Banning smoking in beer gardens

Seven average strength pints a week is becoming my limit. I had a few Saturday after watching City and don’t expect to drink again until this weekend.

Watch what you eat too. It will catch up.
It's a toss up which stinks most - stale fags or stale ale.

I think I'll drop a line to my MP and see if he can get one of those early day motion thinggies to BAN BEER IN SMOKE GARDENS.
Other smelly activities that need banning:
Owning a dog
Growing lillies
Fat rendering
Curry houses.
Being French.
The list is endless really. The amazing thing is that there is no legislation; about time we had a decent gov that banned everything offensive to the olfactory nerve.
Other smelly activities that need banning:
Owning a dog
Growing lillies
Fat rendering
The list is endless really. The amazing thing is that there is no legislation; about time we had a decent gov that banned everything.
I'm with you on the last three but I'd join a march down Whitehall if Sir Starmer, Angie, Rachel, Pixie Cooper et al tried to put a stop to the first two!
Seven average strength pints a week is becoming my limit. I had a few Saturday after watching City and don’t expect to drink again until this weekend.

Watch what you eat too. It will catch up.
I'm in Vietnam at the moment. It's quite hard to be too fussy here tbh. Saw rat for sale at the side of the road yesterday and my mate got a video of a bloke killing a snake for dinner. All fresh food though, I guess.
Other smelly activities that need banning:
Owning a dog
Growing lillies
Fat rendering
Curry houses.
Being French.
The list is endless really. The amazing thing is that there is no legislation; about time we had a decent gov that banned everything offensive to the olfactory nerve.
To be fair, if farting in a lift made everyone else in the lift smell like fart for the rest of the day like fags do (smell like fags, not fart), I'd be in favour of making that a criminal offence too.
I'm in Vietnam at the moment. It's quite hard to be too fussy here tbh. Saw rat for sale at the side of the road yesterday and my mate got a video of a bloke killing a snake for dinner. All fresh food though, I guess.

Hate to break it to you mate but you got on the wrong flight and ended up in Liverpool.
As an occasional adult smoker I'm horrified. You are just moving smokers from the garden to the street. Pointless. But, as an occasional adult smoker I don't blow it anywhere if I'm in public, I'll move away from people. Was in a beer garden on Saturday with mates. None of them smoke, I fancied a cigar, so moved away to a quiet bit.

What annoys me, a smoker, is vape smoke. Blow it anywhere, go on, I'd love a faceful of blueberry, thanks.
To be fair, if farting in a lift made everyone else in the lift smell like fart for the rest of the day like fags do (smell like fags, not fart), I'd be in favour of making that a criminal offence too.

How do you legislate when people who see someone spark up and make a beeline to them so that they can cough a bit and cause a scene ?


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