Banner at Celtic today

If you have been to Glasgow you would realise that the people there should be pitied not vilified. Ok those banners are silly,pathetic and to most people offensive, but these Glaswegians have been bottom of the social heap for years. The war in Afghan has also pushed up the price of their drugs so you can't blame them for being cross. As for sectarianism, I expect all the celtic fans will be in church this morning re-affirming their dearly held beliefs, so good luck to them I say.
These lot are scum. Pure and simple. Ignorant no-brain twats the lot of them. And they love the Rags and yet some City fans actually think they're alright. Get a fuckin grip and wake up and see this vile set of fans as the knobs that they are.
Helmet Cole said:
If you have been to Glasgow you would realise that the people there should be pitied not vilified. Ok those banners are silly,pathetic and to most people offensive, but these Glaswegians have been bottom of the social heap for years. The war in Afghan has also pushed up the price of their drugs so you can't blame them for being cross. As for sectarianism, I expect all the celtic fans will be in church this morning re-affirming their dearly held beliefs, so good luck to them I say.

Exactly what I said but apparently it has nothing to do with it, funny that eh.
These lot are scum. Pure and simple. Ignorant no-brain twats the lot of them. And they love the Rags and yet some City fans actually think they're alright. Get a fuckin grip and wake up and see this vile set of fans as the knobs that they are.
dont take too much offence at this.
celtic fans have fought bravely in the british army for centuries.
they attack a uniform without any thought of the person wearing it.
Right, i've read enough of your un-educated and frankly, wrong, views on this. How on earth can they considered savages for simply having an opinion on something? No one should HAVE to wear the poppy, its a token for the support of the army and also a rememberance for the dead servicemen. A club like Cetic, which is so connected to its past, which im sure as you all know is Irish-Catholic, has ample reason to not support the army. This isn't a history lesson and i want to watch tv, so i cant be arsed getting into the Irish civil war but surely you can see why they would be opposed to it? My dad is an irish-catholic and he would hit the roof if he saw me wearing a poppy! Growing up with that has made me totally against sectarianism of any kind but i understand their reasoning. We live in Britain and are therefore, entitled to free-speach, if that section of fans want to be anti-army, then so be it. People are allowed to have contrasting opinions, so if you dont agree then just get on with it. They aren't forcing you to agree with them. For the record, i hate the old firm and wish they would fuck off down to England so my local team could stand a chance of winning something!
ICT-Tam said:
Right, i've read enough of your un-educated and frankly, wrong, views on this. How on earth can they considered savages for simply having an opinion on something? No one should HAVE to wear the poppy, its a token for the support of the army and also a rememberance for the dead servicemen. A club like Cetic, which is so connected to its past, which im sure as you all know is Irish-Catholic, has ample reason to not support the army. This isn't a history lesson and i want to watch tv, so i cant be arsed getting into the Irish civil war but surely you can see why they would be opposed to it? My dad is an irish-catholic and he would hit the roof if he saw me wearing a poppy! Growing up with that has made me totally against sectarianism of any kind but i understand their reasoning. We live in Britain and are therefore, entitled to free-speach, if that section of fans want to be anti-army, then so be it. People are allowed to have contrasting opinions, so if you dont agree then just get on with it. They aren't forcing you to agree with them. For the record, i hate the old firm and wish they would fuck off down to England so my local team could stand a chance of winning something!

Its not even about the poppy you all keep coming back with the same stuff. What about the thousands of Irish who died in ww1 and ww2 or the irish who died horrificly in the Falklands? Do they not deserve to be remembered.
wish the mods would just ban any Celtic/Rangers thread.i'm not getting into an arguement with fellow Blues,on a City forum.
(just resented the Fenian comment)...or should that be represented :)

anyway,i might meet some of you lot on wednesday,
so don't want my arse getting kicked outta Mancland.

fuk the rags..


Fortunately freedom of speech is still allowed, like the banner wavers at Celtic Park will be able to tell you. Just in case anybody thought this is a minority of the Celtic support who feel this way, this press release from the Green Brigade should appears to say otherwise:

A statement from The Green Brigade - Utter vermin

At half-time during today’s match against Aberdeen we displayed message banners calling for ‘No bloodstained poppys on our hoops’ in protest at the Club’s decision to once again wear the poppy on our shirts during next week’s game at St Mirren (a match our group will not attend because of this decision). This is in support of an appeal by Poppyscotland to all SPL clubs. Poppyscotland describes its role as ‘supporting heroes’ and state that ‘the poppy has become a symbol of remembrance and for the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces’. Our group and many within the Celtic support do not recognise the British Armed Forces as heroes, nor their role in many conflicts as one worthy of our remembrance. Earlier this year, the Saville Report on Bloody Sunday confirmed that 14 unarmed civilians were murdered in Derry in 1972 by the Paratroop Regiment. They were among hundreds killed by the British Army during the most recent phase of conflict in Ireland. More recently, the British Armed Forces have murdered and maimed many thousands more innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. The poppy remembers not just our grandfathers who fought the Nazis but also those who bombed the Belgrano and brutally occupied the streets of Belfast and Basra. While we recognise the right of individuals to remember their dead and that many within the Celtic support will wear the poppy in memory of family and friends lost in WW2 and other conflicts, we cannot accept the imposition of the poppy onto our shirts.

As far back as April, representatives from the Green Brigade, Celtic Supporters Association and Celtic Trust met with Peter Lawwell to express our united opposition to the Club imposing the poppy on the first team jersey. We also know that the AICSC and many other individual supporters had called on the Club to reverse their position of previous years and take the poppy off the shirt. Following our meeting in April, the Club were contacted on several occasions for further dialogue on the issue but informed us that they were still considering their position and would get back to us. The first any group knew of the decision was after it had been made, and publicly announced. We share the views of the AICSC whose recent statement on the poppy stated that ‘to see the jersey being used as a medium for such a divisive symbol and the message it communicates is deplorable’, and that it showed a complete lack of respect for the support, further highlighted by repeated declarations on the official website of Celtic’s delight to be wearing the poppy and supporting Poppyscotland. It appears rather than leave his politics at the door, chairman John Reid, the former Armed Forces Minister and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Defence, has forced his onto the first team jersey.

As you may have noticed at today's game, we mistakenly missed out the 'D' in 'bloodstained'. This happened in the rush to finish two displays for todays game (with our 'Show the SFA the red card' action before the match). The real mistake, however, is the Club forcing the poppy onto our shirt.

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