Basic People Management Skills

dont think many (if any) want him gone. the op asks a very fair and honest question. some think he's the dogs, some think the jury is out, thats football. the only thing that bothers me is the head in the sand stance that everything is rosy, its clearly not.

the treatment on here of hughes was nothing short of a disgrace, people wanted us to fail in order for him to be sacked, not only that they wanted him gone before a ball was kicked, the same people back bobby to the hilt.

strange people.
Chick Counterfly said:
The notion of him as someone who struggles in European competition and with man management skills is supported by these additional articles from some highly respected news organizations:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 423666.stm</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... /index.htm</a>

Completely bogus. They say nothing of the sort.

I guess you missed this part of the BBC article?

The big question mark surrounding Mancini is his undistinguished managerial record in Europe.

City need not worry about that this term, but if they qualify for next season's Champions League and Mancini is still at the helm, they will be led into it by a man who lost his last job for failing to make it past the quarter-finals of that competition in three attempts.

Inter kept only one clean sheet at the San Siro in six knockout ties under Mancini, and two of the four matches they lost were on away goals.

In fairness, no coach has guided Inter to the European Cup since Helenio Herrera in 1965.

And none of that means Mancini will not flourish at the City of Manchester Stadium. Indeed, in Italy his appointment to one of the Premier League's top managerial posts has come as no surprise

Again, not an attack but his Champion's League credentials are hardly sparkling. With respect to the Sports Illustrated article, you can google Mancini and the player names in the article and you will find many other articles supporting the notion that frequent spats through the media were his MO in his time in charge of Inter.

Again, not a knock. It's his style and it works in the short term but in the end things seem to go off the rails because of the level of distrust that is bread by pitting players against each other for playing time. One of many managerial styles and as already stated, it's too early in Mancini's reign to say how it will turn out. There are plenty of good things in his tenure so far but also a few worrying things is all.
macmanson said:
Chick Counterfly said:
Completely bogus. They say nothing of the sort.

I guess you missed this part of the BBC article?

The big question mark surrounding Mancini is his undistinguished managerial record in Europe.

City need not worry about that this term, but if they qualify for next season's Champions League and Mancini is still at the helm, they will be led into it by a man who lost his last job for failing to make it past the quarter-finals of that competition in three attempts.

Inter kept only one clean sheet at the San Siro in six knockout ties under Mancini, and two of the four matches they lost were on away goals.

In fairness, no coach has guided Inter to the European Cup since Helenio Herrera in 1965.

And none of that means Mancini will not flourish at the City of Manchester Stadium. Indeed, in Italy his appointment to one of the Premier League's top managerial posts has come as no surprise

Again, not an attack but his Champion's League credentials are hardly sparkling. With respect to the Sports Illustrated article, you can google Mancini and the player names in the article and you will find many other articles supporting the notion that frequent spats through the media were his MO in his time in charge of Inter.

Again, not a knock. It's his style and it works in the short term but in the end things seem to go off the rails because of the level of distrust that is bread by pitting players against each other for playing time. One of many managerial styles and as already stated, it's too early in Mancini's reign to say how it will turn out. There are plenty of good things in his tenure so far but also a few worrying things is all.

only Mourinho managed to get Inter any form of CL success, and that was on Mancini's foundations and by playing the most smash and grab and negative football i've ever witnessed.
Chick Counterfly said:
The notion of him as someone who struggles in European competition and with man management skills is supported by these additional articles from some highly respected news organizations:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 423666.stm</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... /index.htm</a>

Completely bogus. They say nothing of the sort.


not to mention the argies bloggers . who do not know shit and, above all, do not understand a shit.
de niro said:
dont think many (if any) want him gone. the op asks a very fair and honest question. some think he's the dogs, some think the jury is out, thats football. the only thing that bothers me is the head in the sand stance that everything is rosy, its clearly not.

the treatment on here of hughes was nothing short of a disgrace, people wanted us to fail in order for him to be sacked, not only that they wanted him gone before a ball was kicked, the same people back bobby to the hilt.

strange people.

And some of the people who refused to accept any critisism of Hughes are now hurling abuse at Mancini.

Strange people indeed.
Mancio said:
Chick Counterfly said:
Completely bogus. They say nothing of the sort.


not to mention the argies bloggers . who do not know shit and, above all, do not understand a shit.

Fukin behave...talking about not getting past the qtrs of the CL!!
Insane, we havent won fuk all in ages or qualified for europes top competition and your worrying about how he will get on in the qtrs of the CL

Some people.....
Watch this and remember what city is all about

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... r_embedded</a>
JoeMercer'sWay said:
macmanson said:
I guess you missed this part of the BBC article?

Again, not an attack but his Champion's League credentials are hardly sparkling. With respect to the Sports Illustrated article, you can google Mancini and the player names in the article and you will find many other articles supporting the notion that frequent spats through the media were his MO in his time in charge of Inter.

Again, not a knock. It's his style and it works in the short term but in the end things seem to go off the rails because of the level of distrust that is bread by pitting players against each other for playing time. One of many managerial styles and as already stated, it's too early in Mancini's reign to say how it will turn out. There are plenty of good things in his tenure so far but also a few worrying things is all.

only Mourinho managed to get Inter any form of CL success, and that was on Mancini's foundations and by playing the most smash and grab and negative football i've ever witnessed.

I don't think anybody disputes that Mancini did great things at Inter and very much established a solid foundation for Mourinho. His transfer dealings have been pretty solid, if not spectacular, at both Inter and City and he cleary knows what he is doing with regards to putting a team together and organizing them tactically. I just fear that his man management skills sometimes sabotages the rest of the effort.

I'll use Tevez for example. When there were rumblings of Hughes getting the sack, Tevez came out and said:

"When I first joined the club I had a long chat with Mark Hughes and he gave me a vision of how the club was going to go forward," Tevez told the Daily Telegraph.

"The reason I joined was because I believe in his vision. I believe in what he had to say.

"I believe in the club. I also believe in Mark. We will be a big club. I'm 100 per cent behind the manager. I'm really surprised that a question about his future even exists at such an early stage.

"Of course, we can do even more. Every team in the Premier League will say they can do better and we are no exception. But the team is in transition with a lot of new players coming in and we have had a lot of injuries.

"It will not happen straight away but I will assure you of one major point. I will give the club, the fans and Mark Hughes my 100 per cent support.

"We need to have stability and calm to allow the club to move forward. People should not panic. There is a great desire and atmosphere to achieve that exists and that comes from the manager."

This is December 19th, 2009 just before Hughes sacking and Tevez is sounding pretty enthusiastic about City and their ambitions. Now let's flash forward to April (4 months later) and this is what Tevez is saying:

Tevez, City’s outstanding player since his defection from United last summer, said he did not agree with the sacking of Mark Hughes as manager and expressed his misgivings about Mancini’s training regime. “The players are not happy with this,” Tevez said. “We are at the end of a long season, we have big matches, we are tired but there are still double training sessions, morning and afternoon. Then, the next day, we train for two hours. I do not understand. But, please, he is the coach and I am the player. He is in charge. I am OK with him.”

I am OK with him is not exactly a ringing endorsement and Tevez's mood has become sour inside the space of 4 months. Now leaving aside the mard arse player argument trotted out, and focusing simply on the messages being conveyed by the players, can you honestly still say that everything is just fine and peachy under Mancini?

I don't think it entirely rests on Mancini's shoulders as the club management had a large part to play in creating the sour mood of the team last year in the way it handled the whole situation. The sacking of Hughes, while supposedly done in the best interest of club, painted the club as distrustful as they openly backed Hughes and then fired him because he wasn't there man and not because of some retarted excuse about trajectories. As a player, you look at that and think that everything the club has told you is probably bullshit as well and thus the seeds of distrust begin. This environment is similar to what exists at Real Madrid and in my opinion is the reason they have struggled to succeed in European competitions recently even though they've bought every superstar imaginable.
If Mancini had the people skills of Hughes he would be the total package as a manager of a club with big players on big wages with big egos. You notice with Hughes he dealt well with Robhino and Bellers and to a extent Ireland. Mancinis first thing was to get rid of all 3 when a word in the ear could of been a simple way out for him.
I think it is this management flaw that will hurt the team in the long term. How is he going to react if Yaya , Silva or Tevez spits the dummy out is my main concern. We done well to get these players but I would rather we keep hold of these players long term and IF Mancini cant change his people skills it will get even more tricky for him. When a model pro like Shay says that you do get worried. I was worried at the end of last season when first Ned and then Bellers and Ireland all came out with negative things about the club. The 3 players who during there time here have been pro the club but the fans here said it was sour grapes by the players. Maybe it was or maybe deep down it could be Mancini only time will tell.
leighton said:
If Mancini had the people skills of Hughes he would be the total package as a manager of a club with big players on big wages with big egos. You notice with Hughes he dealt well with Robhino and Bellers and to a extent Ireland. Mancinis first thing was to get rid of all 3 when a word in the ear could of been a simple way out for him.
I think it is this management flaw that will hurt the team in the long term. How is he going to react if Yaya , Silva or Tevez spits the dummy out is my main concern. We done well to get these players but I would rather we keep hold of these players long term and IF Mancini cant change his people skills it will get even more tricky for him. When a model pro like Shay says that you do get worried. I was worried at the end of last season when first Ned and then Bellers and Ireland all came out with negative things about the club. The 3 players who during there time here have been pro the club but the fans here said it was sour grapes by the players. Maybe it was or maybe deep down it could be Mancini only time will tell.

leighton said:
If Mancini had the people skills of Hughes he would be the total package as a manager of a club with big players on big wages with big egos. You notice with Hughes he dealt well with Robhino and Bellers and to a extent Ireland. Mancinis first thing was to get rid of all 3 when a word in the ear could of been a simple way out for him.
I think it is this management flaw that will hurt the team in the long term. How is he going to react if Yaya , Silva or Tevez spits the dummy out is my main concern. We done well to get these players but I would rather we keep hold of these players long term and IF Mancini cant change his people skills it will get even more tricky for him. When a model pro like Shay says that you do get worried. I was worried at the end of last season when first Ned and then Bellers and Ireland all came out with negative things about the club. The 3 players who during there time here have been pro the club but the fans here said it was sour grapes by the players. Maybe it was or maybe deep down it could be Mancini only time will tell.

I must be being Clarkie'd here...Hughes' man management skills?? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to say he dealt well with Robinho, his management with the Brazillians was an absolute disaster.

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