
I like him as a player,but he is a boy in a man's body
not what we need at this time
on sunday he argued with kolarov from start to his finish
then sulked off like a kid
nobody is bigger than city.
Balotelli can fuck off. I've stuck by him and stuck by him. His attitude on Sunday was the final straw.

I've seen him have 3 or 4 good games but nothing like the talent folk keep talking about. Worthless immature waste of a jersey. The opposite of Carlos Tevez, who has more talent in his left ball btw.
ayrshire_blue said:
Balotelli can fuck off. I've stuck by him and stuck by him. His attitude on Sunday was the final straw.

I've seen him have 3 or 4 good games but nothing like the talent folk keep talking about. Worthless immature waste of a jersey. The opposite of Carlos Tevez, who has more talent in his left ball btw.

The penny is starting to drop now with a few. Only a matter of time before we move him on at a big loss i'm afraid.
cookster said:
ayrshire_blue said:
Balotelli can fuck off. I've stuck by him and stuck by him. His attitude on Sunday was the final straw.

I've seen him have 3 or 4 good games but nothing like the talent folk keep talking about. Worthless immature waste of a jersey. The opposite of Carlos Tevez, who has more talent in his left ball btw.

The penny is starting to drop now with a few. Only a matter of time before we move him on at a big loss i'm afraid.

Balotelli's form is imminent. I'm not sure whether he'll stay when he plateaus, but when he does we'll be in for a treat. No way on earth Mancini'll sell him soon.
zangatangring said:
cookster said:
ayrshire_blue said:
Balotelli can fuck off. I've stuck by him and stuck by him. His attitude on Sunday was the final straw.

I've seen him have 3 or 4 good games but nothing like the talent folk keep talking about. Worthless immature waste of a jersey. The opposite of Carlos Tevez, who has more talent in his left ball btw.

The penny is starting to drop now with a few. Only a matter of time before we move him on at a big loss i'm afraid.

Balotelli's form is imminent. I'm not sure whether he'll stay when he plateaus, but when he does we'll be in for a treat. No way on earth Mancini'll sell him soon.

You keep waiting mate with the blue tinted's on.
cookster said:
zangatangring said:
Balotelli's form is imminent. I'm not sure whether he'll stay when he plateaus, but when he does we'll be in for a treat. No way on earth Mancini'll sell him soon.

You keep waiting mate with the blue tinted's on.

I see where you're coming from mate. Despite this, I disagree. This is a much maligned character who's flair we've all seen (although sporadically).

Stoke vs Man city? Whatever Balo does, it's always dysphemised by the media. I just thought it wouldn't have as much effect on our own supporters. If he's lucky to not get injured this season, you'll see magic.
cookster said:
zangatangring said:
cookster said:
The penny is starting to drop now with a few. Only a matter of time before we move him on at a big loss i'm afraid.

Balotelli's form is imminent. I'm not sure whether he'll stay when he plateaus, but when he does we'll be in for a treat. No way on earth Mancini'll sell him soon.

You keep waiting mate with the blue tinted's on.
Balo before Dzeko any day of the week- he scores goals!
prairiemoon said:
cookster said:
zangatangring said:
Balotelli's form is imminent. I'm not sure whether he'll stay when he plateaus, but when he does we'll be in for a treat. No way on earth Mancini'll sell him soon.

You keep waiting mate with the blue tinted's on.
Balo before Dzeko any day of the week- he scores goals!

Yeah, always banging them in is our Balo.

Err, I mean, apart from the odd penalty, he very rarely scores. Not saying Dzeko does, but he's got the right attitude and ability, only his confidence is letting him down which will come.

Vs Stoke Balo was good, but nothing more. I wish people would stop going on as if he put in some sort of magnificent performance. Nothing special, but probably deserved his motm award on the day.
ayrshire_blue said:
Yeah, always banging them in is our Balo.

Err, I mean, apart from the odd penalty, he very rarely scores. Not saying Dzeko does, but he's got the right attitude and ability, only his confidence is letting him down which will come.

Vs Stoke Balo was good, but nothing more. I wish people would stop going on as if he put in some sort of magnificent performance. Nothing special, but probably deserved his motm award on the day.

No, come on... Let's be fair. Balotelli, in friendlies especially, has shown the aptitudes of a prolific goal scorer. He's not Frank Lampard. Did anyone see his brilliant header vs Inter? That would make Dzeko proud! He is improving....
All those on here who dont like Balo and have had enough with him then dont go to games that he plays in its simple, show City that your hatred for the guy is such that you really want him out..
Moaning about him on an internet forum certainly wont do it..
So get out there chaps... get yer "Balotelli Out" banners made and stand at the entrances and picket the stadium...

It's the only way... Good luck with that.!!

Talent over tantrums for me anyday...

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