Basic People Management Skills

de niro said:
KenTheLandlord said:
so who would you drop to squeeze in Edin?

i suppose it depends who we play, on the whole i'd go.

boatang kolo vinny ak47
baz/nige yaya milner
dzeko mario.

have silva and johnson ready to come on to open up teams if required. untill then the fullbacks would create the width.

I notice you have gone for three defensive midfielders, something you have slated Mancini for.
It's all the me me me players who have a problem with the rotation system that are skriking to the press.Shay can't handle being second choice,Ade doesn't give a shit about MCFC and never will and has had half a dozen decent games since arriving,Ned was never good enough,Ireland played for himself.
It's team players that win gongs who fit the system without skriking.

Fletcher,Park,Brown and John O Shit are not exactly class players but will run through Walls for the club and manager.
I see that Shay has been quoted as saying that he'll 'go anywhere for first team football'.

What this translates into is:

"I'll go anywhere where I don't have to compete for a place"

When did shying away from competition and wanting to be the undisputed number one on reputation alone become an accepted thing?

If Tevez had said that he expects to play every game without working hard, we'd have shot him out of a cannon back to Boca.<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:52 am --<br /><br />
flb said:
It's all the me me me players who have a problem with the rotation system that are skriking to the press.Shay can't handle being second choice,Ade doesn't give a shit about MCFC and never will and has had half a dozen decent games since arriving,Ned was never good enough,Ireland played for himself.
It's team players that win gongs who fit the system without skriking.

Fletcher,Park,Brown and John O Shit are not exactly class players but will run through Walls for the club and manager.

It's very convenient of you to say that all of these players who left were obviously never good enough, or played for themselves.

I also don't have a single fucking clue how you feel you can know the mind of Adebayor. What am I thinking now Sherlock?
This whole thread can be summed up by this quote from Martin Petrov:

"Nobody looked me in the eyes and said: 'Martin, thank you for your time, you are a very professional player.'

Mancini is not my fav manager but I do think he will bring the club success. Like others, I find his type of man management to be somewhat lacking but that being said, the issue with negative players I think is more a club mismanagement issue if you believe the rest of the quotes from that article. I was bothered by the whole player exodus initially but I've moved on and just reluctantly accept it as part of the growth process. In the end, we could have avoided this whole negative press shit by doing the human thing but I guess that sentiment is not good enough for where we're going or have gone or whatever it is we are supposed to be doing nowadays.
macmanson said:
This whole thread can be summed up by this quote from Martin Petrov:

"Nobody looked me in the eyes and said: 'Martin, thank you for your time, you are a very professional player.'

Mancini is not my fav manager but I do think he will bring the club success. Like others, I find his type of man management to be somewhat lacking but that being said, the issue with negative players I think is more a club mismanagement issue if you believe the rest of the quotes from that article. I was bothered by the whole player exodus initially but I've moved on and just reluctantly accept it as part of the growth process. In the end, we could have avoided this whole negative press shit by doing the human thing but I guess that sentiment is not good enough for where we're going or have gone or whatever it is we are supposed to be doing nowadays.

Petrov isnt professional though, he whinges like a ****, and doesnt track back ;)
macmanson said:
This whole thread can be summed up by this quote from Martin Petrov:

"Nobody looked me in the eyes and said: 'Martin, thank you for your time, you are a very professional player.'

Mancini is not my fav manager but I do think he will bring the club success. Like others, I find his type of man management to be somewhat lacking but that being said, the issue with negative players I think is more a club mismanagement issue if you believe the rest of the quotes from that article. I was bothered by the whole player exodus initially but I've moved on and just reluctantly accept it as part of the growth process. In the end, we could have avoided this whole negative press shit by doing the human thing but I guess that sentiment is not good enough for where we're going or have gone or whatever it is we are supposed to be doing nowadays.
But you're basing this on only hearing one side of the story. Because the club have never responded to that. And nor should they.

Anyway. I think this thread's been done to death now so, I'm not going to bother adding my two penneth. I enjoyed reading the thread though. Very entertaining. The pro Mancini side won the debate, imho. Which, as it happens, is the side I come down on, surprisingly. And JoeMercer'sWay's rant on page 28 was the post of the thread. I thought that was worth a mention, as nobody else did.
One think thats clear is you cant have 23 man squad of international stars. that will always be a problem as you are dealing with players who was always the centre of the attention until they come to city and egos will clash. One thing Mourinho did very well was he seeked for players with certain personalities and already had 2 very strong leaders in terry and lampard. With the likes of Drogba and Cech being with them, they are strong enough to sort out anyone who cause trouble within the team.

The problem is that City doesnt have a strong core of players who are the leaders of the club and everyone is equal basically. They will sort this out and this is a learning process, im sure comming windows the people that recruit players will put more value to players character.

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