banned from the ground for smoking can..... update update!!

Once when I was drunk I walked away from the till without paying for my food. Got caught and got my seasoncard taken off me.

I sent a letter to city before they sent me one blaming it on the poor service. They posted my seasoncard back with a warning letter.
marco said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
marco said:
when my lad got banned it ddnt say how long for then he just got a letter saying it had been activated again and suspenson lfted

Was that three games and did it include the cups? (cheers for the quick response)

the card is suspended for 3 matches so if we had a league fixture then two cup games he would miss those if he does not go to cup games its a one match ban

Cheers. Will let him know if he has not already read this.
Re: If you have been banned from the ground for smoking can.....

mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Right bit of an update.

"The banned one" has now had his letter from the council/Fletcher saying that he has been banned for smoking and if he wishes to appeal this then he needs to contact whoever.

What the letter does not say is how long or when his ban is up ( i thought it was 3 games for a first offence).

Has anyone else who has been banned received a letter and if so on theirs did it state when the ban was up or is it like this one that appears (I have not read it am just going off what my mate has told me) to be indefinite.

Any help appreciated. Oh and "The banned one" A few beers for all the work I am doing on your behalf (not in March though as I am a month off the booze.)

my mate who got ejected for smoking last week allso got the same letter it just states that his card has been suspended pending any explanation he may wish to give , so he has now wrote back appealing against the suspension as there was no direct evidence of him actually smoking
Re: If you have been banned from the ground for smoking can.....

Skashion said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
This has been mentioned before several times, but your ticket or season card has been given to you at the discretion of MCFC and they can take it away from you if they think there has been an infringement. Good luck taking it through the County Courts, some time in 2014 you might get a written apology from the club.
Bollocks, my Dad's taking them to court and they've already come begging but he wants it out with them now and so is going all the way.

Just clocked this and also noticed that your dad's season ticket was taken away for something completely different, which wasn't a law applied by MCC such as the smoking ban. Thanks for commenting.
I'm not a smoker myself, but have no issues with people who's their choice.

However, I can't understand why anyone can't abstain for two/three hours.

It must be terrible.........and expensive.
Re: If you have been banned from the ground for smoking can.....

gaudinho's stolen car said:
Just clocked this and also noticed that your dad's season ticket was taken away for something completely different, which wasn't a law applied by MCC such as the smoking ban. Thanks for commenting.
The principle is no different, not even slightly different. The club has taken someone's card on the basis of a spuriously proven accusation relying on eye witness testimony of one person in a crowded toilet. As a result, someone has been deprived of three games attendance at a football match they've already paid for. Take 'em to court and you'd probably win. It certainly wouldn't be a case of getting a written apology in 2014. It'd be settled in a few months not years and if an 'apology' happened, that would assume the club was proved wrong, in which case you'd get at least the match ticket prices back plus costs. Me Da has already refused more than that in mediation.

Not saying that should happen in this case because the guy has admitted he's guilty but you were wholly wrong to suggest the club could get away with what it does. It can't if you take them to court. It's not above the law. Companies much much larger than MCFC get taken to a court of law and lose. Formerly the biggest company in the world Microsoft got taken to court on many many occasions and lost. I really am thankful that the legal system still allows some power to fight back because there's nothing else besides this and technology plus the www that lets people fight back and your message that the club is powerful enough to stop that is damaging.

My message is simple, if you've done nothing wrong then fight it and don't be intimidated.
Smoking threads always turn into moaning people about smoking? Hope your mate pulls it off and also learns his lesson :-) i smoke and go on the spirals but i wouldn't go to the toilets because you get banned and 3 games is a harsh punishment so best to hold on.
I smoked for thirty odd years until i got tongue cancer in 2010.
I had my tongue removed and replaced with a muscle from my thigh.
Obviosly the scars fom ear to ear are plain to see.
To the point. So as not to smoke I decided to try the electronic cig which are widely available and profess on many websites that you can smoke them anywhere.
I have been using this since the start of the season and have even had banter with the stewards when they realise they are not real.This was o.k till the Porto game when some jobsworth stward came to my seat and asked me to stop using it as it was against company policy.I asked for proof of the policy he couldnt give any.So saturday against Blackburn I had puff on my imaginary cig and fcukk me the same steward was on me like a rash.Said if i carried on I would be evicted.I again reiterated wher does it say I can't use e-cigs.10 minutes later the men in black came for me nice welcoming commitee 20 of them for 50 year old cancer sufferer
oh fckin hard boys.Anyways guess what........3 match ban........Wankers!!!
Re: If you have been banned from the ground for smoking can.....

Skashion said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Just clocked this and also noticed that your dad's season ticket was taken away for something completely different, which wasn't a law applied by MCC such as the smoking ban. Thanks for commenting.
The principle is no different, not even slightly different. The club has taken someone's card on the basis of a spuriously proven accusation relying on eye witness testimony of one person in a crowded toilet. As a result, someone has been deprived of three games attendance at a football match they've already paid for. Take 'em to court and you'd probably win. It certainly wouldn't be a case of getting a written apology in 2014. It'd be settled in a few months not years and if an 'apology' happened, that would assume the club was proved wrong, in which case you'd get at least the match ticket prices back plus costs. Me Da has already refused more than that in mediation.

Not saying that should happen in this case because the guy has admitted he's guilty but you were wholly wrong to suggest the club could get away with what it does. It can't if you take them to court. It's not above the law. Companies much much larger than MCFC get taken to a court of law and lose. Formerly the biggest company in the world Microsoft got taken to court on many many occasions and lost. I really am thankful that the legal system still allows some power to fight back because there's nothing else besides this and technology plus the www that lets people fight back and your message that the club is powerful enough to stop that is damaging.

My message is simple, if you've done nothing wrong then fight it and don't be intimidated.

The lad was guilty he should take his punishment like we all do and we all have done. Fucking Microsoft, Jesus.
carlosespana said:
I smoked for thirty odd years until i got tongue cancer in 2010.
I had my tongue removed and replaced with a muscle from my thigh.
Obviosly the scars fom ear to ear are plain to see.
To the point. So as not to smoke I decided to try the electronic cig which are widely available and profess on many websites that you can smoke them anywhere.
I have been using this since the start of the season and have even had banter with the stewards when they realise they are not real.This was o.k till the Porto game when some jobsworth stward came to my seat and asked me to stop using it as it was against company policy.I asked for proof of the policy he couldnt give any.So saturday against Blackburn I had puff on my imaginary cig and fcukk me the same steward was on me like a rash.Said if i carried on I would be evicted.I again reiterated wher does it say I can't use e-cigs.10 minutes later the men in black came for me nice welcoming commitee 20 of them for 50 year old cancer sufferer
oh fckin hard boys.Anyways guess what........3 match ban........Wankers!!!


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