Barcelona Vs Rags Official Match Topic


Young said:
ccr said:
Was asked today why I would not want an English team to win. My reply............
Imagine you are at school and everyday for years and years some bully picks on you, belittles you, sneers at you, laughs at you. Then the school organises a boxing match, your school v some spanish school. The bully v Pedro.....Who are you going to support ? Still waiting for a reply.

We've had some weight training and the bullys friends will be deserting him and next term hes going to get his arse kicked again.

When asked this question, I would say it is not that I do want an English team to win, but it's about the Rags. I would pretty much like an English team to win all the time, but if it's the Rags, I rather much Hitler wins it.

Hitler doesn't have the squad depth to compete at the top level.
lets all take a minute out and believe

"The power of positive thinking can change and improve your life. Maintaining positive thinking and attitude will drive you to success and happiness"

if u want it to happen. Positive thinking from u all.

Let us believe, Barcelona to win.
Jamie Redknapp: "Barca, apart from Abidal, Pique and Busquets, are a small side, look at United, Ferdinand, Vidic..and erm..erm..Hernandez is good in the air as well."

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