Banning smoking in beer gardens

I absolutely cannot stand smoking or being near a smoker. I wish the ban on smoking in pubs would have been around earlier as I worked in pubs in the early - mid 2000's and it was pretty grim looking back but, being a slave to the money, it became livable shit.

However, there is a part of me that thinks let people live as they choose and is there anything wrong with a pub being open that's clearly a smoking pub. A place where you know full well will likely be full of smokers and as an adult, you have a simple choice as to whether to go in or not. Kids are not allowed for obvious reasons and it's irrelevant if they're accompanied by an adult.

Personally, I'm happy if the ban comes into place as I hate the smell of it and want it nowhere near me. I avoid the outdoor area of pubs for this reason but why shouldn't I be able to enjoy the fresh air of a beer garden without the waft and stench of fag smoke? But, I also think a publican should have the right to choose what path they want to go down with regard whether it's a smoking or non smoking pub.

I was out in MCR at the weekend and got chatting to a couple of women. Both of which we're good looking and about 10 years younger than I am. They both pulled out pouches of tobacco and proceeded to do a roll up. It's madness in this day and age just how popular smoking still is.

Luckily they fucked off outside of the gates of the already outdoor place we were. Smelly bitches ;)
I absolutely cannot stand smoking or being near a smoker. I wish the ban on smoking in pubs would have been around earlier as I worked in pubs in the early - mid 2000's and it was pretty grim looking back but, being a slave to the money, it became livable shit.

However, there is a part of me that thinks let people live as they choose and is there anything wrong with a pub being open that's clearly a smoking pub. A place where you know full well will likely be full of smokers and as an adult, you have a simple choice as to whether to go in or not. Kids are not allowed for obvious reasons and it's irrelevant if they're accompanied by an adult.

Personally, I'm happy if the ban comes into place as I hate the smell of it and want it nowhere near me. I avoid the outdoor area of pubs for this reason but why shouldn't I be able to enjoy the fresh air of a beer garden without the waft and stench of fag smoke? But, I also think a publican should have the right to choose what path they want to go down with regard whether it's a smoking or non smoking pub.

I was out in MCR at the weekend and got chatting to a couple of women. Both of which we're good looking and about 10 years younger than I am. They both pulled out pouches of tobacco and proceeded to do a roll up. It's madness in this day and age just how popular smoking still is.

Luckily they fucked off outside of the gates of the already outdoor place we were. Smelly bitches ;)
Fence sitting of the highest order.
Fence sitting of the highest order.
You call it sitting on the fence. I call it a compromise that's far less controlling.

Adults should be able to make their own choices. Even if those choices are bad for them long term. As long as it's legal (which it is) and doesn't harm others (like it wouldn't), I see no harm in having pubs where it's legal to smoke.

They don't serve food and don't allow kids in under any circumstances. If as an adult, you choose to go in them then you're aware of the health risks involved.

Smoking is disgusting and shouldn't be done anywhere where it can impact non smokers who have no choice but to be there. For example outside a hospital, on a train platform or even a supermarket carpark. Even your neighbour smoking in their own garden is grim for non smokers.

At the smoking pub though they can crack on as I'll not be going in.
'But there are other factors too.
The British Beer and Pub Association cites the rise in the tax applied to drinks - and beer in particular. The beer duty escalator meant that between 2008 and 2013 the duty increased by 42% and this has come at a time when supermarkets have tried to entice shoppers in with discounts on booze'.

Yes let's all be selective.
You're the only one being selective. I linked a balanced report
It's worth noting that all the bent stuff on sale in Merseyside is purchased from cheetham Hill. Just saying

I went to Lidl last night for beer and some smack head was being held by security with legs of lamb from her bag.

Deodorants, cheese, batteries… You name it. A few pubs bar them but many allow them in to peddle their wares.

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