Basic People Management Skills

leighton said:
If Mancini had the people skills of Hughes he would be the total package as a manager of a club with big players on big wages with big egos. You notice with Hughes he dealt well with Robhino and Bellers and to a extent Ireland. Mancinis first thing was to get rid of all 3 when a word in the ear could of been a simple way out for him.
I think it is this management flaw that will hurt the team in the long term. How is he going to react if Yaya , Silva or Tevez spits the dummy out is my main concern. We done well to get these players but I would rather we keep hold of these players long term and IF Mancini cant change his people skills it will get even more tricky for him. When a model pro like Shay says that you do get worried. I was worried at the end of last season when first Ned and then Bellers and Ireland all came out with negative things about the club. The 3 players who during there time here have been pro the club but the fans here said it was sour grapes by the players. Maybe it was or maybe deep down it could be Mancini only time will tell.

Please tell me your joking leighton?
leighton said:
If Mancini had the people skills of Hughes he would be the total package as a manager of a club with big players on big wages with big egos. You notice with Hughes he dealt well with Robhino and Bellers and to a extent Ireland. Mancinis first thing was to get rid of all 3 when a word in the ear could of been a simple way out for him.
I think it is this management flaw that will hurt the team in the long term. How is he going to react if Yaya , Silva or Tevez spits the dummy out is my main concern. We done well to get these players but I would rather we keep hold of these players long term and IF Mancini cant change his people skills it will get even more tricky for him. When a model pro like Shay says that you do get worried. I was worried at the end of last season when first Ned and then Bellers and Ireland all came out with negative things about the club. The 3 players who during there time here have been pro the club but the fans here said it was sour grapes by the players. Maybe it was or maybe deep down it could be Mancini only time will tell.

PMSL at this one
leighton said:
If Mancini had the people skills of Hughes he would be the total package as a manager of a club with big players on big wages with big egos. You notice with Hughes he dealt well with Robhino and Bellers and to a extent Ireland. Mancinis first thing was to get rid of all 3 when a word in the ear could of been a simple way out for him.
I think it is this management flaw that will hurt the team in the long term. How is he going to react if Yaya , Silva or Tevez spits the dummy out is my main concern. We done well to get these players but I would rather we keep hold of these players long term and IF Mancini cant change his people skills it will get even more tricky for him. When a model pro like Shay says that you do get worried. I was worried at the end of last season when first Ned and then Bellers and Ireland all came out with negative things about the club. The 3 players who during there time here have been pro the club but the fans here said it was sour grapes by the players. Maybe it was or maybe deep down it could be Mancini only time will tell.

Obviously!!!! :)
leighton said:
The players knew were they stood with Hughes under Mancini they dont it is simple as that.

What about Jo, Elano, Tal Ben Haim, Sturridge, etc?
bluefandk said:
de niro said:
dont think many (if any) want him gone. the op asks a very fair and honest question. some think he's the dogs, some think the jury is out, thats football. the only thing that bothers me is the head in the sand stance that everything is rosy, its clearly not.

the treatment on here of hughes was nothing short of a disgrace, people wanted us to fail in order for him to be sacked, not only that they wanted him gone before a ball was kicked, the same people back bobby to the hilt.

strange people.

And some of the people who refused to accept any critisism of Hughes are now hurling abuse at Mancini.

Strange people indeed.
Some of us are being honest about what we are seeing week in week out at the game what's wrong with that.
It's funny seeing the same old faces that never go near Eastlands trying to tell people who go in week in week out how great things are when they are clearly not.
ONLY on Bluemoon & that's a fact.
de niro said:
dont think many (if any) want him gone. the op asks a very fair and honest question. some think he's the dogs, some think the jury is out, thats football. the only thing that bothers me is the head in the sand stance that everything is rosy, its clearly not.

the treatment on here of hughes was nothing short of a disgrace, people wanted us to fail in order for him to be sacked, not only that they wanted him gone before a ball was kicked, the same people back bobby to the hilt.
strange people.

Now there may have been a few fans who couldn't get over the United thing. However I am sure the majority like me wished him well when he started the job. In fact I liked the idea that an ex red could do for us what and ex blue did for them. However it didn't work out like that.

However some startling inept performances in both of his seasons in charge made many fans doubt the wisdom of keeping him on. We complained on this forum as you often do about Mancini. That's the way it goes.
Mancini: "It's false, there was no fight in the dressing room or on the pitch. We discussed the situation of his injury.

"Yesterday, he worked with the team, but if Manu is available for West Bromwich you will see tomorrow morning, but if he's available for Chelsea he could be on the bench."

This is a qoute at the end of an article presently on the SSN website

This again is bad management....he is basically saying that if Ade is fit it doesnt really matter wyhat he does in training he will be on the bench anyway for the chelsea match....

This causes two problems/issues:

1. This completely demotivates the player
2. Again it is showing that whether he has people fit or not he still will refuse to change the one up top system....he is far too rigid (unless he is going to pick Jo or Rsc to play alongisde Tevez...which is highly doubtful)

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