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Raiola has spoken.

btw balo and city is missing a few details to be defined but is confident

between inter-and city there is more than a few problems with the agreement

that do not play at this moment can preclude the National

what is said in the newspapers discomfort Balotelli
chris63 said:
signs in next 48 hrs

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... deal_.aspx</a>
this article is old news
Mancio said:
Raiola has spoken.

balo between city and missing a few details to be defined but is confident

between inter-and city there is more than a few problems with the agreement

that do not play at this moment can preclude the National

what is said in the newspapers for some discomfort Balotelli

just going to post this mancio, did he say there were offers from other clubs as well?<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:03 pm --<br /><br />
Mancio said:
Raiola has spoken.

balo between city and missing a few details to be defined but is confident

between inter-and city there is more than a few problems with the agreement

that do not play at this moment can preclude the National

what is said in the newspapers for some discomfort Balotelli

just going to post this mancio, did he say there were offers from other clubs as well?
chris63 said:
signs in next 48 hrs

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... deal_.aspx</a>
Sky fookin Italia again! They said the Balotelli deal would be completed 'within hours' this time last week.

Then it was proved that they were way off as negotiations were still ongoing. So, what now, we're waiting for Branca (Inter director) and Mancini to sign the contracts etc.??
Forzacitizens said:
Mancio said:
Raiola has spoken.

balo between city and missing a few details to be defined but is confident

between inter-and city there is more than a few problems with the agreement

that do not play at this moment can preclude the National

what is said in the newspapers for some discomfort Balotelli

just going to post this mancio, did he say there were offers from other clubs as well?

-- Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:03 pm --

Mancio said:
Raiola has spoken.

balo between city and missing a few details to be defined but is confident

between inter-and city there is more than a few problems with the agreement

that do not play at this moment can preclude the National

what is said in the newspapers for some discomfort Balotelli

just going to post this mancio, did he say there were offers from other clubs as well?

afaik no
balotelli and the agent seem to have a problem with the newspapers, but he hinted at "5 years", wierd<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:07 pm --<br /><br />
Mancio said:
Forzacitizens said:
just going to post this mancio, did he say there were offers from other clubs as well?

-- Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:03 pm --

just going to post this mancio, did he say there were offers from other clubs as well?

afaik no

did you hear the bit about 5 years?
use the translator you prefear

Balotelli, Raiola passa la palla: "Forse i club..."
L'agente di Balotelli spiega: "L'accordo tra noi e il City c'è"
05.08.2010 20.55 di Redazione FcInterNews
Fonte: SkySport24
© foto di Alberto Fornasari

Mino Raiola, intervenuto in diretta a SkySport24, chiarisce le ultime ore della trattativa tra Balotelli e il City. E lo fa partendo con la smentita secca sulle cifre rivelate dal tabloid inglese Daily Star, che parlava di cifre da vergogna. “Sono preoccupato per i miei prossimi cinque anni in Inghilterra, in cui dovrò rispondere tutti i giorni a certi giornali”, auspicando quindi una futura riuscita della trattativa col City. “Noi non abbiamo alcun problema, né col Manchester City, né con l'Inter. Per noi mancano solo dettagli, mentre mi sembra di capire che manchi ancora l'intesa tra le società".

Raiola prosegue con una battuta: Qual è la distanza? Non parlo mai di cifre, ma forse è la stessa distanza che c'è tra Milano e Manchester...”. Evidentemente, le richieste economiche dell'Inter non sono ancora state accontentate dagli uomini mercato di Roberto Mancini. “Comunque”, chiude Raiola, “anche se il Manchester City resta la priorità, abbiamo anche altre offerte, che valuteremo con attenzione. Da chi? Posso solo dire che provengono sia dall'Italia che dall'estero”. E qui si sente puzza di bluff...
Balo, Raiola passes the ball: "There is agreement between the companies"
Balotelli's agent says: "We have no problems with any of them"

Mino Raiola, who spoke directly to SkySport24 clarifies the final hours of negotiations between the City and Balotelli. . And it does so starting with denial dry on the figures revealed by the British tabloid Daily Star, who spoke of digits to shame. "I'm worried about my next five years in England, where I will meet every day at some newspapers, then the hope for future successful negotiations with the City. For us there are only details, but I understand that is still pending agreement between the companies. "
Raiola continues with a joke: "What is the distance?" I never talk about numbers, but maybe it's the same distance that exists between Milan and Manchester ...". Clearly, the economic demands of Inter have yet to settle Roberto Mancini's men's market. "However," Raiola closed, "even if Manchester City is still the priority, we have other offers, which we will evaluate carefully. Who? Can I just say that come both from Italy and abroad . And here, things stink to bluff ...


sorry if already posted.
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