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mscenterh750 said:
Yes and he dropped that tribunal case, more than what Tevez did and now everybody has forgiven and forgotten what he did, at least Balotelli has never refused to play in the blue shirt.

yeah but Balotelli is black.........oh shit.
mscenterh750 said:
Yes and he dropped that tribunal case, more than what Tevez did and now everybody has forgiven and forgotten what he did, at least Balotelli has never refused to play in the blue shirt.

Not in so many words no, but some of the abject performances he's put in feel like it some times. I'm with the poster a couple of posts up, I have never seen anything in him or his play that makes him more than average. It's like a joke going round and no ones told Mancini, the press make out he's super talented while all the time laughing at us as RM continues to back the useless ****.
Josh Blue said:
mscenterh750 said:
Yes and he dropped that tribunal case, more than what Tevez did and now everybody has forgiven and forgotten what he did, at least Balotelli has never refused to play in the blue shirt.

yeah but Balotelli is black.........oh shit.

Stupid comment Josh, it's nothing to do with his race. Look at the other Black players in the squad who have nothing like the attitude problems of Balotelli. Racism may have affected him, but he can't blame it for everything.
mscenterh750 said:
The press make out that he is a troublemaker etc and portray him in such a bad light It's unfair, have you ever wondered why he seems so low and angry ?, If I was in his position I would be. May be if he got no press and was able to live his life, then that may show itself on the pitch.
Jesus are you being serious
Yes 100%. Mancini publicly hammers him and fights him and the press constantly troll him and abuse him and the tv football media are scathing of him, so if he's titsed, he has every right to be. That's my opinion. This could go on forever, people hate him people want him gone people love him and people want him to stay and I'm in the final 2 categories.
mscenterh750 said:
Yes 100%. Mancini publicly hammers him and fights him and the press constantly troll him and abuse him and the tv football media are scathing of him, so if he's titsed, he has every right to be. That's my opinion. This could go on forever, people hate him people want him gone people love him and people want him to stay and I'm in the final 2 categories.

You would think that the easiest way for him to silence his critics would be to knuckle down in training and put in some great performances on the pitch.

Does he? No. He can't be arsed, so he gets dropped for not working hard enough in training.

Yet people still stick up for this waster...
moomba said:
Mad_fer_it said:
I just don't get this "Oh Balotelli is so talented" talk.... He's a good player and has scored a few top quality goals for us, but for the people who say "he Could be better than Aguero if he pulled his finger out".... I really think they've been swept away with the media BS that surrounds him. Sorry I just can't see it. First touch is very inconsistent, he isn't super fast, rarely beats a man one on one, lazy as hell....What are people clinging too? What are people seeing in his play that i'm not??

He is extremely quick, extremely strong and technically very good.

Decision making and application needs to improve.

Extremely quick?

I've seen it all now.
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