Ban the Grand National?

Great debate on 5live now<br /><br />-- Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:51 pm --<br /><br />
TCIB said:
jay_mcfc said:
TCIB said:
They choose to play a horse gets broken in and then it does as it is made to.

Jump meets should be banned yes, not just the Grand National.
Until we can ask the horse what it would like to do we have no right to risk their lives for trivial shite like jump meets.
It just seems totally unnecessary.

Just like that race track that got banned after Dan Wheldon died there. The sport is still healthy, it's just cutting out the unnecessary danger.

From my understanding Syncronized fell at the 6th, carried on running until the 11th where he had the fatal fall. To say horses don't want to jump the fences is naive. Just look at how many carry on even without jockeys.

No you totally miss the point.

These horses your talking about are broken in and have been bred by us to do this.
I have ridden for about 20 years in total and never once saw any of the horses at the livery i used jump the posts when left to relax in the field.
Not even the Arabs and thoroughbreds that had been raised to do so.

You simply will not see a horse at rest jump.
With respect that's a bit like saying a footballer wont shoot unless trained to do so.

Horses will and do refuse jumps, trained jump horses know what they're about to face.
The only way you could make horse racing appealing to me is to make it with those small ponies, and have a rule that jockeys have to be 6ft+. Add a bit of comedy, cos as it stands, it bloody tedious.
rushts said:
Mixed emotions really.

My little un was really upset today as he backed 'Synchronized' and knew he'd been put down.

Whereas i could have quite gladly shot the f*cking old nag i backed that fell at the second.

mancitygaz said:
Great debate on 5live now

-- Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:51 pm --

TCIB said:
jay_mcfc said:
From my understanding Syncronized fell at the 6th, carried on running until the 11th where he had the fatal fall. To say horses don't want to jump the fences is naive. Just look at how many carry on even without jockeys.

No you totally miss the point.

These horses your talking about are broken in and have been bred by us to do this.
I have ridden for about 20 years in total and never once saw any of the horses at the livery i used jump the posts when left to relax in the field.
Not even the Arabs and thoroughbreds that had been raised to do so.

You simply will not see a horse at rest jump.
With respect that's a bit like saying a footballer wont shoot unless trained to do so.

Horses will and do refuse jumps, trained jump horses know what they're about to face.

The footballer has taken a concious decision to play.
Personally I believe it is cruel on the horses and I would implement a rule that if your horse has to be put down then the jockey riding said horse will also be put down.
TCIB said:
mancitygaz said:
Great debate on 5live now

-- Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:51 pm --

TCIB said:
No you totally miss the point.

These horses your talking about are broken in and have been bred by us to do this.
I have ridden for about 20 years in total and never once saw any of the horses at the livery i used jump the posts when left to relax in the field.
Not even the Arabs and thoroughbreds that had been raised to do so.

You simply will not see a horse at rest jump.
With respect that's a bit like saying a footballer wont shoot unless trained to do so.

Horses will and do refuse jumps, trained jump horses know what they're about to face.

The footballer has taken a concious decision to play.
The horse makes a concious decision to jump. Or not as the case may be.
ban the fucking disgrace, loads of rich, upper class pricks playing god with innocent animals lives.
An absolute pathetic thread. Horses are bred to race if there was no horse racing there would be no horses.
A real shame horse's died today and it is a tragedy, fingers crossed no more ever do.
Race Horses have a better life than most animals and whilst it is horrible when it happens it shouldnt be banned. The powers that be need to make the course safer. Do people watching racing really give a shit how high a fence is?

Synchronised should never have been allowed to run. It was clear he didn't fancy it.
mancitygaz said:
TCIB said:
mancitygaz said:
Great debate on 5live now

-- Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:51 pm --

With respect that's a bit like saying a footballer wont shoot unless trained to do so.

Horses will and do refuse jumps, trained jump horses know what they're about to face.

The footballer has taken a concious decision to play.
The horse makes a concious decision to jump. Or not as the case may be.

No they do not, they are reacting to the rider tightening his legs around the horse tighter and a higher frequency of being cropped.
That added to the fact his head is being controlled by the rider and the years of being trained to do exactly as the rider instructs make a race horse a slave essentially.

That is not a concious decision. It is called coercion and is as far away from a free and concious choice as it gets really.

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