Basic People Management Skills

peacefrog said:
Also I'm confused by this statement, "he does not yet know how the prem works". 1 I'm not sure what it really means. And 2 How anyone not in his confidence would know that I don't know.

confused ? why ??

every man and their dogs know very well how out of England pitch is round and football is square

then is obviouvsly difficult for mancini adapts his tactics to squares pitch and round balls
peacefrog said:
simon23 said:
i think he means tactically doesnt know how it works and im inclined to agree in part
I'm sorry, maybe it's me but, that's still a bit vague for me. Maybe I just don't see thing as complicated as some people. It's football. The rules are the same wherever you play it. I know different leagues are seen as having different styles but, the differences aren't that great. And as someone who is known to be a "student of the game", I'm pretty sure Mancini was well clues up on english football a long time ago.

just like some players have trouble adapting to the do some managers
Let's say Mancini's the boss at the BBC. The Stig is Shay Given. Stig goes to the press and says I'm going to reveal my identity in a tell-all book. ''You can fuck right off if you do'' says the BBC boss. Stig does what he said and promptly gets his ticket.

Basically, you do what the boss says and if you rock the boat in any way there's a consequence. It's fuck all to do with man-management failures. It's everything to do with having a bit of respect for the boss.

Given should have respected the boss's decision and got on with it - not blab to the press like a fuckin girl.

Right like Tevez when he came out with lots of negative things to say about Mancini at the end of last season and was told by Mancini he could leave the club, only to turn around and make him the captain. He really showed that Tevez character a peace of his mind. Than there was Joe Hart who talked shit about leaving if he wasn't number 1 and Mancini punished him real good. Made him start the season as number 1 and will make him finish it like that come hell or high water. No more of this players dictating who plays and who doesn't nonsense right?
simon23 said:
peacefrog said:
I'm not one who think he's above question. I do think what's being levelled at him in this thread though are more than just questions, they're accusations, based on suppositions.

Also I'm confused by this statement, "he does not yet know how the prem works". 1 I'm not sure what it really means. And 2 How anyone not in his confidence would know that I don't know.

i think he means tactically doesnt know how it works and im inclined to agree in part

Did you apply for his position. I presume from amount of pseudo tactical rubbish that you post that you may have one or two coaching qualifications that, to be honest, anybody with time on their hands could obtain. SO YOU THINK THAT MANCINI IS TACTICALLY NIEVE IN THE PREMIERSHIP. THIS STATEMENT PRESUMES THAT YOU KNOW BETTER. IS YOUR APPLICATION IN FOR WHEN HE LEAVES?

I think we would all like that, but I don't think there is a single person on this board that can say that Jo is a better squad player than Bellamy. So obviously, merit is not the only selection criteria. Hughes was rightly blasted for the same behavior with regard to Elano.
Jo is a better bet for so many reasons.

1: He's fit. Bellamy has managed 2 starts in 7 for Cardiff. Squad Players have to be available when needed or they are a waste of space (see: RSC)

2: He is desparate. He is working to save his career. He can't expect anything from the club. Can't complain if he doesn't get matches. Can't afford to slack off behind the scenes. By contrast, Bellamy admits he has an ego the size of a planet and would surely be likely to cause problems if he went 6 games without a start. Bellamy was also a big story. Every time he's unhappy, it makes the papers. It's a very bad mix for a squad player. His comments could overshadow the work being done by the first team, and the squad players quietly working away.

As I have pointed out in previous threads, Mancini was quoted in the American press as far back as late July as saying that he wasn't sure that Bellamy would be in the squad. Then they tried to offload him to Wolfsburg all prior to his so called disrepectful and "unprompted" press conference. That doesn't exactly sound like they were rewarding people based on merit now does it?

Not 'merit'.

Chick Counterfly said:
Managers must prioritise. You have to keep your eye on the prize, potentially at the expense of everything else.

In this case, he prioritised Hart and the first eleven over Given. He made a public display of confidence in Hart, and this extended to the rest of the defenders and midfielders. After throwing away points through two silly mistakes, he gave them the opportunity to put things right. They kept two convincing clean sheets, and confidence is fully restored. Against that, Given's unhappiness is small beer.

This is an example of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, the first team coming before a fringe player. It's worked. Mancini's man-management has demonstrably worked.

It's up to Given how he interprets what happened. Going to the press, before you have exhausted all avenues of internal communication, is selfish and short-sighted. Unhelpful to the club, the manager, and your team mates. Forgiveable, as his frustration is natural... but it won't be forgotten.
It's not acceptable behaviour, and anyone who ignores that, and focuses on whatever they imagine Mancini may or may not have done, has simply lost perspective.

Right, so players doing what's right for them is bad but managers doing what's right for them is good. Got it.
macmanson said:
As I have pointed out in previous threads, Mancini was quoted in the American press as far back as late July as saying that he wasn't sure that Bellamy would be in the squad. Then they tried to offload him to Wolfsburg all prior to his so called disrepectful and "unprompted" press conference. That doesn't exactly sound like they were rewarding people based on merit now does it?

with the 25 man squad rule the first requisite a player need is not to be know as injury prone.

is far more better a young healty JO than an aged brokenknees bellamy.
80s Shorts said:
simon23 said:
i think he means tactically doesnt know how it works and im inclined to agree in part

Did you apply for his position. I presume from amount of pseudo tactical rubbish that you post that you may have one or two coaching qualifications that, to be honest, anybody with time on their hands could obtain. SO YOU THINK THAT MANCINI IS TACTICALLY NIEVE IN THE PREMIERSHIP. THIS STATEMENT PRESUMES THAT YOU KNOW BETTER. IS YOUR APPLICATION IN FOR WHEN HE LEAVES?


he's trying to play the italian way in the englisgh prem, bob mate, wake up and smell the coffee, its just not like serie A. your boring shit wont wash.
macmanson said:
Let's say Mancini's the boss at the BBC. The Stig is Shay Given. Stig goes to the press and says I'm going to reveal my identity in a tell-all book. ''You can fuck right off if you do'' says the BBC boss. Stig does what he said and promptly gets his ticket.

Basically, you do what the boss says and if you rock the boat in any way there's a consequence. It's fuck all to do with man-management failures. It's everything to do with having a bit of respect for the boss.

Given should have respected the boss's decision and got on with it - not blab to the press like a fuckin girl.

Right like Tevez when he came out with lots of negative things to say about Mancini at the end of last season and was told by Mancini he could leave the club, only to turn around and make him the captain. He really showed that Tevez character a peace of his mind. Than there was Joe Hart who talked shit about leaving if he wasn't number 1 and Mancini punished him real good. Made him start the season as number 1 and will make him finish it like that come hell or high water. No more of this players dictating who plays and who doesn't nonsense right?

Oh dear.

Tevez came out with his shit, Mancini said he could leave. Hes said fk all since. Mancini thinks ok fair enough, lets cement this relationship with the management , squad, club and fans further and make him captain.

Given and Hart both said they had to be no 1. Mancini made a strong decision (which at the time raised many eyebrows) and promoted Hart to no 1.

What exactly did you want him to do? Put them both on the bench and put Taylor in.

Your "arguments" have more holes than a seive.

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