESPN Soccernet, the first for breaking news inside of Manchester City. Give me a break, Harry Harris was also the twat who said that we'd stuck in £80m for Luiz and Di Maria.
Re: Confirmed: Balotelli in it for the money

If by 'Confirmed' you in fact mean 'Spuriously alleged in some half-baked article by a jounalist whose sole reason for renown appears to be his bankable ability to produce completely inaccurate articles, fabricated all by himself whilst sat at home in his kitchen', then you're bang on the money!
Re: Confirmed: Balotelli in it for the money

It's amazing how some people can't understand what a simple word like "confirmed" means...
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