Banning smoking in beer gardens

In fairness and for clarity, I have been talking about vaping in enclosed spaces and places where it is forbidden. Sure, if giving zero fucks about others isn't a good enough reason not to vape around peope, then you are right. The topic is about banning smoking in beer gardens btw.
Yeah...back to the main subject. Smoking is obvious, as breathing in someone else's smoke is KNOWN to be harmful. The smoke lingers, too. The vapour from vapes evaporate fairly quickly... i just don't see how it can harm anybody else. But yeah, in a closed room it would be irritating.
Vapers are getting the same shit as smokers... but smokers should be encouraged to quit or vape.
Maybe true if people were only using UK manufactured vpes
There is a huge black market for foreign vapes which are known to be poisenous, many of which are being used by kids fair enough, the illegal ones could be harmful to others and maybe some places blanket ban them all just to be on the safe. It's still shit that I have to vape well away from others. I don't even get the same satisfaction from the fucking e.pen thing, but it stops me from smoking....and I suffer bad from addiction. fair enough, the illegal ones could be harmful to others and maybe some places blanket ban them all just to be on the safe. It's still shit that I have to vape well away from others. I don't even get the same satisfaction from the fucking e.pen thing, but it stops me from smoking....and I suffer bad from addiction.
Fully understand the addiction thing and I was in your shoes nearly forty yers ago. For me the trick was breking the habit and that took care of the addiction.

Might not work for others, but for me it did and I went from heavy smoker to zero and I've never looked back
Fully understand the addiction thing and I was in your shoes nearly forty yers ago. For me the trick was breking the habit and that took care of the addiction.

Might not work for others, but for me it did and I went from heavy smoker to zero and I've never looked back
Vaping stops me smoking. Smoking stopped me drinking. Drinking stopped me doing heroin. Heroin stopped me from living. Living stopped me from..
The fucking Ropinirole doesn't help either.
Anyway...if it's shown to me that passive vaping can cause harm, then I would be ok about NOT vaping where I'm not supposed to. If people just want to moan about it because they don't like it, then I'm not arsed.
Do you get the concept of others? Some guy gambling on his phone in a beer garden isn't going to contribute to others around him developing lung cancer. Unless he is smoking while he's gambling. Banning smoking in gathered spaces isn't to save people from themselves, it is to save other people from them.
@Coatigan are you aware of the destruction caused to families by an addict ? A guy in a beer garden on his phone won't contribute to lung cancer but he is likely to be the sole cause of a broken marriage, domestic violence, homelessness. In 2003 a bloke burnt down Birch services because of his addiction. Since then it has got easier to gamble not harder.
Your very casual reply appears to show you are a zealot re smoking but hide away from real dangers.
So my opinion differs to yours and it’s hyperbole
Therefore my friend whilst I wipe my fanny how about you go and smoke yourself to death
Enjoy your Sunday :)
I don't smoke or vape. The drama queen's do seem very good at making incorrect assumptions and or don't read posts.

Be careful tomorrow high winds the uk will be stinking of strawberries. The foulest smell known to fanny wipers.

I've not come across scent free, toxin free, tobacco free, nicotine free, organic freerange fairtrade good for you vapes. Any I have encountered has had at least some of the above. But even if yours don't, that is still plumes of stram that has been in your lungs. That was the annoying fucking thing during covid, we had to go one way in supermarkets, socially distance, sit at 90 degrees to family, yet some **** covers 6 square metres of a pavement with his inside lung cloud, and thinks that's ok to walk through. There are literlaly dozens of people here telling you why it bothers them, you have been asked to stop it, yet you still try to argue every one of them is wrong and you should do what you want, because other people drink. Ffs. I AM btw far more bothered by smoking, fwiw.

You can get nicotine free vapes and refill liquids. It's something I suggest to vapers trying to quit, i.e. try reducing down and wean yourself off.
At least in the UK smoking has been banned indoors at public places. Unlike in Greece. Christ, I think they are born with a cig in their mouths. They smoke anywhere and everywhere. Indoors, outdoors, in the kitchen and bedroom. Go to a restaurant and they light up while they are reading the menu, then have another with their starter and main and it's customary to finish the meal off with a coffee and a cig while trying to rock the baby to sleep in the pram next to them.
At least in the UK smoking has been banned indoors at public places. Unlike in Greece. Christ, I think they are born with a cig in their mouths. They smoke anywhere and everywhere. Indoors, outdoors, in the kitchen and bedroom. Go to a restaurant and they light up while they are reading the menu, then have another with their starter and main and it's customary to finish the meal off with a coffee and a cig while trying to rock the baby to sleep in the pram next to them.
Never seen a Chinese bloke without a lit tab on either, they smoke like chimleys. And the Turkish/Kurdish barbers. They love fags

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