bandwagon fans


So Blues from ireland are not welcome?
Glad Anna didnt think like that![/quote]

I don't think you quite got that one did you! Humour & Irony really are lost on some people, I (and I am sure most City fans welcome City fans wherever they are from) it was a piss take on the OP[/quote]

Do not tell me that someone didnt get the local people joke, lighten up ffs.
Just me who has seen a load more "City fans" on either FIFA, PES, Internet forums etc since our win last night? Not saying it's a bad thing as such, just wondering if anyone else has seen it.
I could not give any less of a shit, to be honest. It's a forum, people disagree with others, ah well. Yes, it is a little bit annoying at times, but that is mainly because peoples opinions differ. And as for the ''Glory'' fans, as long as there not at the game taking the seat from a genuine fan who really loves city, then im not bothered because the more the merrier. CTID
wez99 said:
You don't need to justify yourselves, the more the merrier I say.

long as they dont look like that rag at Piccadilly that some blue posted on here the other day, Hug boots etc, that was the post of the year for me, if someone could post it again please as i dont know how you do it. PS, im having lessons in basic computer use starting next week.
the citizens said:
where have all these new city fans come from since the take over, funny none signed up while we was playing stockport . ive been using bluemoon for a number of yrs now but lately i fooking cringe at some of the bollocks ppl write on this forum , half of them seem to have no Fooking all about football an what city means as a club .

sorry to rant , but i love city , dream city , breath city but these coonts make me sick ..

You talk as if you 'own' City and can decide who should or should not be allowed the title of 'fan'.

Kids in particular start following a team because they are successful. How do you think City's success from 1968 to 1976 affected their fanbase? Many started then and follow them still; I started going in 1970, but followed them from 1967/68; shock horror, a 'plastic'! But I'm still going now and will be there on Saturday.

I think your approach would lead to future support declining.

Roll on more bandwagon fans, imo. It's how ALL successful teams build their fanbase, and we've done it ourselves in the past.
been a fan since the Hamburg home game when i was given tickets free by a rochdale fan

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