Basic People Management Skills

BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Can I just clarify, are you saying, as things currently stand, you do not have an agenda with Mancini, and that as the manager of our team, you support the decisions he makes in relation to the playing staff.

As things currently stand I think Mancini's doing an excellent job of managing City. He's bought very very wisely, he's improved our defending no end, he's also improved individual players as well as our team play, which is surely the mark of an excellent manager.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of his more cautious tactical decisions, but I accept that results come first. I'm also, as this thread is an example of, dubious about just how good he is at managing his playing squad, and more importantly, whether he can put his ego aside for the greater good of the club...of that, time will tell. I hope that if nothing else, we can in the coming months stem the tide of disgruntled players going to the press. How that is achieved, I guess is up to the people behind the scenes at City...

Thats one of the few occasions i've actually enjoyed reading one of your post, and not because you plagerised my post on page 2/3.... Nobody is saying Bob is perfect, and yes he needs to evolve his management style, which incidently the top boyz always do, but he is 100 % effective and right for us at this time, and that foundation will stand us in good shape for the future...........

Dave i'm on to you mate, its all about the post count within your threads, though for an intelligent bloke you don't half talk some shite sometimes. (O:
m27 said:
Rammy Blue said:
I think a certain amount of latitude should be granted to Bob in that he can't pre-determine the side he picks for certain games weeks in advance.

In an ideal world we would be injury free, and a few points better off, in which case Bob could afford to rotate the keepers - the reality though is that Joe dropped a bollock against Blackburn and therefore kept his place against Salzburg which has resulted in 2 clean sheets including Wigan.

Now of course you would expect Shay to start against WBA however following his interview Bob may well again stick with Joe, who knows? Bob does and he will make his selection based on what he sees fit.

My point being that if Bob had said to Shay he would start against Salzburg and then after Joe's mistake he changes his mind, for the benefit of the team, then people would be slagging him for not being true to his word.

You stole my point Rammy.

Who knows, Mancini could have decided that Given was going to play in the Europa game but Joe's clanger meant that if he was left out the press would have been all over us and Mancini saying that Hart had been "hung out to dry" and it might have affected Joe in the long run.

However, Mancini gave him the opportunity to get straight back on his bike and atone for his error.

I can't speak for Mancini's overall man-management skills but this incident in isolation surely point to a man ensuring one of our vital first team players keeps his confidence as high as possible early on in a very long season.

I agree that is a distinctly possible scenario. And a good decision if that's what happened.

If it did, he should have told Given that in my opinion.
Didsbury Dave said:
He did a full 2page intervew about his career. It was probably booked weeks ago. The Times profile one player every Sunday.

This is not some story where he's rung up a journalist and said "Listen, I'm pissed off with the manager"

I wish the interview was online but it isn't, or I cant find it.

He has said nothing negative whatsoeever about the club or manager.

It is me who saw the negatives in his simple answer to a question put to him. Much as you are trying to deflect, Shay Given is blameless in this.

So you're saying you've taken a neutral interview and put a negative spin on it to have a pop at the manager!

Nice ;-)
BillyShears said:
m27 said:
You stole my point Rammy.

Who knows, Mancini could have decided that Given was going to play in the Europa game but Joe's clanger meant that if he was left out the press would have been all over us and Mancini saying that Hart had been "hung out to dry" and it might have affected Joe in the long run.

However, Mancini gave him the opportunity to get straight back on his bike and atone for his error.

I can't speak for Mancini's overall man-management skills but this incident in isolation surely point to a man ensuring one of our vital first team players keeps his confidence as high as possible early on in a very long season.

I actually don't think anyone has a problem per se with Joe keeping his place for the Salzburg game. I think it was even discussed on here prior to the match and a lot of us were in agreement that the right thing to do was play him even if he originally intended to play Given.

However Given's point for me still has some validity. Once the decision to play Joe was made, it surely wouldn't have hurt Mancini to pull Shay aside and explain his point of view. This way, if the same question was asked in an interview, there would be no way for him to criticize the manager. He'd have to say "the manager explained his decision..." even if he didn't agree with it...

Wasn't the interview conducted before the Salzburg game?

I presume interviews for the Sunday's usually take place a few days before going to print.
Didsbury Dave said:
Ha ha - just seen this little gem.

"Favourite player"?!?!?!?!

What do you think this is, school?

"FAvourite player"!


I have a favourite City player, as do many others. It's not immature, it's called having taste. I also have a favourite brand of ketchup, favourite position on the pitch, favourite song and favourite pint of beer.

If you don't, it doesn't make you enlightened or mature or anything, in fact it probably makes you a bit boring.
Didsbury Dave said:
Ha ha - just seen this little gem.

"Favourite player"?!?!?!?!

What do you think this is, school?

"FAvourite player"!


Laugh all you want but we both know why you can't start a thread about Ireland leaving so you're using any excuse you can find to have a pop at Mancini in other ways. You can deny it all you fucking want but you're as transparent as glass.
bluemoonmatt said:
Ego ??? the guy has come across for the most part as the model of humility to me.

What life experience and my own job has taught me is that someones public persona is often no gauge of what they are like in private. Stuart Pearce is an excellent example of that. The model of humility and professionalism publicly, but privately a bully and a terrible manager...
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
[but he is 100 % effective and right for us at this time,

He did OK but not great last year in mitigating circumstances and he's made an OK but not great start to this year.

Where does 100% effective come into it?

The time to judge him is not now, but we'll have an idea by about Christmas and by season end we'll really know whether he has delivered or not.

I'm not calling for his head, I'm expressing concern at his people management skills. I like his suits and I like how he has now got Kompany, Barry and De Jong looking top drawer. I worry about some of his tactical decisions but sometimes he gets it right. I like how he changes the system during games. I am sometimes baffled at his substitutions. I am really encouraged by our solidity as a team.

I'll call for his head if we don't finish in the top 4 ;-)
BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Ego ??? the guy has come across for the most part as the model of humility to me.

What life experience and my own job has taught me is that someones public persona is often no gauge of what they are like in private. Stuart Pearce is an excellent example of that. The model of humility and professionalism publicly, but privately a bully and a terrible manager...

But...but...he had a teddy!!

Nobody who has a teddy can be a horrible person!
Damocles said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Ha ha - just seen this little gem.

"Favourite player"?!?!?!?!

What do you think this is, school?

"FAvourite player"!


I have a favourite City player, as do many others. It's not immature, it's called having taste. I also have a favourite brand of ketchup, favourite position on the pitch, favourite song and favourite pint of beer.

If you don't, it doesn't make you enlightened or mature or anything, in fact it probably makes you a bit boring.

Each to their own but the phrase "Favourite player" smacks of the school playground to me to be honest.

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