bandwagon fans

City have a huge fan base, there are probably more lapsed Blues (meaning those that don't go to matches that often or at all) than Blues who go, and rightly or wrongly there must also be a fair percentage that gave up all interest in the club.

I think it's fair to say that some of those Blues are returning now, and joining City forums.

And Welcome Back to them all I say
Ducado said:
City have a huge fan base, there are probably more lapsed Blues (meaning those that don't go to matches that often or at all) than Blues who go, and rightly or wrongly there must also be a fair percentage that gave up all interest in the club.

I think it's fair to say that some of those Blues are returning now, and joining City forums.

And Welcome Back to them all I say

What he said.

I've noticed a few lapsed blues I know personally becoming more interested of late and it has to be a good thing, they put our attendances up and if they buy a shirt then that's money in the bank to pay Robinho's wages with and the like!

Plus to be fair, it'd be nice for COMS to be full week in week out surely?
TheMightyQuinn said:
Ducado said:
City have a huge fan base, there are probably more lapsed Blues (meaning those that don't go to matches that often or at all) than Blues who go, and rightly or wrongly there must also be a fair percentage that gave up all interest in the club.

I think it's fair to say that some of those Blues are returning now, and joining City forums.

And Welcome Back to them all I say

What he said.

I've noticed a few lapsed blues I know personally becoming more interested of late and it has to be a good thing, they put our attendances up and if they buy a shirt then that's money in the bank to pay Robinho's wages with and the like!

Plus to be fair, it'd be nice for COMS to be full week in week out surely?

Yer i tend to find people who are worried about the bandwagoner's are 2 years into a season card and think cause they have one, they are more loyal than anyone else.
i've been a blue for years decided to join in jan because of the ajay/kaka saga was using another forum before then
Ticket For Schalke said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
What he said.

I've noticed a few lapsed blues I know personally becoming more interested of late and it has to be a good thing, they put our attendances up and if they buy a shirt then that's money in the bank to pay Robinho's wages with and the like!

Plus to be fair, it'd be nice for COMS to be full week in week out surely?

Yer i tend to find people who are worried about the bandwagoner's are 2 years into a season card and think cause they have one, they are more loyal than anyone else.

Agreed 100%

I'm secure in the knowledge I'm a true blue and welcome all to join us!
Not wishing to use the word...but I will...City have a massive fan base, there are loads of people who "support" City and don't go that often due to a number of reasons.
There are also those who over the years have been put off coming to watch City live due to the shite that was lobbed up as football....and once you get out of the habit of going it's difficult to get back into it.
(There was something mentioned on the OS earlier, 91 thousand unique visitors tuned in to the Barca City game last night...anyone explain what "unique" means in Tinternet terms???....)
I attended the Hacienda from the first week it opened, it was dead for a few years, never even had to queue to get in most weeks, then...It became popular, in fact massively popular, the music being played changed and moved with the times, people didn't call the newcomers band wagon jumpers, they just accepted that it evolved (OK, the e's helped!)
My point is there's this attitude that unless you've watched City week in week out and got piss wet through at a second division ground on a january tueday night, you're not worthy to be called a true City fan and anyone who wasn't there and who hasn't attended for ages on a regular basis are bandwagon jumpers, which is bollocks.
rowsley_st said:
Not wishing to use the word...but I will...City have a massive fan base, there are loads of people who "support" City and don't go that often due to a number of reasons.
There are also those who over the years have been put off coming to watch City live due to the shite that was lobbed up as football....and once you get out of the habit of going it's difficult to get back into it.
(There was something mentioned on the OS earlier, 91 thousand unique visitors tuned in to the Barca City game last night...anyone explain what "unique" means in Tinternet terms???....)
I attended the Hacienda from the first week it opened, it was dead for a few years, never even had to queue to get in most weeks, then...It became popular, in fact massively popular, the music being played changed and moved with the times, people didn't call the newcomers band wagon jumpers, they just accepted that it evolved (OK, the e's helped!)
My point is there's this attitude that unless you've watched City week in week out and got piss wet through at a second division ground on a january tueday night, you're not worthy to be called a true City fan and anyone who wasn't there and who hasn't attended for ages on a regular basis are bandwagon jumpers, which is bollocks.

I'm sure the guy said there was 25,000 watching.
the citizens said:
where have all these new city fans come from since the take over, funny none signed up while we was playing stockport . ive been using bluemoon for a number of yrs now but lately i fooking cringe at some of the bollocks ppl write on this forum , half of them seem to have no Fooking all about football an what city means as a club .

sorry to rant , but i love city , dream city , breath city but these coonts make me sick ..

I only signed up in January. Perhaps people have found out my secret that I'm a RAG WUM and am tring to destroy BM from the inside?
Oh no, I've said too much
The opening post is utter rubbish.
Sure we don't want fans like most Rags "fans", plastic as fuck but at the same time we need to realize the proper way to measure the size of a club is in number of world-wide followers! The more people who support City the better I say...

As a side note, yes I only joined Bluemoon a while ago but my dads been a city fan since the 60s and I've been a fan since 1983 the day I was born.

If all new fans are going to get slagged as jumping the bandwagon what's the point? Should we stop taking on new fans all together and never grow our fanbase? Eg, if you weren't a fan pre-takeover you're not a "proper" fan? Or perhaps anyone who didn't attend the Newcastle game in 1968? Or the away win over Stoke?

Get some perspective and stop being grumpy old men I say. The more supporters the better, we all love the same club we shouldn't judge fellow fans so easily...
the citizens said:
where have all these new city fans come from since the take over, funny none signed up while we was playing stockport . ive been using bluemoon for a number of yrs now but lately i fooking cringe at some of the bollocks ppl write on this forum , half of them seem to have no Fooking all about football an what city means as a club .

sorry to rant , but i love city , dream city , breath city but these coonts make me sick ..
this is what pisses me off. someone in oz slagging people off. were you at the stockport game?

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