Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

I imagine those few pages were the result of knowing his card was getting marked and he chose as so many of his comrades did, to go out in a blaze of inanity rather than holding a scrap of dignity.

The ultra ultra partisan types who point blank refuse to have a decent discussion have been slowly getting weeded out since the election either by reigning it in as some have done or exile as others have chosen. Im sure there will be more to come over the weeks and months

So this is an utterly misleading post then?
If Rascal wasn't banned but asked Ric to deactivate his account why do you imply otherwise?
Rascal was rarely inane and added much more to the forum than many whilst conducting a rearguard action against the many racists and RWNJ's who seem to post with impunity.
The LWNJ's seem to be disappearing on a regular basis.
So this is an utterly misleading post then?
If Rascal wasn't banned but asked Ric to deactivate his account why do you imply otherwise?
Rascal was rarely inane and added much more to the forum than many whilst conducting a rearguard action against the many racists and RWNJ's who seem to post with impunity.
The LWNJ's seem to be disappearing on a regular basis.
Can you post or link to some of this racism?
So this is an utterly misleading post then?
If Rascal wasn't banned but asked Ric to deactivate his account why do you imply otherwise?
Rascal was rarely inane and added much more to the forum than many whilst conducting a rearguard action against the many racists and RWNJ's who seem to post with impunity.
The LWNJ's seem to be disappearing on a regular basis.

He received a temporary ban for his outburst last night, but then asked for his account to be deactivated.
Yeah, see what you mean. If this site is like other forums though im sure reactivating your account is just as easy as logging on.
Either way, it was pretty funny

Personally, in the past I have done what Rascal appears to have done. You have to message Ric to get back on.. (to continue as you were)

^Actually it's not exactly the same now, since he received a ban it appears.
I can't believe some posters on here are acting like Rascal is the victim he behaved like an utter pratt. After being asked to post proof of his allegations,not just against me but against anyone he offered nothing. If you want to shine a light for him fair enough but it just shows how unbalanced some of you are. I doubt I will be on here long after receiving a warning for calling someone a drunk who was battering on about my being in the KK or being a Nazi and a racist because I will probably call someone a drunk again.
I wouldn't have posted about this but I saw that there are a few of the lighter headed members on here posting that I am this daz poster which I am not are you lot adults of children ffs? Some of you really really do need to get out more and you look childish and petty.
Just use the search function, type in worsleyweb and cricket.
And as for trolling type in SWP's back and look for the one liners ;)
Come on, you dilute the serious meaning of racism when you include Oz bashing. Same with the French.

Only time it doesn't get labelled racism is when there is a free for all on Americans.
I can't believe some posters on here are acting like Rascal is the victim he behaved like an utter pratt. After being asked to post proof of his allegations,not just against me but against anyone he offered nothing. If you want to shine a light for him fair enough but it just shows how unbalanced some of you are. I doubt I will be on here long after receiving a warning for calling someone a drunk who was battering on about my being in the KK or being a Nazi and a racist because I will probably call someone a drunk again.
I wouldn't have posted about this but I saw that there are a few of the lighter headed members on here posting that I am this daz poster which I am not are you lot adults of children ffs? Some of you really really do need to get out more and you look childish and petty.
Are you daz though in his fifth reincarnation?

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