Banner at Celtic today

ICT-Tam said:
Right, i've read enough of your un-educated and frankly, wrong, views on this. How on earth can they considered savages for simply having an opinion on something? No one should HAVE to wear the poppy, its a token for the support of the army and also a rememberance for the dead servicemen. A club like Cetic, which is so connected to its past, which im sure as you all know is Irish-Catholic, has ample reason to not support the army. This isn't a history lesson and i want to watch tv, so i cant be arsed getting into the Irish civil war but surely you can see why they would be opposed to it? My dad is an irish-catholic and he would hit the roof if he saw me wearing a poppy! Growing up with that has made me totally against sectarianism of any kind but i understand their reasoning. We live in Britain and are therefore, entitled to free-speach, if that section of fans want to be anti-army, then so be it. People are allowed to have contrasting opinions, so if you dont agree then just get on with it. They aren't forcing you to agree with them. For the record, i hate the old firm and wish they would fuck off down to England so my local team could stand a chance of winning something!

It is not really about the British army though is it, it's more anti english sentiment. The second bold line is on one of the banners, word for word. The poppy is to remember the dead of the both world wars, nothing whatsoever to do with any conflict in Ireland.

A great crowd had gathered outside of Kilmainhem
With their heads all uncovered they knelt on the ground
For inside that grim prison lay a brave Irish soldier
His life for his country about to lay down.

He went to his death like a true son of Ireland,
The fireing party he bravely did face.
Then the order rang out: "Present arms, Fire!";
James Connolly fell into a ready made grave.

The black flag they hoisted, the cruel deed was over,
Gone was the man who loved Ireland so well,
There was many a sad heart in Ireland that morning,
When they murdered James Connolly, the Irish rebel.

God`s curse on you, England, you cruel hearted monster,
Your deeds would shame all the devils in Hell,
There were no flowers blooming but the Shamrock is growing
On the grave of James Connolly, the Irish rebel.

Many years have rolled by since the Irish rebellion,
When the guns of Brittania they loudly did speak,
The bold I.R.A. battled shoulder to shoulder,
as the blood of their bodies flowed down Sackville Street.

The Four Courts of Dublin, the English bombarded,
The spirit of freedom, they tried hard to quell
But above all the din rose the cry "No Surrender!"
`Twas the voice of James Connolly, the Irish Rebel
Superstar DJ said:
ICT-Tam said:
Right, i've read enough of your un-educated and frankly, wrong, views on this. How on earth can they considered savages for simply having an opinion on something? No one should HAVE to wear the poppy, its a token for the support of the army and also a rememberance for the dead servicemen. A club like Cetic, which is so connected to its past, which im sure as you all know is Irish-Catholic, has ample reason to not support the army. This isn't a history lesson and i want to watch tv, so i cant be arsed getting into the Irish civil war but surely you can see why they would be opposed to it? My dad is an irish-catholic and he would hit the roof if he saw me wearing a poppy! Growing up with that has made me totally against sectarianism of any kind but i understand their reasoning. We live in Britain and are therefore, entitled to free-speach, if that section of fans want to be anti-army, then so be it. People are allowed to have contrasting opinions, so if you dont agree then just get on with it. They aren't forcing you to agree with them. For the record, i hate the old firm and wish they would fuck off down to England so my local team could stand a chance of winning something!

It is not really about the British army though is it, it's more anti english sentiment. The second bold line is on one of the banners, word for word. The poppy is to remember the dead of the both world wars, nothing whatsoever to do with any conflict in Ireland.

A great crowd had gathered outside of Kilmainhem
With their heads all uncovered they knelt on the ground
For inside that grim prison lay a brave Irish soldier
His life for his country about to lay down.

He went to his death like a true son of Ireland,
The fireing party he bravely did face.
Then the order rang out: "Present arms, Fire!";
James Connolly fell into a ready made grave.

The black flag they hoisted, the cruel deed was over,
Gone was the man who loved Ireland so well,
There was many a sad heart in Ireland that morning,
When they murdered James Connolly, the Irish rebel.

God`s curse on you, England, you cruel hearted monster,
Your deeds would shame all the devils in Hell,
There were no flowers blooming but the Shamrock is growing
On the grave of James Connolly, the Irish rebel.

Many years have rolled by since the Irish rebellion,
When the guns of Brittania they loudly did speak,
The bold I.R.A. battled shoulder to shoulder,
as the blood of their bodies flowed down Sackville Street.

The Four Courts of Dublin, the English bombarded,
The spirit of freedom, they tried hard to quell
But above all the din rose the cry "No Surrender!"
`Twas the voice of James Connolly, the Irish Rebel

Would this be the James Connolly that the proud people of Dublin showered with rotten vegetables when he was arrested afterthe 1916 rebellion?

The poppy is representative of ALL those that have fallen in defence of our freedom, wether they be from the 16th irish Division, the Argyle Highlanders, the Queens lancashire regiment, the Royal Airforce, the Royal Navy or any other part of the Forces, and raises millions of pounds to help those that have suffered injury or bereavement as a result of their service.
I believe in freedom of speech and my forefathers fought to enshrine that for our generation, but to politicise the act of rememberance like this akes me sick.
Lest we forget.
Goats left knee said:
what sort of tool comes out with "irish bastards" some of us over here dont give a shit about celtic OR rangers and all the bullshit that goes with them (bad as each other)

mate they say welsh bastard on here as if its going out of fashion.

hurts my feelings :(
The righteous indignation on this thread is a joke. Why should people, or a football club, be forced to wear the poppy?

Many in the Celtic support see the poppy as a symbol of imperialism and don't want it associated with their club. Just like they didn't want John Reid associated with the club due to his role in the Iraq war.

Of course many other people don't feel that way about the poppy and so should wear it if they want but nobody should be forced to wear it. Doesn't that just defeat the whole purpose of it anyway?
depps said:
The righteous indignation on this thread is a joke. Why should people, or a football club, be forced to wear the poppy?

Many in the Celtic support see the poppy as a symbol of imperialism and don't want it associated with their club. Just like they didn't want John Reid associated with the club due to his role in the Iraq war.

Of course many other people don't feel that way about the poppy and so should wear it if they want but nobody should be forced to wear it. Doesn't that just defeat the whole purpose of it anyway?

Sense at last.
For reason's like this.
They will forever be playing in a 2 team, tin pot league.

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