Barcelona Vs City CL 2nd leg Post Match Thread

Lucky Toma said:
gmckennasell said:
FCBarca said:
Silva's quality notwithstanding, you're in a distinct minority regarding Iniesta and apparently weren't watching the match very carefully is all I can counter with

David Silva on the Don:

As for Vincent, it's true, we don't have a defender we can blame for being responsible for two goals in the tie like Kompany was

Your a clown , your players work the referee better than us , that was the difference ,the referees won you the tie , your a one man team , take Messi out of your side and you wouldnt win a thing , i have never seen so many players asking the refree to book or send off opposition players. You are basically cheats , but its in your culture , your club and gloryhunting supporters accept this as part of the game , if your team played in the premiership , i think you would just about avoid relegation , because english referees , wouldnt allow your club to manipulate the rules .

Not his culture nor his club mate. Fifteen years ago this British lad decided to support the greatest team in the world - a team from another country to boot.

Now he's coming on here lording it over fans who - if we stick to the same timeframe - fifteen years ago started supporting a club in the third tier.

Its amazing how some snivelling little turd , can decide to support a team from another country , just because they win everything , this has got to be the original meaning of a gloryhunter , sky , xbox and playstation have a lot to answer for
FCBarca said:
tonea2003 said:
you would love him in your team and you know it,
and i stand by my silva/iniesta comparision, i didn't say who was better
and the player in a poll who most barca fans want.......

You implied that the only difference between the two sides was Messi yet Andres was the most instrumental midfielder on the night...Like I said, you're in a distinct minority when it comes to Iniesta, even Silva knows better

If Barcelona had a CB who was responsible for 2 goals like that (In one match, mind you), he'd be run out of town...The club needs another world class central defender but it won't be Kompany, nor should it

you are more deluded than i thought
recognized as one of best centre backs in the world by all and sundry and you would rather stick with a midfielder and rag reject,
it beggars belief
The current Barca team are painfully boring to watch and drop like a sack of spuds upon the slightest contact, really sad that is has come to this awful type of football, as previously mentioned if it wasn't for Messi (penalty in first game) and goal last night it would have been a lot closer. Doubt your 'bore the opposition into surrender' tactics will succeed this year...
tonea2003 said:
you are more deluded than i thought
recognized as one of best centre backs in the world by all and sundry and you would rather stick with a midfielder and rag reject,
it beggars belief

Comprehension is not a failing I share with you, however...since I did say the club needs another world class central defender
FCBarca said:
tonea2003 said:
you are more deluded than i thought
recognized as one of best centre backs in the world by all and sundry and you would rather stick with a midfielder and rag reject,
it beggars belief

Comprehension is not a failing I share with you, however...since I did say the club needs another world class central defender

you also need a midfield player because xavi is 34 , and past it , neymar is a total waste of money , he might look good against 90% in laliga games , but 90% of your opposition in the spanish league are shit , and city's eds team could finsish in 4th place , Your playground bullys , who are about to wintess a downward spiral , at least you can then pick another team in europe to support , Bayern Munich look ok , and they have a very nice first team kit , it would great with your " one direction" baseball cap .
FCBarca said:
tonea2003 said:
you are more deluded than i thought
recognized as one of best centre backs in the world by all and sundry and you would rather stick with a midfielder and rag reject,
it beggars belief

Comprehension is not a failing I share with you, however...since I did say the club needs another world class central defender

i can understand that now you have dug a hole for yourself re kompany you are not going to admit it, but you and i know where our captain stands in world football
Plaything of the gods said:
Shaelumstash said:
Mattyc55 said:
If you think the league cup is a successful season with this team, in this league, then I wish I had your mentality!

For me (and i'm guessing a lot of other blues) it will be looked back upon in May/June as a failure. A few weeks ago we were all predicting 170+ goals and a potential domestic treble. Finishing behind a Chelsea side with no striker, and losing to Wigan in an FA Cup quarter final is simply not good enough for this team, especially after last season. One league cup in two years is simply not good enough.

Totally agree mate. With this squad, anything less than winning the league is an underachievement. We all loved the day out at the League Cup final, but if that is all we have to show for this season, and we finish second or third in the league, we'll have nowhere near achieved our potential.

Different fans have different ambitions though. Some are happy that we were electric for 6 weeks, and aren't too concerned about the rest of the season. I've even seen someone post tonight that that the season has been a success because "we were still in 4 competitions in March". Personally I find that baffling, as the major trophies are given out in May. Doesn't matter how good you looked in December, or how many competitions you are in during March. It's where you finish that counts, based on the whole season.

We've still got a great chance to win the league and I hope we can turn this recent form around and go on to win it. But for some to say it's been a successful season no matter where we finish in the league, they've got a very different opinion to me of the quality of our squad, and what we should be achieving.
Oh dear. The sense of entitlement is setting in already.

It's not a sense of entitlement, I'm not saying I deserve to see us win the league. I'm saying with the players at our disposal, they won't have achieved their potential if we don't win the league. Big difference.
Will someone please clarify this offside nonsense? I'll make it extreme for example purposes. I read endlessly about these onside goals. The goals in question were scored by players who at the time of the initial forward pass were offside and during the lead up to their 'offside' goal remained offside. That is they never at anytime during the attack return to an onside position and then rejoin the attack. The '2nd phase' as some call it is the cross pass (both within the 18yard box) from the player who received the ball and was onside. This all occurs within 2/3 seconds of course. My extreme example. An opposing player is standing on the penalty spot in an offside position scratching his spools while upfield a pass is played to another opposing player on the halfway line. Our defence are all on the halfway line where the pass has been played forward to an attacking player who's on the shoulder of the back line. He runs forward towards the player still standing on the penalty spot who's now taking an intrest. The player with the ball runs up passes it to the player still standing on the spot as a square pass, not forward and he puts it in the net. Is that a goal or is he offside? For me he's offside by gaining an unfair advantage. The goals scored by Barcelona weren't as extreme obviously but the principle is surely still the same?
Mr HJ said:
Listening to Zabbas comments about his sending off - which I have no doubt are true (he's that kind of man) - It puts even more emphasis on how poor the referee was. Zabba says he didn't swear or touch him he just was angry a blatant penalty wasn't given. To be fair Barca should have had one too and Lescott was lucky to not be booked for the two or three times he pulled back Messi let alone the penalty foul. Even so, something was not right in both legs. It does make you feel the people spouting on about an agenda to keep us behind are onto something.

Watching as a neutral I think the ref was crap for both sides, let's face it they had the pen and the disallowed goal first half and City had the pen and one or two other dodgy decisions second half. I don't think he was bent, just incompetent.
The sending off is a difficult one but we all know that if you've already seen a yellow then shouting in the ref's face is not a good idea.

-- Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:49 am --

FCBarca said:
Lucky Toma said:
"We?" Can I ask how many times you've seen your beloved Barca in the flesh?

Supporting a team from another country is fine. When that team has been the best in the world over the past decade the suspicion is of glory-hunting.

15 years a fan, Barcelona is like a 2nd home

If you say so, but I notice you didn't answer the guy's question.

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