Basic People Management Skills

de niro said:
Mancio said:
you are the more funny exemple of moderator i've ever seen.

you are a fan of bellamy then you know very very well that mancini played bellamy week in week out despite their continously "bust up".

and this is the best evidence of how you are just shouting gratuite false.

so a mod can't have a point of view?, mark my words i have lived and breathed city for a very long time and i do have a point of view, iv'e done my time and deserve to say what the fuck i like if i think it.
you dont have to reply or agree.
I can't be fucked finding this quote as I haven't read the thread, only clicked to see why it'd had got so big. Anyway, Mancio, surely being a moderator means you remove insults etc? Surely this doesn't infringe on your right to have an opinion, different or not?

Like I said, I am aware I'm quoting de niro because I'm a lazy twat.
peacefrog said:
PistonBlue said:
His overall managerial record tends to suggest he's doing something right.

Mancini will have by now made his mind up on players like Ade, and in his mind he knows they'll be gone soon. So why would he blow smoke up his arse?
Someone mentions Petrov, well Mancini clearly didn't rate him so he sold him. There's no more to it. So Petrov wanted a farewell kiss? Not RM's style eveidently, get over it.

What Mancini clearly is, is a winner.

-- Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:21 pm --

Hughes was never fit to manage Manchester City in the first place, a terrible appointment that was always going to divide the fans. Who next, the elephant man? The Pikey? Captain Marvel?
And I may be being harsh here but, what did Petrov expect? Out of 3 seasons at city (well paid) and took almost 2 season sick leave. The statement the club gave when he left was generous I thought.

I was never one that called for Hughes to go either. I gave him the same backing I give Mancini now. For some to say the club got rid of Hughes because he wasn't their man is not entirely true. He wasn't their man no, but they backed him to the hilt in the market and give him every chance to show what he was about, which is more that most owners ever do coming into a club with an existing manager in charge.

I think it was clear what Petrov expected and that was to be treated like a human being. To be thanked for his contribution by those he was directly employed by and given some clue as to how they intended to use him. I'm sure he got the message when no new contract came but would have hurt the club to let him know that before hand? In my opinion, not a very big ask.
bluemanc said:
de niro said:
its saturday 3pm we have just beaten chelsea 2-1 and bob gets off the hook:)
It's not like one week he's on a hook then next week he's off it,he needs to start to ubderstand the Prem & fuckin quick.
He's the owners pick so he's here for the season but he has to take a long hard look at what he's doing,Tevez is going to be fucked the way we are playing him as a lone striker holding the ball up till the midfield gets forward.
Has it occurred to you that he may have signed Balo to help releave Tev and offer a change to the system.

And Bill... to be fair you did'nt half have a go and indeed continue to do so at people who wanted Hughsie out (I wasn't one of those people by the way) but you seem to have an opinion of Roberto Mancini that is somewhere between Nicolae Ceauşescu and Pol Pot. Are we to needlessly bin another manager before he's had a fair crack of the whip?
Managers must prioritise. You have to keep your eye on the prize, potentially at the expense of everything else.

In this case, he prioritised Hart and the first eleven over Given. He made a public display of confidence in Hart, and this extended to the rest of the defenders and midfielders. After throwing away points through two silly mistakes, he gave them the opportunity to put things right. They kept two convincing clean sheets, and confidence is fully restored. Against that, Given's unhappiness is small beer.

This is an example of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, the first team coming before a fringe player. It's worked. Mancini's man-management has demonstrably worked.

It's up to Given how he interprets what happened. Going to the press, before you have exhausted all avenues of internal communication, is selfish and short-sighted. Unhelpful to the club, the manager, and your team mates. Forgiveable, as his frustration is natural... but it won't be forgotten.
It's not acceptable behaviour, and anyone who ignores that, and focuses on whatever they imagine Mancini may or may not have done, has simply lost perspective.
Blue Smarties said:
de niro said:
so a mod can't have a point of view?, mark my words i have lived and breathed city for a very long time and i do have a point of view, iv'e done my time and deserve to say what the fuck i like if i think it.
you dont have to reply or agree.
I can't be fucked finding this quote as I haven't read the thread, only clicked to see why it'd had got so big. Anyway, Mancio, surely being a moderator means you remove insults etc? Surely this doesn't infringe on your right to have an opinion, different or not?

Like I said, I am aware I'm quoting de niro because I'm a lazy twat.

thats right, we mods are just blues and do like to post our thoughts too.
blues first, mods second.
de niro said:
Mancio said:
you are the more funny exemple of moderator i've ever seen.

you are a fan of bellamy then you know very very well that mancini played bellamy week in week out despite their continously "bust up".

and this is the best evidence of how you are just shouting gratuite false.

so a mod can't have a point of view?, mark my words i have lived and breathed city for a very long time and i do have a point of view, iv'e done my time and deserve to say what the fuck i like if i think it.
you dont have to reply or agree .

in fact i cant agree becouse i fully disagree.

as user you have every righr to say what you like but as a mod you have to be objective , at least about things you perfectly know.
macmanson said:
peacefrog said:
And I may be being harsh here but, what did Petrov expect? Out of 3 seasons at city (well paid) and took almost 2 season sick leave. The statement the club gave when he left was generous I thought.

I was never one that called for Hughes to go either. I gave him the same backing I give Mancini now. For some to say the club got rid of Hughes because he wasn't their man is not entirely true. He wasn't their man no, but they backed him to the hilt in the market and give him every chance to show what he was about, which is more that most owners ever do coming into a club with an existing manager in charge.

I think it was clear what Petrov expected and that was to be treated like a human being. To be thanked for his contribution by those he was directly employed by and given some clue as to how they intended to use him. I'm sure he got the message when no new contract came but would have hurt the club to let him know that before hand? In my opinion, not a very big ask.
Not treated like a human being? Are you sure you're not overreacting just a little bit there?
bluemoonmatt said:
bluemanc said:
It's not like one week he's on a hook then next week he's off it,he needs to start to ubderstand the Prem & fuckin quick.
He's the owners pick so he's here for the season but he has to take a long hard look at what he's doing,Tevez is going to be fucked the way we are playing him as a lone striker holding the ball up till the midfield gets forward.
Has it occurred to you that he may have signed Balo to help releave Tev and offer a change to the system.

And Bill... to be fair you did'nt half have a go and indeed continue to do so at people who wanted Hughsie out (I wasn't one of those people by the way) but you seem to have an opinion of Roberto Mancini that is somewhere between Nicolae Ceauşescu and Pol Pot. Are we to needlessly bin another manager before he's had a fair crack of the whip?

mancini is ten times the manager hughes was, everything in his locker points that way, his pure standing in the game will attract players hughes could only dream of. he is though open to errors, he does not yet know how the prem works, he certainly has his favourites in the dressing room and maybe needs to treat all players a little fairer.he's getting better and better with every game.
talk of changing the manager is absolutly stupid, we need to see this plan though and i think bob with achieve it.

he is not above a question or two though like some people seem to think.<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:59 pm --<br /><br />
Mancio said:
de niro said:
so a mod can't have a point of view?, mark my words i have lived and breathed city for a very long time and i do have a point of view, iv'e done my time and deserve to say what the fuck i like if i think it.
you dont have to reply or agree .

in fact i cant agree becouse i fully disagree.

as user you have every righr to say what you like but as a mod you have to be objective , at least about things you perfectly know.

define objective? call me thick but is that a yes man?
peacefrog said:
macmanson said:
I think it was clear what Petrov expected and that was to be treated like a human being. To be thanked for his contribution by those he was directly employed by and given some clue as to how they intended to use him. I'm sure he got the message when no new contract came but would have hurt the club to let him know that before hand? In my opinion, not a very big ask.
Not treated like a human being? Are you sure you're not overreacting just a little bit there?
This thread is full of people overreacting. Especially when you consider the start we've made with half the squad injured or jet lagged. 10 games from now is the time to start mouthing off. One way or another there are going to be a few embarrassed posters by then.
Failsworth_Blue said:
Braggster said:
I've followed Inter for years and cannot recall his European exits being put down to bad man management, so you're either mistaken or disingenuous on that point, macmanson. The criticisms usually tended to be tactical or personnel based, actually.

I also strongly disagree with the idea that playing Stankovic over an ancient Figo or Solari was favoritism. It was a decision based simply on the fact that Stankovic was the better player.

This whole man management thing is blown way, way out of proportion. I find it astonishing that his comments about Adebayor have been criticised. I read them as simply saying that, given he's been injured, he won't be ready to start against Chelsea. It would never have occurred to me that they could be interpreted in any other way.

I don't know if i'm the only poster on here but i get the feeling simon23 would like Mancini to say what he said in a negative way so he could come on here and moan about Mancini and his poor man management. Apologies to simon23 if thats not the case but how he could take the comments from Mancini and suggest they were negative is beyond me

id like nothign better to come on here and copmpliment RM on either his man managemt or his tactical decisions...and when he starts to improve on certainly the second aspect i will do so

But back to his man management....there is a list of players that have all come out and said basically the same thing (Viera, shay, bellemy, tevez, ireland petrov, Ned) i could accept that some of them are just doing it because they are pissed off with the manager...but Viera???....and tevez???? and Ned to some extent as well who we all know is way more intelligent than your average footballer...for him to come out on national tv and say the things he did there must have been something wrong as far as he was concerned......(Im not saying Ned was right to do this...he wasnt, he was wrong)

Didnt viera say something along the lines that the last time he worked under RM it was the same and that he has always been like that?? Viera wasnt criticising RM he was just saying how he manages from his past expereince wth him as well

But to some people on here that isnt a good management style and anyone who is a maanger will tell you that to be successful you have to manage some people differently from others...Viera may well be comfortable with RM's management style.....but others clearly arent. It s just another example of RM being rigid in the way he does things...and for me that is not a good thing.

and the thing he said about ireland wasnt bad was unprofessional

-- Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:04 pm --

bluemanc said:
de niro said:
its saturday 3pm we have just beaten chelsea 2-1 and bob gets off the hook:)
It's not like one week he's on a hook then next week he's off it,he needs to start to ubderstand the Prem & fuckin quick.
He's the owners pick so he's here for the season but he has to take a long hard look at what he's doing,Tevez is going to be fucked the way we are playing him as a lone striker holding the ball up till the midfield gets forward.

fully agree but thats another arguement<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:06 pm --<br /><br />
bluemoonmatt said:
simon23 said:
1. This completely demotivates the player

2. Again it is showing that whether he has people fit or not he still will refuse to change the one up top system....he is far too rigid (unless he is going to pick Jo or Rsc to play alongisde Tevez...which is highly doubtful)

1) Or as a very well rewarded professional football player he should ask why he is not being selected, and if he has the heart, desire and motivation, work harder and force his way back into the managers plans.

2) You say he won't change the system but then contradict this by saying "unless its with Jo or RSC to play alongside Tev". It is upto Ade (a player I have a great deal of admiration for by the way, and one I would be disappointed to see go) to... well see point 1

notice te bit where i say highly doubtful!!!! (he will change the system)

and shouldnt the manager explain why he is not beign selected instead of leaving ade to come to his own conclusions (which could well be wrong!)

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