Ban the Grand National?

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Dubai Blue said:
SWP's back said:
Wow, how very human of you.

And no doubt why no one should give a shit when soldiers die, they also know the risks.
So a soldier doing a very important job that has a potential impact on all of us is directly comparable to a man getting on a horse and jumping over fences for a bit of a laugh?

I didn't make that comparison folks, SWP's back did. And yes, it is a devastatingly insensitive and utterly fucked-up comparison to make.

Not in the same league of 'utterly fucked up' as not giving a shit about the life of another human being because they commit the unforgiveable 'crime' of riding a horse for a living,not a 'bit of a laugh'.
I scuba dive in my spare time. I don't do it to further the world in anyway, I do it because I enjoy it, much the same reason why jockeys ride horses and Jenson Button races cars. It's very dangerous and one day it may well kill me. But I won't be expecting any strangers on an internet football forum to burst into tears if it happens, so why are you getting so angry about me not giving a shit if a jockey or racing driver dies?
Wouldn't peoples time be better well spent trying to ban AIDS

Or maybe banning ignorant people from forums about stuff they know little about but see some horses die once a year in the Grand National and then find a giant pedestal to sit on and preach to the masses about the poor horses
Dubai Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Dubai Blue said:
You describe me as 'warped' and then go on to say 'if you are seriously saying that anyone who rides a horse deserves to die'. Where, anywhere in any of my posts, have I ever said anything even barely resembling what you've just accused me of?

Yes, I'm seriously saying I wouldn't give a shit if a jockey died. No doubt there'd be a thread on here with hundreds of sheep saying RIP over and over again about someone they've never met, whilst simultaneously blubbering away over what a tragedy it is that someone participating in a very dangerous pursuit has, shock horror, lost their life.

But I very seriously and very honestly wouldn't give a shit. Much like I couldn't give a shit when an F1 driver, base jumper or lion tamer dies. They know the risks, so, yes, what goes around comes around. They're doing something very dangerous and shit like that happens. People who do things such as that generally don't want anyone's sympathy if it all goes tits up. And they wouldn't get any from me. They die doing something they enjoy and something that they knew could kill them.

But that is a long, long, very fucking long way from saying that everyone who rides horses deserves to die.

You need to calm down and give the hyberbole a rest. Honestly, banging on about my 'sick world' and 'warped value system' whilst calling me an 'idiot' really doesn't do your argument any favours at all.

You didn't address my points at all,did you?
So I shall ask you again.
Most jockeys learn to ride horses,and especially how to ride horses over fences,at gymkhana's.
The horses these children ride sometimes suffer fatalities as,sadly,do a number of the kids riding them.
There is absolutely no difference here between what young kids do,and what jockeys do,other than the height of the fences.
So would it bother you if children died learning to ride a horse over fences?
You have already made it abundantly clear that you don't care about the life of any human being who chooses an occupation with a risk element.
So what about scaffolders?
Or window cleaners?
Or steeplejacks?
Have they also made their career choices and deserve no sympathy when an accident occurs either?
Most occupations contain a 'risk' element.
Even an office worker could get an electric shock off a dodgy photocopier.
You cannot make life completely,100% risk free.
If you don't give a shit about the life of another human being because you don't agree with their choice of career,then you really do need to have a word with yourself.
I addressed all of these points in my post. People who do essential jobs that benefit wider society deserve our respect when they get injured or die doing those jobs. But racing cars at 200mph, jumping off tall buildings and riding horses over potentially lethal jumps are not essential jobs are they? They're dangerous hobbies that people have chosen to take up because they got a thrill out of that danger, knowing full well that that danger may one day kill them.

As much as you would like it to be true, I never said at any point that all people who ride horses deserve to die.

Your very obvious anger over this debate is clearly clouding your ability to read properly. And the feeling's mutual; I used to have respect for you as a poster too until you completely overreacted to something that you imagined I'd said.

Are you ever going to answer a straight question here?
All your semantic squirming is doing is making you look ever more foolish.
So I shall ask you for a third time.
Does a child deserve to lose their life if they are riding a horse over fences?
Because you say a jockey does,and the child is doing exactly the same thing.
You are quite clearly trying to backslide out of a stupid comment you made about 'what goes around comes around'.
A jockey doesn't ride horses as a 'dangerous hobby' - it's his fucking career and livelihood,just the same as a welder,or a train driver,or anyone else has their job of work.
Nobody deserves to die because of their career choice.
Except jockeys and a select few others,according to your arbitrary,uncaring and bonkers worldview.
Interesting comparison between Jockeys and Soldiers.

If Tony McCoy did joss it on Beechers there would be a national outpouring of sympathy. If an 18 year old takes one to the head in Afghanistan there is a two minute news report.
Dubai Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Dubai Blue said:
So a soldier doing a very important job that has a potential impact on all of us is directly comparable to a man getting on a horse and jumping over fences for a bit of a laugh?

I didn't make that comparison folks, SWP's back did. And yes, it is a devastatingly insensitive and utterly fucked-up comparison to make.

Not in the same league of 'utterly fucked up' as not giving a shit about the life of another human being because they commit the unforgiveable 'crime' of riding a horse for a living,not a 'bit of a laugh'.
I scuba dive in my spare time. I don't do it to further the world in anyway, I do it because I enjoy it, much the same reason why jockeys ride horses and Jenson Button races cars. It's very dangerous and one day it may well kill me. But I won't be expecting any strangers on an internet football forum to burst into tears if it happens, so why are you getting so angry about me not giving a shit if a jockey or racing driver dies?

You really are just not getting this,are you?
What you choose to do as a hobby is your choice.
When a jockey gets on the back of a horse,he is doing it for a living.
Most decent human beings actually do care about each other,and don't think they deserve to die because of the job they do that puts food on the table.
You really are very odd if you think that 'karma' applies to someone earning a wage.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Dubai Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
You didn't address my points at all,did you?
So I shall ask you again.
Most jockeys learn to ride horses,and especially how to ride horses over fences,at gymkhana's.
The horses these children ride sometimes suffer fatalities as,sadly,do a number of the kids riding them.
There is absolutely no difference here between what young kids do,and what jockeys do,other than the height of the fences.
So would it bother you if children died learning to ride a horse over fences?
You have already made it abundantly clear that you don't care about the life of any human being who chooses an occupation with a risk element.
So what about scaffolders?
Or window cleaners?
Or steeplejacks?
Have they also made their career choices and deserve no sympathy when an accident occurs either?
Most occupations contain a 'risk' element.
Even an office worker could get an electric shock off a dodgy photocopier.
You cannot make life completely,100% risk free.
If you don't give a shit about the life of another human being because you don't agree with their choice of career,then you really do need to have a word with yourself.
I addressed all of these points in my post. People who do essential jobs that benefit wider society deserve our respect when they get injured or die doing those jobs. But racing cars at 200mph, jumping off tall buildings and riding horses over potentially lethal jumps are not essential jobs are they? They're dangerous hobbies that people have chosen to take up because they got a thrill out of that danger, knowing full well that that danger may one day kill them.

As much as you would like it to be true, I never said at any point that all people who ride horses deserve to die.

Your very obvious anger over this debate is clearly clouding your ability to read properly. And the feeling's mutual; I used to have respect for you as a poster too until you completely overreacted to something that you imagined I'd said.

Are you ever going to answer a straight question here?
All your semantic squirming is doing is making you look ever more foolish.
So I shall ask you for a third time.
Does a child deserve to lose their life if they are riding a horse over fences?
Because you say a jockey does,and the child is doing exactly the same thing.
You are quite clearly trying to backslide out of a stupid comment you made about 'what goes around comes around'.
A jockey doesn't ride horses as a 'dangerous hobby' - it's his fucking career and livelihood,just the same as a welder,or a train driver,or anyone else has their job of work.
Nobody deserves to die because of their career choice.
Except jockeys and a select few others,according to your arbitrary,uncaring and bonkers worldview.
I'm not going directly answer any of your questions until you stop stating that I think people who ride horses 'deserve to die'.

Are you incapable of seeing the difference between these two ideas:
1). I wouldn't have any sympathy for someone who dies while choosing to jump horses over potentially lethal obstacles.
2). Anyone who rides a horse deserves to die.

You're getting all angry and shouty about something that I never even said.
johnmc said:
Interesting comparison between Jockeys and Soldiers.

If Tony McCoy did joss it on Beechers there would be a national outpouring of sympathy. If an 18 year old takes one to the head in Afghanistan there is a two minute news report.
I'd "give a shit" about both but wouldn't cry on a forum though.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Most decent human beings actually do care about each other,and don't think they deserve to die because of the job they do that puts food on the table.
There you go again. I don't think anyone 'deserves to die'. That's a very different concept to not having sympathy for someone after the event.
Dubai Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Most decent human beings actually do care about each other,and don't think they deserve to die because of the job they do that puts food on the table.
There you go again. I don't think anyone 'deserves to die'. That's a very different concept to not having sympathy for someone after the event.

You have gone on record saying you wouldnt give a fucking shit if a jockey died or any other folk who die doing the job they love..

Dont you find that a bizarre thing to say?
Dubai Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Dubai Blue said:
I addressed all of these points in my post. People who do essential jobs that benefit wider society deserve our respect when they get injured or die doing those jobs. But racing cars at 200mph, jumping off tall buildings and riding horses over potentially lethal jumps are not essential jobs are they? They're dangerous hobbies that people have chosen to take up because they got a thrill out of that danger, knowing full well that that danger may one day kill them.

As much as you would like it to be true, I never said at any point that all people who ride horses deserve to die.

Your very obvious anger over this debate is clearly clouding your ability to read properly. And the feeling's mutual; I used to have respect for you as a poster too until you completely overreacted to something that you imagined I'd said.

Are you ever going to answer a straight question here?
All your semantic squirming is doing is making you look ever more foolish.
So I shall ask you for a third time.
Does a child deserve to lose their life if they are riding a horse over fences?
Because you say a jockey does,and the child is doing exactly the same thing.
You are quite clearly trying to backslide out of a stupid comment you made about 'what goes around comes around'.
A jockey doesn't ride horses as a 'dangerous hobby' - it's his fucking career and livelihood,just the same as a welder,or a train driver,or anyone else has their job of work.
Nobody deserves to die because of their career choice.
Except jockeys and a select few others,according to your arbitrary,uncaring and bonkers worldview.
I'm not going directly answer any of your questions until you stop stating that I think people who ride horses 'deserve to die'.

Are you incapable of seeing the difference between these two ideas:
1). I wouldn't have any sympathy for someone who dies while choosing to jump horses over potentially lethal obstacles.
2). Anyone who rides a horse deserves to die.

You're getting all angry and shouty about something that I never even said.

I'm not angry in the slightest.
I know when I am dealing with an idiot who has long since lost the debate.
Don't answer a straight question then - that in itself speaks volumes about you.
You made a stupid comment,and you are frantically backtracking.
Given that you clearly know fuck all about racing and won't answer my questions anyway,I simply can't be bothered arguing with you any more.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:24 am --<br /><br />
Dubai Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Most decent human beings actually do care about each other,and don't think they deserve to die because of the job they do that puts food on the table.
There you go again. I don't think anyone 'deserves to die'. That's a very different concept to not having sympathy for someone after the event.

Yet more hair splitting and backtracking.
Just quit whilst your way behind,as you are beginning to look silly.

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