Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

Come on, you dilute the serious meaning of racism when you include Oz bashing. Same with the French.

Only time it doesn't get labelled racism is when there is a free for all on Americans.

Hm, two lines, not sure what to think...
Funnily enough, many years ago, after a particularly filthy session with a girl I was shagging, I was bladdered in the pub and rang her up.
At the first 'Hello?' I said, 'I'm coming round tomorrow night to roger you senseless, put those white suzzies on again.'
The phone went down immediately, and when I rang back, my squeeze answered and said, ''You drunken fool, my Grandma had just arrived and answered the phone!''

Hello Wayne, shouldn't you be at training?
The ultra ultra partisan types who point blank refuse to have a decent discussion have been slowly getting weeded out since the election either by reigning it in as some have done or exile as others have chosen. Im sure there will be more to come over the weeks and months

This is completely at odds with my perception of what the forum has become.

I believe myself to be impartial. Out of everyone who has been banned/left, the only person I've ever shared a pm with was rascal. And that happened maybe three times.

What has actually happened is that the majority of left wing posters have gone and with them the discussions and debates that made this particular forum fantastic.

We are left with a bunch of back slapping and hurrarhing from supposed right wingers. It's not a place for debate and discussion any more. It's either shit threads with no substance or its a group of the same faces wanting death on Muslims. Even if one doesn't find it racist, it's vile.

There was a time if a pertinent issue came up, we were able to debate the cause. Now it's pages of bloodlust.

This culture has been allowed to fester here, and quite honestly it's disgusting.

It's not just Muslims. The economics thread further down. There's no discussion, no debate, no interest because one half of the debate is gone. Ealing blue and a few others do their best, but they're fighting against a crowd which seems to have impunity.

I don't post a lot anywhere, but here it feels like a forum that prefers the "hang them"/anti labour over the more left wing, it's done nothing but stifle. I mean, context. I'm a fucking investment banker, I vote tory and I in the main lean towards market economics, and I've been labeled a left wing nut job. It's madness.

I understand abuse shouldn't be tolerated. And rascal was probably over the top. But this is one of the hypocracies. Abuse against a forum member, not allowed. Abuse against people/cultures does seem to be allowed. And it's messed up.

Again, even if not considered racist, elements of this forum have become vile.
This is completely at odds with my perception of what the forum has become.

I believe myself to be impartial. Out of everyone who has been banned/left, the only person I've ever shared a pm with was rascal. And that happened maybe three times.

What has actually happened is that the majority of left wing posters have gone and with them the discussions and debates that made this particular forum fantastic.

We are left with a bunch of back slapping and hurrarhing from supposed right wingers. It's not a place for debate and discussion any more. It's either shit threads with no substance or its a group of the same faces wanting death on Muslims. Even if one doesn't find it racist, it's vile.

There was a time if a pertinent issue came up, we were able to debate the cause. Now it's pages of bloodlust.

This culture has been allowed to fester here, and quite honestly it's disgusting.

It's not just Muslims. The economics thread further down. There's no discussion, no debate, no interest because one half of the debate is gone. Ealing blue and a few others do their best, but they're fighting against a crowd which seems to have impunity.

I don't post a lot anywhere, but here it feels like a forum that prefers the "hang them"/anti labour over the more left wing, it's done nothing but stifle. I mean, context. I'm a fucking investment banker, I vote tory and I in the main lean towards market economics, and I've been labeled a left wing nut job. It's madness.

I understand abuse shouldn't be tolerated. And rascal was probably over the top. But this is one of the hypocracies. Abuse against a forum member, not allowed. Abuse against people/cultures does seem to be allowed. And it's messed up.

Again, even if not considered racist, elements of this forum have become vile.

Good post.

I'm pretty much in the centre both politically and economically.

When I joined BM over 4 years ago I was surprised at the sheer volume of right wing, often very right wing, opinions being posted.

Over that time period and particularly since the election it seems that that volume has increased.

And don't forget the misogyny - I gave up trying to support Ealing Blue on the Ched Evans thread - I don't know how he had the patience to persevere.
This is completely at odds with my perception of what the forum has become.

I believe myself to be impartial. Out of everyone who has been banned/left, the only person I've ever shared a pm with was rascal. And that happened maybe three times.

What has actually happened is that the majority of left wing posters have gone and with them the discussions and debates that made this particular forum fantastic.

We are left with a bunch of back slapping and hurrarhing from supposed right wingers. It's not a place for debate and discussion any more. It's either shit threads with no substance or its a group of the same faces wanting death on Muslims. Even if one doesn't find it racist, it's vile.

There was a time if a pertinent issue came up, we were able to debate the cause. Now it's pages of bloodlust.

This culture has been allowed to fester here, and quite honestly it's disgusting.

It's not just Muslims. The economics thread further down. There's no discussion, no debate, no interest because one half of the debate is gone. Ealing blue and a few others do their best, but they're fighting against a crowd which seems to have impunity.

I don't post a lot anywhere, but here it feels like a forum that prefers the "hang them"/anti labour over the more left wing, it's done nothing but stifle. I mean, context. I'm a fucking investment banker, I vote tory and I in the main lean towards market economics, and I've been labeled a left wing nut job. It's madness.

I understand abuse shouldn't be tolerated. And rascal was probably over the top. But this is one of the hypocracies. Abuse against a forum member, not allowed. Abuse against people/cultures does seem to be allowed. And it's messed up.

Again, even if not considered racist, elements of this forum have become vile.
Cracking post, and I agree. A real shame
This is completely at odds with my perception of what the forum has become.

I believe myself to be impartial. Out of everyone who has been banned/left, the only person I've ever shared a pm with was rascal. And that happened maybe three times.

What has actually happened is that the majority of left wing posters have gone and with them the discussions and debates that made this particular forum fantastic.

We are left with a bunch of back slapping and hurrarhing from supposed right wingers. It's not a place for debate and discussion any more. It's either shit threads with no substance or its a group of the same faces wanting death on Muslims. Even if one doesn't find it racist, it's vile.

There was a time if a pertinent issue came up, we were able to debate the cause. Now it's pages of bloodlust.

This culture has been allowed to fester here, and quite honestly it's disgusting.

It's not just Muslims. The economics thread further down. There's no discussion, no debate, no interest because one half of the debate is gone. Ealing blue and a few others do their best, but they're fighting against a crowd which seems to have impunity.

I don't post a lot anywhere, but here it feels like a forum that prefers the "hang them"/anti labour over the more left wing, it's done nothing but stifle. I mean, context. I'm a fucking investment banker, I vote tory and I in the main lean towards market economics, and I've been labeled a left wing nut job. It's madness.

I understand abuse shouldn't be tolerated. And rascal was probably over the top. But this is one of the hypocracies. Abuse against a forum member, not allowed. Abuse against people/cultures does seem to be allowed. And it's messed up.

Again, even if not considered racist, elements of this forum have become vile.

Hard to disagree with any of that. The exact reason why i rarely log in these days, its a bit boring
I don't join political discussion (cos I don't care for it) so I can't comment on the left/right balance of the forum. I have been called a rwnj by a certain poster though...guess which one ;)

I don't think this place is becoming vile. Ideas and cultures get discussed. Things will get said that offend people and mods will delete anything that goes too far. But hey, maybe I don't go into enough threads.

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