Barca away criteria

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St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Im not going but am letting a mate use my ticket..whats the waiting

No problem here, it goes on in all walks of life.
Just thought a few may have a problem with tbat..bit like i have a.problem with the cant be arsed mob for fa cup..leavue at home...oh well
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Im not going but am letting a mate use my ticket..whats the waiting

No problem here, it goes on in all walks of life.
Just thought a few may have a problem with tbat..bit like i have a.problem with the cant be arsed mob for fa cup..leavue at home...oh well

We've all got tickets for other people as many have used others, I still need two for my lads who have 8,745 and 8, 340 If I knew someone not going with eligible points I would have got them already.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Im not going but am letting a mate use my ticket..whats the waiting

Absolutely no issue from me. This really is an instance where people should only worry about their own situation. If you've got the points and you're going, crack on. If you haven't got the points and you want to go, find a way.
frasermcfc said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Im not going but am letting a mate use my ticket..whats the waiting

Absolutely no issue from me. This really is an instance where people should only worry about their own situation. If you've got the points and you're going, crack on. If you haven't got the points and you want to go, find a way.

Everybody is trying to pull strings me a included........ Doesn't make it right tho.
kippaxkid said:
Read a lot of people understandly unhappy about people getting tickets on other people cards.
My point here is how are kids supposed to catch up points and qualify with the rest who have been going for years , this is one thing I think the loyalty system dosn't work fairly.
I got my ticket today on 9270 , my son who has around half that would of never of got a ticket as its impossible for him to generate that many points , although hes been going to games since 2 and a sc holder for last 5 yrs. Luckily my mate let him use his card and ive no shame in doing this as I have always promised him a big euro away game.
I think a fairer way would be a point system which involed age/points to average it out as a 70 year old city fan whos been going all his life is no more loyal than a 14 yr old going all his life , and there is no way that he can possibly catch someone up on 12000 points.

good luck to the rest of you hunting tickets.

How about they take your son's points along with your own and average the two. This means that he will go up the scale and you will go down. Possibly fair?

Either that or, and apologies if you have, put a shift in going to as many aways as possible and bide your time because eventually it will happen. My son is now 20 and the only reason he has the points is years of dedicated misery!
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Im not going but am letting a mate use my ticket..whats the waiting

Thought the problem would be pretty obvious,
Your m8s getting a ticket before someone else that on the current criteria / legislation he isn't entitled too, meaning someone who has put the time and effort and money in to the club may possibly miss out over your m8 who hasn't put said time money and effort in, all things being equal and said person missing out haven't pimped his ticket out to gain the points..

Like I said pretty obvious what the problem is,...

Not saying I'm bothered or it's right or wrong just answering your question

Ps I need 1 More if you got one :-)
ballinio said:
Didsbury Dave said:
kippaxkid said:
Read a lot of people understandly unhappy about people getting tickets on other people cards.
My point here is how are kids supposed to catch up points and qualify with the rest who have been going for years , this is one thing I think the loyalty system dosn't work fairly.
I got my ticket today on 9270 , my son who has around half that would of never of got a ticket as its impossible for him to generate that many points , although hes been going to games since 2 and a sc holder for last 5 yrs. Luckily my mate let him use his card and ive no shame in doing this as I have always promised him a big euro away game.
I think a fairer way would be a point system which involed age/points to average it out as a 70 year old city fan whos been going all his life is no more loyal than a 14 yr old going all his life , and there is no way that he can possibly catch someone up on 12000 points.

good luck to the rest of you hunting tickets.

Mate, I've got no problem with you using your contacts to grab a ticket for your lad. That's how it goes and I'd do the same in your situation.

But to start claiming the moral high ground that he 'deserves' to go is a bunch of arse. There are thousands of us who kept this fucking club going back in the 80s and 90s who are still sweating on tickets. If we are doing some daft hierarchy of who 'deserves' to go your lad is down the list I am afraid.
got to say , you are bang on there.

Not sure I agree. Anyone going since the 80s/90s who hasn't got the required 9k points has had plenty of opportunity to build up that total but obviously hasn't been doing too many aways in recent years. If a 14 year old has been going home and away for 5 years why should they miss out on this big game for a modern day part-timer?

Not specifically talking about kippaxkid's lad as I don't know how many he goes to, but agree with his general point. The current points system is ageist.
kippaxkid said:
Read a lot of people understandly unhappy about people getting tickets on other people cards.
My point here is how are kids supposed to catch up points and qualify with the rest who have been going for years , this is one thing I think the loyalty system dosn't work fairly.
I got my ticket today on 9270 , my son who has around half that would of never of got a ticket as its impossible for him to generate that many points , although hes been going to games since 2 and a sc holder for last 5 yrs. Luckily my mate let him use his card and ive no shame in doing this as I have always promised him a big euro away game.
I think a fairer way would be a point system which involed age/points to average it out as a 70 year old city fan whos been going all his life is no more loyal than a 14 yr old going all his life , and there is no way that he can possibly catch someone up on 12000 points.

good luck to the rest of you hunting tickets.

They catch up the way we did, putting in the time, going to the matches when they are old enough. And as someone else has already pointed out, shouldn't they be in school if they are of school age? There are a lot of people who won't be able to go because of work commitments as well.

At the end of the day it's swings and roundabouts. I am sorry for the people who can't get a ticket either because of points or because of work commitments or because they just can't afford it. Been there, done that, got 5 tee-shirts, it happens and life isn't fair but we have to learn to live with the good and the bad. :-)
blingy said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Im not going but am letting a mate use my ticket..whats the waiting

Thought the problem would be pretty obvious,

No it isn't. There isn't a problem as far as i'm concerned. If SHB has accrued the points after years of suffering following shite, dire football and false dawns, who are we to say he can't sell his ticket to a mate cos he can't go or doesn't want to go?
He's paid his dues.
End of.
CheethamHillBlue said:
blingy said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Im not going but am letting a mate use my ticket..whats the waiting

Thought the problem would be pretty obvious,

No it isn't. There isn't a problem as far as i'm concerned. If SHB has accrued the points after years of suffering following shite, dire football and false dawns, who are we to say he can't sell his ticket to a mate cos he can't go or doesn't want to go?
He's paid his dues.
End of.

End of!!
End of what exactly ?

Your statement has nothing to do with what SHB asked therefor nothing nothing to do with my reply!!
SHB asked what the problem was which I pointed out , so your opinion as far as your concerned doesn't really come in to the equation, and it is only your opinion, not fact, gospel , or law
There is a problem no matter what your feelings or mine are on the matter. but If you can't see the problem then there's not much use you debating on this subject.

Just to pick up on a couple if your comments .
"Who are we to say this and that "
Iv not said he can can't should shouldn't !! And iv not given a opinion on it, I in fact need one more myself which I'll try to obtain by any means I can

But I'm guessing the powers that be are the ones saying you purchase your ticket for sole use and not to be given to someone else, I know this to be the case for season tickets or tickets bought for the home games, so am guessing the rules to be the same fir away tickets , so yea who are we to say he can't when thers more important persons saying this ie the club..
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