Banning smoking in beer gardens

Yes, i was surprised as well but it's data from the UK Government ONS Office for National Statistics in 2022.

It was 20.2% in 2011, so it's probably lower than 12% now.
Depends where you live though. England has the lowest rate of the home countries but, within that, the rates are massively different.
In 26% in Lincoln, Boston and Hull.
Manchester it’s over 17%, whilst in next door Trafford it’s only 8% and only 5% in Winchester.
Sadly, poor general health, poverty and the subsequent fewer life chances are the biggest indicators for likely smokers, meaning they’re always on the conveyor belt of shitdom and seemingly nobody wants to help get them off…
Plenty of staff smoke, well enough to man a bar. I am really referring to a beer garden really not so much inside.

Non smokers wont be barred but children in the beer garden would be.
Children should not be around adults / strangers in a place that is primarily for consumption of alcohol. Pubs that are basically restaurants are fine, but pubs that are ‘boozers’ are not a good environment for kids. Most parents who bring their kids in the boozers just treat the place like a crèche - most don’t even keep the kids by their side.
Make boozers a place for adults only - who can have a smoke in the garden if they wish.
Children should not be around adults / strangers in a place that is primarily for consumption of alcohol. Pubs that are basically restaurants are fine, but pubs that are ‘boozers’ are not a good environment for kids. Most parents who bring their kids in the boozers just treat the place like a crèche - most don’t even keep the kids by their side.
Make boozers a place for adults only - who can have a smoke in the garden if they wish.
Parents are a bigger customer base than smokers, I'd argue. And probably in greater need of a drink.
Parents are a bigger customer base than smokers, I'd argue. And probably in greater need of a drink.

You're right mate but they will have all the pubs in the town centre to choose from and the restaurants they could avoid this one/few.

This pub will be a great big shit magnet for smokers and vapers ;-)
Parents are a bigger customer base than smokers, I'd argue. And probably in greater need of a drink.
Lol. In need of a drink for sure, but the pub ain’t a great environment for kids. In my experience all the best drinking is done before the kids come along and when they’re finally old enough to be allowed independence or flee the nest ;-)
Take the kids to a (no smoking) park and let adults have a space where they can drink and even partake in the filthy habit of smoking - outside, of course.
Aye, if you read those carefully selected "we're printing it because it's what we want to believe" studies that the Daily Express loves to share.

So you don’t drink either?

Half a dozen trips to hospital in the last two years with serious illness. Never once was I told to stop drinking. However, I’m now vegetarian to ensure I eat properly.
So you don’t drink either?

Half a dozen trips to hospital in the last two years with serious illness. Never once was I told to stop drinking. However, I’m now vegetarian to ensure I eat properly.
Of course I drink. I just don't pretend it's good for me. If you believe the tabloids, coffee, red wine, caffeine, chocolate, etc, are the cause of and cure for every health problem on the planet. The most recent position from the World Health Organisation is that there is no level at which alcohol isn't harmful and there is no evidence that it's beneficial below a certain level. And a direct quote from the NHS website on the issue: "There's no completely safe level of drinking." Now obviously if you drink in moderation, the harm is likely to be so small as to make fuck all difference in your life. But that's very different from being beneficial. I've been to the doctors quite a bit too, and I've also not been told to stop drinking alcohol. I've also not been told to stop eating shitty processed foods either.

Anyway, here's a good article on the history of the research and where the 'beneficial in moderation' claims came from.

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