Barcelona Vs City CL 2nd leg Post Match Thread

KippaxCitizen said:
Not bad. Did a few great things, there were a few great performances but also a few poor things and a few players not at the level of our best or the opposition. Still a fair way to go for us.

I'm fairly happy with us.

I absolutely hate the Champions League. I will now rename it the "Dive-FreeKick League". It a the worst example of this sport going. Truly awful. An awful advert for the game. Not how this sport should be played. Not what this sport is supposed to be. Gamesmanship to the maximum. Appalling officiating. Just an awful competition.

Bang on. Its becoming a joke. Give me the premier league anyday. There has to be fair physicality in this game. Its going to be non touch soon, if it isn't already and that will be the death knell for me.
GaudinoMotors said:
The bent ref calling makes us sound like Wenger - if he was bent we'd have been dead and buried early on. He was incompetent.
I agree with this, but there's definitely a style of refereeing in the Champions League that favours teams like Barca. They referee in a way that punishes physical teams. The number of times Toure was punished merely for being stronger was ridiculous. Dzeko too. We tackle hard, so when it's mistimed, it looks worse (Zabaleta's first yellow). But several times, Barcelona players took a premeditated decision to take out one of our players, and they avoided a yellow because it didn't look as bad. According to the rules, deliberately tripping a player who's about to break should be a yellow but they never got one. That and obviously the fact that they routinely reward diving in Europe way more than in the PL (and it's bad enough in the PL).
Another (painful) lesson learnt. This time it wasn't enough, but we are almost there. Embarrassing officiating over both legs. We were lacking in two critical areas (a centre half and an in-form striker) and it put paid to our defeat. Proud of the club and the boys though.
kupest said:
Carstairs said:
I just want to say that I thought Lescott was fantastic tonight, I know tha I've knocked him at times, but he was great tonight.

Well he was at fault for the goal. The pass that he sent wayward could have been a very Demi like mistake if Neymar could have scored.
That said his passing was pretty spot except that one.

And he should have conceded a penalty. If MDM put in a performance like that, there would be melt down.
citymacc said:
Kompany always speaks well in post-match interviews, fucking love him!

What did he say? Don't usually get them here for the CL matches.
I used to laugh at my Grandad years ago when he said football was fixed, I'm know starting believe they got fouls every time we went near them and three early yellows so we couldn't go in on them like we would of without the threat of being sent off and the ref didn't give the most obvious penalty ever, the refs either bent as fuck or a barca fan still think we played well but just pissed off with the official's just spoilt it .
Irwell said:
oakiecokie said:
And talking of wise people ... you think Pellers will lose his job after this defeat,the possibility of once again getting into the CL for next season,still in with an excellent chance of the PL and not forgetting we are currently the League Cup Holders.
I'm assuming you read my entire post, at which point you would have seen the word 'ultimately'. The implication of this word is that, whilst this incident in itself won't cost him his job, the fallout from it, i.e. a potential further drop-off in league form, may well do. The word 'ultimately' was absolutely key to what I said.

Dont lets beat about the bush .... you`re a fucking shit stirrer with all your fucking posts tonight.
SWP's back said:
mancitymark said:
If the tit of a manager we have had done his sums in the last group game, we would still be in this competition.

End of
End of what? Thinking? Rational thought.

Fucktards like you assume we would have gone gung ho in the Allianz and scored another without conceding.

Mouth breather.

It's a laughable assumption. We played well tonight, rode our luck a bit for first 50 mins but after that we could easily have gone ahead and even when we went behind we showed passion and desire.

It's up to the players now. Are they prepared to show the rest who really is the best side in the prem or will they fade away.

The next two weeks will tell us all we need to know.

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