Basic People Management Skills

de niro said:

totally agree, pick your mates at your peril bob.

you are the more funny exemple of moderator i've ever seen.

you are a fan of bellamy then you know very very well that mancini played bellamy week in week out despite their continously "bust up".

and this is the best evidence of how you are just shouting gratuite false.
macmanson said:
johnny crossan said:
I find your notion that Mancini has to improve

a) on his European performances and b) on his man-management skills

a rather bizarre conflation.

It prompts me to ask, other than quoting his bad press and ignoring his good press, how you know so much about Mancini's management style.

Again, that point of the post is not to bash Mancini but to highlight that man management criticisms are not exactly something new for Mancini. It isn't something made up by City fans and some mard arse players as the pro Mancini camp likes to have it painted as. As I mentioned previously, it is a management style and does have it's merits as well as it's drawbacks like anything in life.

While is creates competition for spots in the team, it also upsets players and as a manager it becomes your job to manage those players and their expectations. Mancini has an assistant manager, first team coaches and trainers out the wazoo, so to me his primary responsibility is ensuring that he has a healthy competitive squad with all players pulling in the same direction. If all these players appear to have different expecations than the manager, then there is an obvious communication problem there.

These man management issues are what many believe to be the reason he struggled in European competitions as he played his favorites over players who were more accomplished. That's bad man management in my opinion. You field your best team always, regardless of how you feel about individual players or whether they support you or not. That's how the 2 ideas become related.
You say they're his favourites like there's some kind of nepotism going on. I'd like to think players get picked, not because they cost more money or have bigger reputations, but because they prove they're working hard on the training pitch and are willing to do the work Mancini askes of them.
macmanson said:
These man management issues are what many believe to be the reason he struggled in European competitions as he played his favorites over players who were more accomplished. That's bad man management in my opinion. You field your best team always, regardless of how you feel about individual players or whether they support you or not. That's how the 2 ideas become related.

mancini has always field the best team he had. you know nothing about this , thats the truth.

mancini CL CV come with the team he had at his disposal , a team who was full of aged players not good enough. and the evidence of this comed from the first mourinho's year at inter when with mancini's players he had the same results if not worse.

then , selling ibrahimovic Inter got the money for buy the players who bringed the winnig mentality in the team , Lucio and Eto'o. and just with them results have come.
Mancio said:
de niro said:
totally agree, pick your mates at your peril bob.

you are the more funny exemple of moderator i've ever seen.

you are a fan of bellamy then you know very very well that mancini played bellamy week in week out despite their continously "bust up".

and this is the best evidence of how you are just shouting gratuite false.

so a mod can't have a point of view?, mark my words i have lived and breathed city for a very long time and i do have a point of view, iv'e done my time and deserve to say what the fuck i like if i think it.
you dont have to reply or agree.
Let's say Mancini's the boss at the BBC. The Stig is Shay Given. Stig goes to the press and says I'm going to reveal my identity in a tell-all book. ''You can fuck right off if you do'' says the BBC boss. Stig does what he said and promptly gets his ticket.

Basically, you do what the boss says and if you rock the boat in any way there's a consequence. It's fuck all to do with man-management failures. It's everything to do with having a bit of respect for the boss.

Given should have respected the boss's decision and got on with it - not blab to the press like a fuckin girl.
de niro said:
its saturday 3pm we have just beaten chelsea 2-1 and bob gets off the hook:)
It's not like one week he's on a hook then next week he's off it,he needs to start to ubderstand the Prem & fuckin quick.
He's the owners pick so he's here for the season but he has to take a long hard look at what he's doing,Tevez is going to be fucked the way we are playing him as a lone striker holding the ball up till the midfield gets forward.
simon23 said:
1. This completely demotivates the player

2. Again it is showing that whether he has people fit or not he still will refuse to change the one up top system....he is far too rigid (unless he is going to pick Jo or Rsc to play alongisde Tevez...which is highly doubtful)

1) Or as a very well rewarded professional football player he should ask why he is not being selected, and if he has the heart, desire and motivation, work harder and force his way back into the managers plans.

2) You say he won't change the system but then contradict this by saying "unless its with Jo or RSC to play alongside Tev". It is upto Ade (a player I have a great deal of admiration for by the way, and one I would be disappointed to see go) to... well see point 1
Let's say Mancini's the boss at the BBC. The Stig is Shay Given. Stig goes to the press and says I'm going to reveal my identity in a tell-all book. ''You can fuck right off if you do'' says the BBC boss. Stig does what he said and promptly gets his ticket.

Basically, you do what the boss says and if you rock the boat in any way there's a consequence. It's fuck all to do with man-management failures. It's everything to do with having a bit of respect for the boss.

Given should have respected the boss's decision and got on with it - not blab to the press like a fuckin girl.

top post mate, if he cares about the football club, he should shut up
bluemanc said:
de niro said:
its saturday 3pm we have just beaten chelsea 2-1 and bob gets off the hook:)
It's not like one week he's on a hook then next week he's off it,he needs to start to ubderstand the Prem & fuckin quick.
He's the owners pick so he's here for the season but he has to take a long hard look at what he's doing,Tevez is going to be fucked the way we are playing him as a lone striker holding the ball up till the midfield gets forward.

can't argue with this.

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