banned from the ground for smoking can..... update update!!

Re: If you have been banned from the ground for smoking can.....

SteWadda said:
I have heard they use CCTV with not only face recognition but gait recognition so he can’t even go in disguise.

If he does get caught he won’t be able to run or hide because they’ll use satellites to track his moves and his house will already be bugged.

So best to stay at home and cry but quietly so they can’t hear.

Lol... gave me a chuckle this one
Re: If you have been banned from the ground for smoking can.....

Skashion said:
graham1312 said:
is your dad taking them to court over a smoking issue or is it something totally differant ?
Standing, but the idea that the club are so powerful that you'll receive an apology in 2014 is pure scaremongering bollocks. Courts do not work like that. They can't drag it out so to speak. If the club has done something wrong take them to court and have no fear. Don't listen to their threats. Don't let them treat you like they're doing you a favour by giving them your card back. Stand up to them and they'll come running. My Dad's already cost them far more hiring a barrister than it's cost him three games banned. He's already won in that respect and the fact that he refused the mediation offer shows they know he's in a strong position. Too many people in this country are afraid of taking legal action and get scared too easily. Don't fall for it.

If you have done something wrong stop moaning about it and get on with it. Not to say you couldn't take it to court and claim mistaken identity and win but don't be a prick.

In answer to the original question, yes it's perfectly possible. The club does not sell on seats of banned cards. You'll be fine as long as stewards don't recognise you. Your punishment is the money lost.

haven't seen an update on this - but I do know that the County Court upheld City's ban on Skashion's dad today.......

:-( for him
how hard is it not to smoke for 90 minutes? same goes for complaining about food and beer before or after you go if you're so concerned about money.

Not going to read nine pages of replies, so hopefully i'm not repeating whats already been said.

Our kid got hoofed for smoking in the toilets, he said he wasnt, he has done before, i believe him if he said he wasnt, but maybe what goes around etc.

Anyway, they took his card off him on the day, he then got a letter telling him to explain his actions. He did and regardless of what he wrote, he gets a three game ban. The club will not consider what action to take (although by the looks of it, the decision is already made) until they receive the letter. So if you dont want an extended ban, write straight away.

After three games, they post your card back to you.

They do not re sell your ticket/seat to anyone else.

They pull the smokers about by having plain clothes spotters who then walk up to a smoker and dob him/her in to the security guards, so you may be on your way out, with no ciggy in hand when you are stopped.
nomadic said:
Not going to read nine pages of replies, so hopefully i'm not repeating whats already been said.

Our kid got hoofed for smoking in the toilets, he said he wasnt, he has done before, i believe him if he said he wasnt, but maybe what goes around etc.

Anyway, they took his card off him on the day, he then got a letter telling him to explain his actions. He did and regardless of what he wrote, he gets a three game ban. The club will not consider what action to take (although by the looks of it, the decision is already made) until they receive the letter. So if you dont want an extended ban, write straight away.

After three games, they post your card back to you.

They do not re sell your ticket/seat to anyone else.

They pull the smokers about by having plain clothes spotters who then walk up to a smoker and dob him/her in to the security guards, so you may be on your way out, with no ciggy in hand when you are stopped.
I'd like to know how these secretive fuckers work, stood staring at people in the toilets!
All you have to do is go in have a piss and walk out. If you get accused of smoking in there then its probable that you were loitering around. Fucking pisses me off that if I want a piss at half time I have to take time off my life to do so.
carlosespana said:
I smoked for thirty odd years until i got tongue cancer in 2010.
I had my tongue removed and replaced with a muscle from my thigh.
Obviosly the scars fom ear to ear are plain to see.
To the point. So as not to smoke I decided to try the electronic cig which are widely available and profess on many websites that you can smoke them anywhere.
I have been using this since the start of the season and have even had banter with the stewards when they realise they are not real.This was o.k till the Porto game when some jobsworth stward came to my seat and asked me to stop using it as it was against company policy.I asked for proof of the policy he couldnt give any.So saturday against Blackburn I had puff on my imaginary cig and fcukk me the same steward was on me like a rash.Said if i carried on I would be evicted.I again reiterated wher does it say I can't use e-cigs.10 minutes later the men in black came for me nice welcoming commitee 20 of them for 50 year old cancer sufferer
oh fckin hard boys.Anyways guess what........3 match ban........Wankers!!!

i smoke an ecig as well but dont bother in the ground although every now and then i have a crafty puff inside my coat, cant believe they banned you for it, pisses me off when you try and quit and bellends who dont now their arse from their elbow plays the big man.

My uncle smoked them in a hospital bed at stepping hill for weeks, if you can use them in a hospital dont see how city can complain, arseholes
9 pages because some dozy twat broke the rules (which have been there for at least 5 years) and is now crying because he got caught.

Just don't smoke in the bleedin' bogs, simple. Or is that too difficult a task?

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