Banning smoking in beer gardens

Have you ever been sat in a garden on a nice sunny day, minding your own business and enjoying a nice smoke when along come beer drinkers and spoil the calm, relaxed atmosphere?
Do me a favour please fuck off, smoke yourself silly at home and choke on it.
Yeah...back to the main subject. Smoking is obvious, as breathing in someone else's smoke is KNOWN to be harmful. The smoke lingers, too. The vapour from vapes evaporate fairly quickly... i just don't see how it can harm anybody else. But yeah, in a closed room it would be irritating.
Vapers are getting the same shit as smokers... but smokers should be encouraged to quit or vape.
The biggest problem with vapes is they're not regulated and standardised.

My mate makes his own fluid and christ knows what's in it and I bet he doesn't know either. There's no way that anybody can prove or say that it's good or bad to stand next to somebody who's doing it.

Really though it probably makes no difference at all just as third party cigarette smoke probably doesn't unless you're stood with somebody in the smoking shelter everyday.

It's a courtesy thing where should you be exposed to something potentially harmful just because you happen to be stood next to somebody? Whether it's harmful or not shouldn't matter. I don't want to stand next to a pisshead throwing up at a bus-stop either.
May as well ban everything that effects the nhs then, playgrounds where kids fracture bones, ban eating in pubs because to many people are overweight, ban cake shops, ban kids from drinking soft drinks , ban cafes for serving cooked breakfast, ban takeaways, just sit home and pay your taxes then die.
already gavw my opion in the politics forum but brielfy as a non smoker I think beer gardens having a smoking area shoud stay in some form, and banning it from premisses of certain worlplaces will increase skiving as smokers need spend longer getting back from a fag break.

Targeting stopping the next generation taking up the habit is of more important focus.

Personaly is if I was banning anything from pubs it would be kids under 14, especially kids in prams/pushchairs.
May as well ban everything that effects the nhs then, playgrounds where kids fracture bones, ban eating in pubs because to many people are overweight, ban cake shops, ban kids from drinking soft drinks , ban cafes for serving cooked breakfast, ban takeaways, just sit home and pay your taxes then die.

Balanced reaction.

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