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lancs blue said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
I cant believe anyone is stupid enough to pay 35m euro for that waste of space. He'd be in my all time worst x11 City players (mainly for his abysmal ttitude). I'd happily drive him to Milan myself.
Not only is he THE most overrated - he's also a negative influence on the squad - so he actually makes us worse......................

Just as I think this thread can't get any more ridiculous...

One of BMs notorious trolls, pay him no mind.
bluedreaming said:
Silvio Berlusconi has been talking all things AC Milan and had some choice words for Mario Balotelli, saying: "The name of Balotelli never came into my thoughts, he is a rotten apple & could infect every group where he goes, even Milan."
Yes mate you forgot your mention your skint

Thus paving the way for a cheeky loan bid with a view to buy, at a discounted rate, at the end of the window. T..t
Sick to death of Mario bashing - yes he needs to grow up, work harder and regain form but he is one of the most naturally talented and blessed centre forwards on the planet and without him we would have a banner up at OT clicking up to 37 years!


Because at wembley when we finally won he was our man of the match that game finally have us belief we could win something

Because when tevez tried to destroy the club and run away and our season threatened to implode it was mario who scored goals and kept us winning and did the business at Old Trafford the game that won us the league

And because when after falling behind against QPR it was mario who came on shook things up, created chances and ultimately have the most important assist in our history

He again showed for Italy he was the most dangerous striker Europe has to offer on the euros and has made himself the main striker for europes second best team who actually use him properly as a centre forward ( unlike city)

So rather than do a Leeds cantona let's encourage him. Lets use him properly and let's have ourselves the best striker in the prem not be the dicks who let lee chapman mark 2
EalingBlue2 said:
Sick to death of Mario bashing - yes he needs to grow up, work harder and regain form but he is one of the most naturally talented and blessed centre forwards on the planet and without him we would have a banner up at OT clicking up to 37 years!


Because at wembley when we finally won he was our man of the match that game finally have us belief we could win something

Because when tevez tried to destroy the club and run away and our season threatened to implode it was mario who scored goals and kept us winning and did the business at Old Trafford the game that won us the league

And because when after falling behind against QPR it was mario who came on shook things up, created chances and ultimately have the most important assist in our history

He again showed for Italy he was the most dangerous striker Europe has to offer on the euros and has made himself the main striker for europes second best team who actually use him properly as a centre forward ( unlike city)

So rather than do a Leeds cantona let's encourage him. Lets use him properly and let's have ourselves the best striker in the prem not be the dicks who let lee chapman mark 2

well said that man!
I thought I was but I'm not anymore I really want so badly for Mario to play well these next few weeks and call me fucking sucker but I really think he will. I'd start tevez and dzeko against arsenal and if shit hits the fan I'd have Mario be the first sub

Really think he might have changed these last few weeks
The scorpion, in the course of a long journey, encounters a river. The scorpion cannot swim and so he is momentarily stymied until he spies the toad, on the opposite river bank. "Toad!" the scorpion calls out, "will you please let me ride on your back to the other side of the river because, you see, I cannot swim." "No way," replied the toad, "if I let you ride on my back you will sting me!" To which the scorpion replied, "But if I am riding on your back and I sting you then we will both die because I cannot swim." After thinking on it for a moment or two the toad agrees, swims over to the opposite bank of the river where the scorpion jumps onto his back and he turns to swim to the other side. When the toad, with the scorpion riding on his back, gets to the middle of the river, the scorpion stings him. "Scorpion!" Exclaimed the toad, "Why did you sting me? Now we both die."

"Because it is in my nature." Was the scorpion's response.
I just wish we would use him in his best position, up top leading the line like he did for Italy in the Euros. His movement is fantastic and with the players we have behind him I'm sure Mario could easily get 20+ goals a season.
mcfcdjr said:
I just wish we would use him in his best position, up top leading the line like he did for Italy in the Euros. His movement is fantastic and with the players we have behind him I'm sure Mario could easily get 20+ goals a season.

If this is so obvious, how come Mancini doesn't do what you suggest above? Serious question.
Matt the Giant said:
If this is so obvious, how come Mancini doesn't do what you suggest above? Serious question.
I honestly think this option became dead in the water as soon as it became clear that Tevez was going to be preferred over Balotelli. I'll most likely go to my grave thinking it's a mistake, to take the 28 year old (29 in less than a month) with 2 years left on his contract, over a 22 year old with 3 left on his contract, but Mancini has made his decision, and now he should do the decent thing and move Balotelli on. Balotelli has wonderful talent and the world of football deserves to see it, and they will if he's striker you build your team around like Italy do. You won't if you stick him out left or play him in a Dzeko-Balotelli pairing.
Not arguing with you on the fact that Mario is twice the player up front than used out wide.
That can be said about many players in our team, too many; Nasri and Milner are great players centrally but not so great out wide. Dzeko should, like Mario, be played up front spearheading our attack, but normally is used deeper and wide. Aguero is better in the middle than out wide/deep and so on.

I can see why Mancini prefers to play Tevez before Mario for several reasons though, most notably due to his supreme work rate and discipline.
But I hope we get a chance to see Mario up front, if only for one game, to see how it works out.
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