Basic People Management Skills

KenTheLandlord said:
Its another problem due to the transfer window.

Moaning players fester for months, causing problems and affecting morale.

Without the window, those unhappy can be moved along to where they would be happier and everyone can move on.

Its another bad by product, of the employment resticting rule.

totally agree with this.
If...and i accept that it is a very very big IF, Rm did accuse Ade of feigning an injury and was then proved subsequently wrong by medical reports/scans....would people then accept that this was an example of his at times bad man management?

I cannt remember whether it was a poster on here said that is what had happened or whether it was a report in a paper.....where did this story come from??????????????

The thing he said about Ireland (whether true or not) was however more than bad was unprofessional....that should never every have been said in public. I suppose you could use the excuse that his English is not A1 so it may not have come out right but it was still bad

No manager is perfect but at the very least RM needs to keep things under wraps a little least be a bit more media savvy with some of the things he says
PistonBlue said:
His overall managerial record tends to suggest he's doing something right.
In THIS Country it doesn't not by a long chalk,you can't think that other than on here

Mancini will have by now made his mind up on players like Ade, and in his mind he knows they'll be gone soon. So why would he blow smoke up his arse?
GONE SOON??? not before the new year he wont unless you know something we don't,perhaps needing Ade before then might be a reason not to totally dismiss him.

What Mancini clearly is, is a winner.
He clearly ISN''T in this Country & his record in italy as you well know when looked at isn't without a few if's,not yet anyway,he has a MASSIVE amount to prove.
I'm not going near the Hughes stuff it just about says everything.
johnny crossan said:
macmanson said:
Lol...your declaration that the "other" side won is hardly scientific proof. :) And besides, I don't think there are any pro Mancini/anti Mancini camps as there was with Hughes. The so called Anti-Mancini's have simply expressed concerns with some of his management skills but not demanded he be removed from the club like the anti-hughes brigade did.

With regards to the Petrov quote, that is the whole problem in that we only hear one side of the story. Had the club come out when the players were let go and released a personalized statement thanking the players for their contribution in a small blurb, then the rest of this goes away. Petrov's comment would look childish after that.

Instead they are dumped out of the club with a statement from the "club" on the website wishing them well without quotes. I mean give me a break. It's not like they are running a club with thousands upon thousands of employees to worry about. There should be no reason why the club can't take the time to personally thank players who are leaving the club under good circumstances. I worked for Adobe for 5 years in a senior but not managerial role but still had the VP of my group come to say some words to us when my group had been let go. That's just showing class.

This shit about sour grapes is simply excuse making as well. 1 or 2 players is sour grapes, 5 or 6 hints at a greater problem that you can't excuse away. These complaints about man management were one of the biggest knocks on Mancini when he was at Inter and ultimately the reason he was moved on from the club.

An Inter fan writing a blog at:

had to this to say about why he was happy Mancini was leaving Inter:

The notion of him as someone who struggles in European competition and with man management skills is supported by these additional articles from some highly respected news organizations:

We started to see signs of this towards the end of last season where rumors of bust-ups with the manager became quite frequent (Ireland, Tevez, Bellamy spring to mind right away) and this season they have continued with the same players plus now Shay and Adebayor.

As the blogger above stated, these aren't meant to be an attack on Mancini as he is a great manager. Us so called anti Mancinis simply want to see him improve an area that could turn him into an elite manager like Mourinho. The complaints aren't something new invented by City fans and some mad arse players as the pro Mancini camp paints it.

Even if Mancini isn't an "arm over the shoulder" type of guy, surely the club can afford to hire an individual whose job it is to liase with players and the manager to let them know exactly where they fit in a club, no? The most successful organizations in the world all implement some sort of employee management system that includes setting goals and providing feedback so that everyone is on the same page.

I for one would like to see a good quality manager given a long run like Ferguson with our team and the resources available but fear that this constant in-fighting with players is going to have a detrimental effect on the field at some point and we'll be going through another chop and change cycle which isn't in the club's best interest.

I find your notion that Mancini has to improve

a) on his European performances and b) on his man-management skills

a rather bizarre conflation.

It prompts me to ask, other than quoting his bad press and ignoring his good press, how you know so much about Mancini's management style.

Again, that point of the post is not to bash Mancini but to highlight that man management criticisms are not exactly something new for Mancini. It isn't something made up by City fans and some mard arse players as the pro Mancini camp likes to have it painted as. As I mentioned previously, it is a management style and does have it's merits as well as it's drawbacks like anything in life.

While is creates competition for spots in the team, it also upsets players and as a manager it becomes your job to manage those players and their expectations. Mancini has an assistant manager, first team coaches and trainers out the wazoo, so to me his primary responsibility is ensuring that he has a healthy competitive squad with all players pulling in the same direction. If all these players appear to have different expecations than the manager, then there is an obvious communication problem there.

These man management issues are what many believe to be the reason he struggled in European competitions as he played his favorites over players who were more accomplished. That's bad man management in my opinion. You field your best team always, regardless of how you feel about individual players or whether they support you or not. That's how the 2 ideas become related.
I have no problem with his management record even if at the time when Inter won those titles Italian football biggest teams Inters rivals all were in the shit with Juve getting kicked out it left it all open to Inter to clear up. He left a finished team for Jose and it is mainly down to Mancini that Inter have been the force they have since. Saying that it was Italy and the teams here are a level above and more competition here than there. He will be judged on what he does here from now on.

Some players need that other side of management were the boss will come over need be it and put a arm around them. All players wants a boss who tells them if they are part of there plans or not. Maybe it was lost in translation but it is 1 part of the job Mancini needs to take a closer look at.

You wouldnt class him as 1 of the top managers in football at the moment. So for Mancini it is very important year for him he needs to get champions league to keep hold of the job. He has to prove that he is as good as his record says he is.
I've followed Inter for years and cannot recall his European exits being put down to bad man management, so you're either mistaken or disingenuous on that point, macmanson. The criticisms usually tended to be tactical or personnel based, actually.

I also strongly disagree with the idea that playing Stankovic over an ancient Figo or Solari was favoritism. It was a decision based simply on the fact that Stankovic was the better player.

This whole man management thing is blown way, way out of proportion. I find it astonishing that his comments about Adebayor have been criticised. I read them as simply saying that, given he's been injured, he won't be ready to start against Chelsea. It would never have occurred to me that they could be interpreted in any other way.
Braggster said:
I've followed Inter for years and cannot recall his European exits being put down to bad man management, so you're either mistaken or disingenuous on that point, macmanson. The criticisms usually tended to be tactical or personnel based, actually.

I also strongly disagree with the idea that playing Stankovic over an ancient Figo or Solari was favoritism. It was a decision based simply on the fact that Stankovic was the better player.

This whole man management thing is blown way, way out of proportion. I find it astonishing that his comments about Adebayor have been criticised. I read them as simply saying that, given he's been injured, he won't be ready to start against Chelsea. It would never have occurred to me that they could be interpreted in any other way.

I don't know if i'm the only poster on here but i get the feeling simon23 would like Mancini to say what he said in a negative way so he could come on here and moan about Mancini and his poor man management. Apologies to simon23 if thats not the case but how he could take the comments from Mancini and suggest they were negative is beyond me

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